2021-11-19 13:49:25 +00:00
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Die View bildet die Oberflaeche ab .
Sie ist in 3 Sektoren Top , Main und ButtonFrame unterteilt . Der TopFrame beihnahltet die Taskleiste ,
der Button Frame gibt Informationen raus . Im Main Frame sind die Buttons yu starten und stoppen der
Buchstabierungen . HIerfuer sind extra Seiten erstellt , die beliebig , je nach Situation ausgetauscht
werden koennen
try :
from Tkinter import * #Fuer Python 2.7
import tkFileDialog as fd
except ImportError : #Fuer Python >3
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog as fd
from UIController import *
class View ( Tk ) :
def __init__ ( self , c , path_default , * args , * * kwargs ) :
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In der Init wird das Lazout gesetyt und die Funktionen yur erstellung der Frames aufgerufen ,
zudem wird dem schliesen des Fensters sowie den anpassen der Groesse andere Funktionen hinterlegt
Tk . __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs )
self . controller = c
self . PATH_DEFAULT = path_default
self . title ( " Visuelles Buchstabieren " )
self . h = 1000
self . w = 2000
self . geometry ( ' {} x {} ' . format ( self . w , self . h ) )
self . faktor = [ ( 0.073 ) , ( 0.727 ) , ( 0.2 ) ]
#self.resizable(height=False, width= False)
self . layout = {
" background " : " #00001E " ,
" backgroundBtn " : " #1C86EE " ,
" fontColor " : " #FFFFFF " ,
" backgroundBar " : " #00002E " ,
" font " : ( ' Calibri ' , 20 , ' bold ' ) ,
" fontSmall " : ( ' Calibri ' , 14 , ' bold ' ) ,
" fontInfo " : ( ' Calibri ' , 25 )
self . createTopFrame ( )
self . createMainFrame ( )
self . createBottomFrame ( )
self . bind ( " <Configure> " , self . adjustSize )
self . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . onClosing )
def changeFrame ( self , pageName ) :
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Setzt dem Frame passend zum pageName in den Vordergrund
frame = self . frames [ pageName ]
frame . tkraise ( )
def adjustSize ( self , event ) :
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
passt nach Faktoren die einyelnen Seitenteile der jeweiligen Frame Groesse an
if ( str ( event . widget ) == " . " ) :
self . h = event . height
self . w = event . width
self . topFrame . configure ( height = ( self . h * self . faktor [ 0 ] ) , width = self . w )
self . mainFrame . configure ( height = ( self . h * self . faktor [ 1 ] ) , width = self . w )
self . bottomFrame . configure ( height = ( self . h * self . faktor [ 2 ] ) , width = self . w )
self . container . configure ( height = ( self . h * self . faktor [ 1 ] ) , width = self . w )
for f in self . frames :
self . frames [ f ] . configure ( height = ( self . h * self . faktor [ 1 ] ) , width = self . w )
self . frames [ f ] . adjustSize ( height = ( self . h * self . faktor [ 1 ] ) , width = self . w )
def onClosing ( self ) :
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stoppt alle laufenden Threads und schliesst OpenVibe und den Aquisitionserver bevor sich das Fenster
print ( " closing " )
self . controller . commandStop ( )
self . controller . stopAcquisitionServer ( )
print ( " destroy " )
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try :
self . dialog . destroy ( )
except :
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self . destroy ( )
def createTopFrame ( self ) :
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Erstellt die Buttons und Textfelder fuer die Taskleiste und positionier diese im Frame
self . topFrame = Frame ( self , bg = self . layout [ " backgroundBar " ] , height = 50 , width = 500 )
self . changeBtn = Button ( self . topFrame , text = " Wechsel zu taktilen BCI " , command = lambda : self . controller . actionPerformed ( " wechsel " ) , height = 3 , width = 30 , font = self . layout [ " fontSmall " ] , bg = self . layout [ " backgroundBtn " ] , fg = self . layout [ " fontColor " ] )
self . saveBtn = Button ( self . topFrame , text = " Auswaehlen der Datei " , command = lambda : self . controller . actionPerformed ( " speicherort " ) , height = 3 , width = 30 , font = self . layout [ " fontSmall " ] , bg = self . layout [ " backgroundBtn " ] , fg = self . layout [ " fontColor " ] )
#self.setBtn = Button(self.topFrame, text="Auswaehlen der Datei", command=lambda: self.controller.actionPerformed("setFile"), height=2, width = 25, font=self.layout["fontSmall"], bg=self.layout["backgroundBtn"], fg=self.layout["fontColor"])
