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pll_main.vho 9.0KB

7 months ago
  1. --IP Functional Simulation Model
  2. --VERSION_BEGIN 21.1 cbx_mgl 2022:06:23:22:26:17:SJ cbx_simgen 2022:06:23:22:02:32:SJ VERSION_END
  3. -- Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
  4. -- Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
  5. -- and other software and tools, and any partner logic
  6. -- functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
  7. -- (including device programming or simulation files), and any
  8. -- associated documentation or information are expressly subject
  9. -- to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
  10. -- Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
  11. -- the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
  12. -- agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
  13. -- the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
  14. -- Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
  15. -- refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at
  16. --
  17. -- You may only use these simulation model output files for simulation
  18. -- purposes and expressly not for synthesis or any other purposes (in which
  19. -- event Intel disclaims all warranties of any kind).
  20. --synopsys translate_off
  21. LIBRARY altera_lnsim;
  22. USE altera_lnsim.altera_lnsim_components.all;
  23. --synthesis_resources = altera_pll 1
  24. LIBRARY ieee;
  25. USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
  26. ENTITY pll_main IS
  27. PORT
  28. (
  29. locked : OUT STD_LOGIC;
  30. outclk_0 : OUT STD_LOGIC;
  31. refclk : IN STD_LOGIC;
  32. rst : IN STD_LOGIC
  33. );
  34. END pll_main;
  36. ATTRIBUTE synthesis_clearbox : natural;
  37. ATTRIBUTE synthesis_clearbox OF RTL : ARCHITECTURE IS 1;
  38. SIGNAL wire_gnd : STD_LOGIC;
  39. SIGNAL wire_pll_main_altera_pll_altera_pll_i_639_locked : STD_LOGIC;
  40. SIGNAL wire_pll_main_altera_pll_altera_pll_i_639_outclk : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0);
  41. BEGIN
  42. wire_gnd <= '0';
  43. locked <= wire_pll_main_altera_pll_altera_pll_i_639_locked;
  44. outclk_0 <= wire_pll_main_altera_pll_altera_pll_i_639_outclk(0);
  45. pll_main_altera_pll_altera_pll_i_639 : altera_pll
  47. c_cnt_bypass_en0 => "false",
  48. c_cnt_bypass_en1 => "false",
  49. c_cnt_bypass_en10 => "false",
  50. c_cnt_bypass_en11 => "false",
  51. c_cnt_bypass_en12 => "false",
  52. c_cnt_bypass_en13 => "false",
  53. c_cnt_bypass_en14 => "false",
  54. c_cnt_bypass_en15 => "false",
  55. c_cnt_bypass_en16 => "false",
  56. c_cnt_bypass_en17 => "false",
  57. c_cnt_bypass_en2 => "false",
  58. c_cnt_bypass_en3 => "false",
  59. c_cnt_bypass_en4 => "false",
  60. c_cnt_bypass_en5 => "false",
  61. c_cnt_bypass_en6 => "false",
  62. c_cnt_bypass_en7 => "false",
  63. c_cnt_bypass_en8 => "false",
  64. c_cnt_bypass_en9 => "false",
  65. c_cnt_hi_div0 => 1,
  66. c_cnt_hi_div1 => 1,
  67. c_cnt_hi_div10 => 1,
  68. c_cnt_hi_div11 => 1,
  69. c_cnt_hi_div12 => 1,
  70. c_cnt_hi_div13 => 1,
  71. c_cnt_hi_div14 => 1,
  72. c_cnt_hi_div15 => 1,
  73. c_cnt_hi_div16 => 1,
  74. c_cnt_hi_div17 => 1,
  75. c_cnt_hi_div2 => 1,
  76. c_cnt_hi_div3 => 1,
  77. c_cnt_hi_div4 => 1,
  78. c_cnt_hi_div5 => 1,
  79. c_cnt_hi_div6 => 1,
  80. c_cnt_hi_div7 => 1,
  81. c_cnt_hi_div8 => 1,
  82. c_cnt_hi_div9 => 1,
  83. c_cnt_in_src0 => "ph_mux_clk",
  84. c_cnt_in_src1 => "ph_mux_clk",
  85. c_cnt_in_src10 => "ph_mux_clk",
  86. c_cnt_in_src11 => "ph_mux_clk",
  87. c_cnt_in_src12 => "ph_mux_clk",
  88. c_cnt_in_src13 => "ph_mux_clk",
  89. c_cnt_in_src14 => "ph_mux_clk",
  90. c_cnt_in_src15 => "ph_mux_clk",
  91. c_cnt_in_src16 => "ph_mux_clk",
  92. c_cnt_in_src17 => "ph_mux_clk",
  93. c_cnt_in_src2 => "ph_mux_clk",
  94. c_cnt_in_src3 => "ph_mux_clk",
  95. c_cnt_in_src4 => "ph_mux_clk",
  96. c_cnt_in_src5 => "ph_mux_clk",
