.. _Doc_BoxAlgorithm_ElectrodeLocalisationFileReader: Electrode localisation file reader ================================== .. container:: attribution :Author: Vincent Delannoy :Company: INRIA/IRISA .. image:: images/Doc_BoxAlgorithm_ElectrodeLocalisationFileReader.png This box loads files holding the normalized coordinates of an electrode set. Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Output Name", "Stream Type" "Channel localisation", "Channel localisation" Channel localisation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The output channel localization information. .. _Doc_BoxAlgorithm_ElectrodeLocalisationFileReader_Settings: Settings -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Setting Name", "Type", "Default Value" "Filename", "Filename", "" Filename ~~~~~~~~ The normalized coordinates file. .. _Doc_BoxAlgorithm_ElectrodeLocalisationFileReader_Examples: Examples -------- A default electrode set should be included in your NeuroRT distribution. Look for it in the ``share/electrode_sets`` directory of the source tree of this plugin. It comes as a :ref:`Doc_MatrixFileFormat` "text file" which is quite self explanatory, open it in a text editor to edit it. Electrode names are specified in the header section of the matrix, while actual coordinates are stored in the buffer section. .. _Doc_BoxAlgorithm_ElectrodeLocalisationFileReader_Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous ------------- The coordinates loaded by this box are sent once only (static coordinates, e.g. EEG), as opposed to regularly (dynamic coordinates, e.g. MEG). The supported file format is the :ref:`Doc_MatrixFileFormat` "NeuroRT matrix" file format. Electrode coordinates must be normalized cartesian coordinates in the following frame of reference : X right, Y front and Z up.