self . toplabel = Label ( self . topFrame , text = " visuelles BCI " , font = self . layout [ " font " ] , bg = self . layout [ " backgroundBar " ] , fg = self . layout [ " fontColor " ] , )
self . topFrame . grid ( column = 0 , row = 0 )
self . topFrame . grid_propagate ( 0 )
self . topFrame . pack_propagate ( 0 )
self . changeBtn . grid ( column = 0 , row = 0 , padx = 10 , pady = 5 )
self . saveBtn . grid ( column = 1 , row = 0 , padx = 10 , pady = 5 )
#self.setBtn.grid(column=2, row=0, padx=10, pady=5)
self . toplabel . grid ( column = 2 , row = 0 , padx = 100 , pady = 2 )
def createMainFrame ( self ) :
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Erstellt und postioniert einen Container als Platzhalter fuer die verschiedenen Seiten . Anscliessend
erstellt es die verschiedenen Seiten und speicher diese in eine Liste
self . mainFrame = Frame ( self , bg = self . layout [ " background " ] , height = 250 , width = 500 )
self . mainFrame . grid ( column = 0 , row = 1 )
self . mainFrame . pack_propagate ( 0 )
self . container = Frame ( self . mainFrame , bg = self . layout [ " background " ] , height = 250 , width = 500 )
self . container . pack ( side = " top " , fill = " both " , expand = True )
self . container . pack_propagate ( 0 )
self . container . grid_propagate ( 0 )
self . frames = { }
for F in ( StartPage , WorkingPageTaktil , WorkingPageVisuell ) :
page_name = F . __name__
frame = F ( parent = self . container , controller = self . controller , layout = self . layout )
self . frames [ page_name ] = frame
frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , sticky = " nsew " )
self . changeFrame ( " StartPage " )
def createBottomFrame ( self ) :
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Erstellt und positioniert ein Label fuer die ganzen Informationen
self . bottomFrame = Frame ( self , bg = self . layout [ " backgroundBar " ] , height = 100 , width = 500 )
self . bottomlabel = Label ( self . bottomFrame , text = " Hier stehen Infos \n Ganz viele " , justify = ' left ' , font = self . layout [ " fontInfo " ] , bg = self . layout [ " backgroundBar " ] , fg = self . layout [ " fontColor " ] )
self . bottomFrame . grid ( column = 0 , row = 2 )
self . bottomFrame . pack_propagate ( 0 )
self . bottomFrame . grid_propagate ( 0 )
self . bottomlabel . grid ( padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
def setInfoText ( self , text ) :
self . bottomlabel [ ' text ' ] = text
def setTitleText ( self , text ) :
self . title ( text )
self . toplabel [ " text " ] = text
def setChangeBtnText ( self , text ) :
self . changeBtn [ " text " ] = text
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def setDefaultPath ( self , path ) :
self . PATH_DEFAULT = path
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def openfiledialog ( self ) :
path = self . PATH_DEFAULT
#file = fd.askopenfilename(initialdir=path)
file = fd . askdirectory ( initialdir = path )
return file
def savefiledialog ( self ) :
self . dialog = Tk ( )
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self . dialog . title ( " Visuelles Buchstabieren " )
h = 100
w = 400
self . dialog . geometry ( ' {} x {} ' . format ( w , h ) )
self . dialog . geometry ( " + {} + {} " . format ( 100 , 200 ) )
2021-11-19 13:49:25 +00:00
l = Label ( self . dialog , text = " Bitte geben Sie einen Speichernamen ein: " )
eingabefeld = Entry ( self . dialog )
okBtn = Button ( self . dialog , text = " OK " , command = lambda : self . okBtn ( eingabefeld . get ( ) ) )
l . pack ( )
eingabefeld . pack ( )
okBtn . pack ( )
self . dialog . protocol ( " WM_DELETE_WINDOW " , self . closeDialog )
self . dialog . mainloop ( )
def okBtn ( self , text ) :
path = self . PATH_DEFAULT + " / " + text
print ( path )
self . controller . copyspelling ( path )
self . dialog . destroy ( )
def closeDialog ( self ) :
self . controller . copyspelling ( " -1 " )
self . dialog . destroy ( )
def getWindowSize ( self ) :
return [ self . winfo_x ( ) , self . winfo_y ( ) , self . winfo_height ( ) , self . winfo_width ( ) ]
class StartPage ( Frame ) :
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bildet die Seite in der die Aktionen ausgesucht werden koennen . Beihaltet 2 Buttons einen zum starten
des freien Buchstabierens und einen yum starten des gefuerten Buchstabierens
