2023-10-31 07:47:27 +01:00
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.reg32.all;
use work.task.all;
entity crc is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
task_start : in std_logic;
task_state : out work.task.State;
signal_read : out std_logic;
signal_readdata : in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
signal_write : out std_logic;
signal_writedata : out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 )
end entity crc;
architecture rtl of crc is
signal current_task_state : work.task.State;
signal next_task_state : work.task.State;
signal index : integer range 0 to work.task.STREAM_LEN;
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--Selbst angelegte Signale
signal data_valid_flag : std_logic;
signal busy_flag : std_logic;
signal result_valid_flag : std_logic;
signal crc_vorher : signed( 31 downto 0);
signal crc_nachher : signed( 31 downto 0 );
signal komplett_ergebnis : signed( 31 downto 0 ); --Ergebnis muss zum Schluss evtl invertiert werden (siehe Software)
signal wort : signed( 31 downto 0 );
signal byte : signed( 7 downto 0 );
--Zustände für die Zustandsmaschine für die Berechnung
type CalcState is (
--Signale für die Zustandsmaschine für die Berechnung
signal current_calc_state : CalcState;
signal next_calc_state : CalcState;
-- Anmerkung zu CRC-Polynom:
-- in Software wurde 0xEDB88320 CRC-32 Polynom (Invers) verwendet
-- nicht invers waere 0x04C11DB7
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-- Eigener Core verwendet 0xEDB88320 als Polynom
u_crc_core : entity work.crc_core -- Das hier ist der Core
port map (
crcIn => , --in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
data => , --in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
crcOut => --out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
-- Diesen Prozess nicht aendern
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task_state_transitions : process ( current_task_state, task_start, index ) is
next_task_state <= current_task_state;
case current_task_state is
when work.task.TASK_IDLE =>
if ( task_start = '1' ) then
next_task_state <= work.task.TASK_RUNNING;
end if;
when work.task.TASK_RUNNING =>
if ( index = work.task.STREAM_LEN - 1 ) then
next_task_state <= work.task.TASK_DONE;
end if;
when work.task.TASK_DONE =>
if ( task_start = '1' ) then
next_task_state <= work.task.TASK_RUNNING;
end if;
end case;
end process task_state_transitions;
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--Übergangsschaltnetz der Zustandsmaschine für die Berechnung ###Nur aus sine.vhd kopiert!
calc_state_transitions: process (all) is
next_calc_state <= current_calc_state;
case current_calc_state is
when CALC_IDLE=>
if (current_task_state= work.task.TASK_RUNNING) then
next_calc_state <= CALC_START;
end if;
next_calc_state <= CALC_CRC;
when CALC_CRC =>
if (result_valid_flag = '1' and busy_flag = '0') then --or falling_edge( busy) ?
next_calc_state <= CALC_STORE_RESULT;
end if;
if ( index = work.task.STREAM_LEN ) then
next_calc_state <= CALC_IDLE;
next_calc_state <= CALC_START;
end if;
end case;
end process calc_state_transitions;
--Dieser Prozess war vorher schon drin, muss aber noch modifiziert werden
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sync : process ( clk, reset ) is
if ( reset = '1' ) then
current_task_state <= work.task.TASK_IDLE;
index <= 0;
elsif ( rising_edge( clk ) ) then
current_task_state <= next_task_state;
case next_task_state is
when work.task.TASK_IDLE =>
index <= 0;
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-- signal_write <= '0';
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when work.task.TASK_RUNNING =>
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index <= index + 1;
--signal_write <= '1';
--signal_writedata <= ( others => '0' );
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when work.task.TASK_DONE =>
index <= 0;
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--signal_write <= '0';
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end case;
end if;
end process sync;
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crc_calc :process ( clk, reset ) is
if ( reset = '1' ) then
signal_read <= '0';
signal_write <= '0';
signal_writedata <= (others => '0');
flag_index <= '0';
elsif ( rising_edge( clk ) ) then
case crc_state is --current oder next_calc_state
when 0 =>
signal_write <= '0';
flag_index <= '0';
if ( current_task_state = work.task.TASK_RUNNING ) then
signal_read <= '1';
crc_state <= 1; --Calc Zustand aendern. Sollte ueber Uebergangsschaltnetz geregelt werden
end if;
when 1 =>
signal_read <= '0';
--Berechne hier crc_out
--Einfacher als Berechnung mit IP Core waere genau hier den ganzen Code davon reinkopieren
crc_state <= 2; --Calc Zustand aendern
when 2 =>
if ( current_task_state = work.task.TASK_DONE ) then
signal_writedata <= not(crc_out); --Ergebnis invertieren
signal_write <= '1';
end if;
flag_index <= '1'; --flag_index sagt nur, dass der index hochgezaehlt werden soll
crc_state <= 0; --Calc Zustand aendern
-- assign new crc value
crc_in <= crc_out;
end case;
end if;
end process crc_calc;
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task_state <= current_task_state;
end architecture rtl;