  97. c_cnt_in_src6 => "ph_mux_clk",
  98. c_cnt_in_src7 => "ph_mux_clk",
  99. c_cnt_in_src8 => "ph_mux_clk",
  100. c_cnt_in_src9 => "ph_mux_clk",
  101. c_cnt_lo_div0 => 1,
  102. c_cnt_lo_div1 => 1,
  103. c_cnt_lo_div10 => 1,
  104. c_cnt_lo_div11 => 1,
  105. c_cnt_lo_div12 => 1,
  106. c_cnt_lo_div13 => 1,
  107. c_cnt_lo_div14 => 1,
  108. c_cnt_lo_div15 => 1,
  109. c_cnt_lo_div16 => 1,
  110. c_cnt_lo_div17 => 1,
  111. c_cnt_lo_div2 => 1,
  112. c_cnt_lo_div3 => 1,
  113. c_cnt_lo_div4 => 1,
  114. c_cnt_lo_div5 => 1,
  115. c_cnt_lo_div6 => 1,
  116. c_cnt_lo_div7 => 1,
  117. c_cnt_lo_div8 => 1,
  118. c_cnt_lo_div9 => 1,
  119. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en0 => "false",
  120. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en1 => "false",
  121. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en10 => "false",
  122. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en11 => "false",
  123. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en12 => "false",
  124. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en13 => "false",
  125. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en14 => "false",
  126. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en15 => "false",
  127. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en16 => "false",
  128. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en17 => "false",
  129. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en2 => "false",
  130. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en3 => "false",
  131. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en4 => "false",
  132. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en5 => "false",
  133. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en6 => "false",
  134. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en7 => "false",
  135. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en8 => "false",
  136. c_cnt_odd_div_duty_en9 => "false",
  137. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst0 => 0,
  138. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst1 => 0,
  139. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst10 => 0,
  140. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst11 => 0,
  141. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst12 => 0,
  142. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst13 => 0,
  143. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst14 => 0,
  144. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst15 => 0,
  145. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst16 => 0,
  146. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst17 => 0,
  147. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst2 => 0,
  148. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst3 => 0,
  149. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst4 => 0,
  150. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst5 => 0,
  151. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst6 => 0,
  152. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst7 => 0,
  153. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst8 => 0,
  154. c_cnt_ph_mux_prst9 => 0,
  155. c_cnt_prst0 => 1,
  156. c_cnt_prst1 => 1,
  157. c_cnt_prst10 => 1,
  158. c_cnt_prst11 => 1,
  159. c_cnt_prst12 => 1,
  160. c_cnt_prst13 => 1,
  161. c_cnt_prst14 => 1,
  162. c_cnt_prst15 => 1,
  163. c_cnt_prst16 => 1,
  164. c_cnt_prst17 => 1,
  165. c_cnt_prst2 => 1,
  166. c_cnt_prst3 => 1,
  167. c_cnt_prst4 => 1,
  168. c_cnt_prst5 => 1,
  169. c_cnt_prst6 => 1,
  170. c_cnt_prst7 => 1,
  171. c_cnt_prst8 => 1,
  172. c_cnt_prst9 => 1,
  173. clock_name_0 => "UNUSED",
  174. clock_name_1 => "UNUSED",
  175. clock_name_2 => "UNUSED",
  176. clock_name_3 => "UNUSED",
  177. clock_name_4 => "UNUSED",
  178. clock_name_5 => "UNUSED",
  179. clock_name_6 => "UNUSED",
  180. clock_name_7 => "UNUSED",
  181. clock_name_8 => "UNUSED",