def __init__ ( self , parent , controller , layout ) :
self . layout = layout
Frame . __init__ ( self , parent , height = 250 , width = 500 , bg = self . layout [ " background " ] )
self . grid_propagate ( 0 )
self . pack_propagate ( 0 )
self . controller = controller
self . container = Frame ( self , bg = self . layout [ " background " ] , height = 250 , width = 500 )
self . btnFrame = Frame ( self . container , bg = self . layout [ " background " ] , height = 250 , width = 250 )
self . container . columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 ) # Set weight to row and
self . container . rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 ) # column where the widget is
self . container . grid_propagate ( 0 )
self . container . pack_propagate ( 0 )
self . container . pack ( )
self . btnFrame . grid ( )
testBtn = Button ( self . btnFrame , text = " gefuehrtes Buchstabieren " , command = lambda : self . controller . actionPerformed ( " copySpelling " ) , height = 6 , width = 20 , font = self . layout [ " font " ] , bg = self . layout [ " backgroundBtn " ] , fg = self . layout [ " fontColor " ] )
#testBtn = Button(self.btnFrame, text="copySpelling", command=lambda: self.controller.actionPerformed("test"), height=6, width = 20, font=self.layout["font"], bg=self.layout["backgroundBtn"], fg=self.layout["fontColor"])
testBtn . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 25 , pady = 25 )
freeSpellingBtn = Button ( self . btnFrame , text = " freies Buchstabieren " , command = lambda : self . controller . actionPerformed ( " freeSpelling " ) , height = 6 , width = 20 , font = self . layout [ " font " ] , bg = self . layout [ " backgroundBtn " ] , fg = self . layout [ " fontColor " ] )
freeSpellingBtn . grid ( row = 0 , column = 1 , padx = 25 , pady = 25 )
def adjustSize ( self , height , width ) :
self . container . configure ( height = height , width = width )
self . btnFrame . configure ( height = ( height * 4 ) / 5 , width = width / 2 )
class WorkingPageTaktil ( Frame ) :
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bildet die Seite nach Auswahl einer Aktion . Beihaltet einen mittig plazierten Buttons zum stoppen
des ablaufenden Vorgang
def __init__ ( self , parent , controller , layout ) :
self . layout = layout
Frame . __init__ ( self , parent , height = 250 , width = 500 , bg = self . layout [ " background " ] )
self . controller = controller
self . columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 ) # Set weight to row and
self . rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 ) # column where the widget is
stopBtn = Button ( self , text = " stop " , command = lambda : self . controller . actionPerformed ( " stop " ) , height = 4 , width = 15 , font = self . layout [ " font " ] , bg = self . layout [ " backgroundBtn " ] , fg = self . layout [ " fontColor " ] )
stopBtn . grid ( )
def adjustSize ( self , height , width ) :
class WorkingPageVisuell ( Frame ) :
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bildet die Seite nach Auswahl einer Aktion . Beihaltet einen mittig unten plazierten Buttons zum
stoppen des ablaufenden Vorgang
def __init__ ( self , parent , controller , layout ) :
self . layout = layout
Frame . __init__ ( self , parent , height = 250 , width = 500 , bg = self . layout [ " background " ] )
self . controller = controller
self . grid_propagate ( 0 )
self . pack_propagate ( 0 )
self . windowFrame = Frame ( self , height = 200 , width = 500 , bg = self . layout [ " background " ] )
self . windowFrame . grid ( column = 0 , row = 0 )
self . buttonFrame = Frame ( self , height = 200 , width = 500 , bg = self . layout [ " background " ] )
self . buttonFrame . grid ( column = 0 , row = 1 )
self . buttonFrame . columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 ) # Set weight to row and
self . buttonFrame . rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 ) # column where the widget is
stopBtn = Button ( self . buttonFrame , text = " stop " , command = lambda : self . controller . actionPerformed ( " stop " ) , height = 1 , width = 15 , font = self . layout [ " font " ] , bg = self . layout [ " backgroundBtn " ] , fg = self . layout [ " fontColor " ] )
stopBtn . grid ( )
def adjustSize ( self , height , width ) :
self . windowFrame . configure ( height = ( height * 4 ) / 5 , width = width )
self . buttonFrame . configure ( height = ( height ) / 10 , width = width )