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2023-10-31 07:47:27 +01:00
// SdfUnit2: Radix-2 SDF Dedicated for Twiddle Resolution M = 2
module SdfUnit2 #(
parameter WIDTH = 16, // Data Bit Length
parameter BF_RH = 0 // Butterfly Round Half Up
input clock, // Master Clock
input reset, // Active High Asynchronous Reset
input di_en, // Input Data Enable
input [WIDTH-1:0] di_re, // Input Data (Real)
input [WIDTH-1:0] di_im, // Input Data (Imag)
output reg do_en, // Output Data Enable
output reg [WIDTH-1:0] do_re, // Output Data (Real)
output reg [WIDTH-1:0] do_im // Output Data (Imag)
// Internal Regs and Nets
reg bf_en; // Butterfly Add/Sub Enable
wire[WIDTH-1:0] x0_re; // Data #0 to Butterfly (Real)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] x0_im; // Data #0 to Butterfly (Imag)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] x1_re; // Data #1 to Butterfly (Real)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] x1_im; // Data #1 to Butterfly (Imag)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] y0_re; // Data #0 from Butterfly (Real)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] y0_im; // Data #0 from Butterfly (Imag)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] y1_re; // Data #1 from Butterfly (Real)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] y1_im; // Data #1 from Butterfly (Imag)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] db_di_re; // Data to DelayBuffer (Real)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] db_di_im; // Data to DelayBuffer (Imag)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] db_do_re; // Data from DelayBuffer (Real)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] db_do_im; // Data from DelayBuffer (Imag)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] bf_sp_re; // Single-Path Data Output (Real)
wire[WIDTH-1:0] bf_sp_im; // Single-Path Data Output (Imag)
reg bf_sp_en; // Single-Path Data Enable
// Butterfly Add/Sub
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
bf_en <= 1'b0;
end else begin
bf_en <= di_en ? ~bf_en : 1'b0;
// Set unknown value x for verification
assign x0_re = bf_en ? db_do_re : {WIDTH{1'bx}};
assign x0_im = bf_en ? db_do_im : {WIDTH{1'bx}};
assign x1_re = bf_en ? di_re : {WIDTH{1'bx}};
assign x1_im = bf_en ? di_im : {WIDTH{1'bx}};
Butterfly #(.WIDTH(WIDTH),.RH(BF_RH)) BF (
.x0_re (x0_re ), // i
.x0_im (x0_im ), // i
.x1_re (x1_re ), // i
.x1_im (x1_im ), // i
.y0_re (y0_re ), // o
.y0_im (y0_im ), // o
.y1_re (y1_re ), // o
.y1_im (y1_im ) // o
DelayBuffer #(.DEPTH(1),.WIDTH(WIDTH)) DB (
.clock (clock ), // i
.di_re (db_di_re ), // i
.di_im (db_di_im ), // i
.do_re (db_do_re ), // o
.do_im (db_do_im ) // o
assign db_di_re = bf_en ? y1_re : di_re;
assign db_di_im = bf_en ? y1_im : di_im;
assign bf_sp_re = bf_en ? y0_re : db_do_re;
assign bf_sp_im = bf_en ? y0_im : db_do_im;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
bf_sp_en <= 1'b0;
do_en <= 1'b0;
end else begin
bf_sp_en <= di_en;
do_en <= bf_sp_en;
always @(posedge clock) begin
do_re <= bf_sp_re;
do_im <= bf_sp_im;