  182. clock_name_global_0 => "false",
  183. clock_name_global_1 => "false",
  184. clock_name_global_2 => "false",
  185. clock_name_global_3 => "false",
  186. clock_name_global_4 => "false",
  187. clock_name_global_5 => "false",
  188. clock_name_global_6 => "false",
  189. clock_name_global_7 => "false",
  190. clock_name_global_8 => "false",
  191. data_rate => 0,
  192. deserialization_factor => 4,
  193. duty_cycle0 => 50,
  194. duty_cycle1 => 50,
  195. duty_cycle10 => 50,
  196. duty_cycle11 => 50,
  197. duty_cycle12 => 50,
  198. duty_cycle13 => 50,
  199. duty_cycle14 => 50,
  200. duty_cycle15 => 50,
  201. duty_cycle16 => 50,
  202. duty_cycle17 => 50,
  203. duty_cycle2 => 50,
  204. duty_cycle3 => 50,
  205. duty_cycle4 => 50,
  206. duty_cycle5 => 50,
  207. duty_cycle6 => 50,
  208. duty_cycle7 => 50,
  209. duty_cycle8 => 50,
  210. duty_cycle9 => 50,
  211. fractional_vco_multiplier => "false",
  212. m_cnt_bypass_en => "false",
  213. m_cnt_hi_div => 1,
  214. m_cnt_lo_div => 1,
  215. m_cnt_odd_div_duty_en => "false",
  216. mimic_fbclk_type => "gclk",
  217. n_cnt_bypass_en => "false",
  218. n_cnt_hi_div => 1,
  219. n_cnt_lo_div => 1,
  220. n_cnt_odd_div_duty_en => "false",
  221. number_of_clocks => 1,
  222. operation_mode => "direct",
  223. output_clock_frequency0 => "100.000000 MHz",
  224. output_clock_frequency1 => "0 MHz",
  225. output_clock_frequency10 => "0 MHz",
  226. output_clock_frequency11 => "0 MHz",
  227. output_clock_frequency12 => "0 MHz",
  228. output_clock_frequency13 => "0 MHz",
  229. output_clock_frequency14 => "0 MHz",
  230. output_clock_frequency15 => "0 MHz",
  231. output_clock_frequency16 => "0 MHz",
  232. output_clock_frequency17 => "0 MHz",
  233. output_clock_frequency2 => "0 MHz",
  234. output_clock_frequency3 => "0 MHz",
  235. output_clock_frequency4 => "0 MHz",
  236. output_clock_frequency5 => "0 MHz",
  237. output_clock_frequency6 => "0 MHz",
  238. output_clock_frequency7 => "0 MHz",
  239. output_clock_frequency8 => "0 MHz",
  240. output_clock_frequency9 => "0 MHz",
  241. phase_shift0 => "0 ps",
  242. phase_shift1 => "0 ps",
  243. phase_shift10 => "0 ps",
  244. phase_shift11 => "0 ps",
  245. phase_shift12 => "0 ps",
  246. phase_shift13 => "0 ps",
  247. phase_shift14 => "0 ps",
  248. phase_shift15 => "0 ps",
  249. phase_shift16 => "0 ps",
  250. phase_shift17 => "0 ps",
  251. phase_shift2 => "0 ps",
  252. phase_shift3 => "0 ps",
  253. phase_shift4 => "0 ps",
  254. phase_shift5 => "0 ps",
  255. phase_shift6 => "0 ps",
  256. phase_shift7 => "0 ps",
  257. phase_shift8 => "0 ps",
  258. phase_shift9 => "0 ps",
  259. pll_auto_clk_sw_en => "false",
  260. pll_bw_sel => "low",
  261. pll_bwctrl => 0,
  262. pll_clk_loss_sw_en => "false",
  263. pll_clk_sw_dly => 0,
  264. pll_clkin_0_src => "clk_0",
  265. pll_clkin_1_src => "clk_0",
  266. pll_cp_current => 0,
  267. pll_dsm_out_sel => "1st_order",
  268. pll_extclk_0_cnt_src => "pll_extclk_cnt_src_vss",
  269. pll_extclk_1_cnt_src => "pll_extclk_cnt_src_vss",
  270. pll_fbclk_mux_1 => "glb",
  271. pll_fbclk_mux_2 => "fb_1",
  272. pll_fractional_cout => 24,
  273. pll_fractional_division => 1,
  274. pll_m_cnt_in_src => "ph_mux_clk",
  275. pll_manu_clk_sw_en => "false",
  276. pll_output_clk_frequency => "0 MHz",
  277. pll_slf_rst => "false",
  278. pll_subtype => "General",
  279. pll_type => "General",
  280. pll_vco_div => 1,
  281. pll_vcoph_div => 1,
  282. refclk1_frequency => "0 MHz",
  283. reference_clock_frequency => "50.0 MHz",
  284. sim_additional_refclk_cycles_to_lock => 0
  285. )
  286. PORT MAP (
  287. fbclk => wire_gnd,
  288. locked => wire_pll_main_altera_pll_altera_pll_i_639_locked,
  289. outclk => wire_pll_main_altera_pll_altera_pll_i_639_outclk,
  290. refclk => refclk,
  291. rst => rst
  292. );
  293. END RTL; --pll_main
  294. --synopsys translate_on
  295. --VALID FILE