.. _Doc_BoxAlgorithm_EBMLStreamSpy: EBML stream spy =============== .. container:: attribution :Author: Yann Renard :Company: INRIA/IRISA .. image:: images/Doc_BoxAlgorithm_EBMLStreamSpy.png This sample EBML stream analyzer prints the EBML tree structure to the console The purpose of this box is to spy an EBML stream and decode its structure to the log manager. In order to do so, the box has to know a list of expected EBML node identifiers and EBML node types. If you don't know what EBML is, you should check the `EBML Documentation `_ page. The list of expected node identifiers and types is collected from a configuration file. Also, the author is able to chose which log level to use in order to output the information. Such box is mostly useful for debug purpose. It allows a developper to check what arrives to a box in a human readable way. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Input Name", "Stream Type" "Spied EBML stream 1", "EBML stream" This box can receive as many input as necessary. All the inputs will be of type :ref:`Doc_Streams_EBML` in order to be parsed by this the reader. Spied EBML stream 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the default input of this box. .. _Doc_BoxAlgorithm_EBMLStreamSpy_Settings: Settings -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Setting Name", "Type", "Default Value" "EBML nodes description", "Filename", "${Path_Data}/plugins/tools/config-ebml-stream-spy.txt" "Log level to use", "Log level", "Information" "Expand binary blocks", "Boolean", "false" "Number of values in expanded blocks", "Integer", "4" EBML nodes description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This first setting indicates where to find the configuration file. The box comes with a default configuration file containing all the default node identifiers of NeuroRT. You should extend this configuration in order to add your own EBML nodes in case you have created new EBML stream types. Log level to use ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This second settings indicates what log level will be used to print the EBML stream structure. .. _Doc_BoxAlgorithm_EBMLStreamSpy_Examples: Examples -------- As an example, we could connect an EBML stream spy to a sinus oscillator. Leave the default sinus oscillator settings to their default, except the sample count per buffer can be set to 8 for the example. Chose an appropriate log level for the EBML stream spy and press 'start'. You will probably notice that a lot of text is sent to the log manager, making the use of this box difficult in real time. Once again, consider it as a debugging box. The output should look like this : .. code:: [ INF ] [ INF ] For input Spied EBML stream 1 of type EBML stream : [ INF ] For chunk [id:0 (0x0)] at [time:(0x00000000, 0x00000000),(0x00000000, 0x00000000)] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x002b395f, 0x108adfae)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00cdd0f7, 0x46b0278d)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamType]-[type:uinteger]-[value:0 (0x0)] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x006f5a08, 0x7796ebc5)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamVersion]-[type:uinteger]-[value:0 (0x0)] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x007855de, 0x3748d375)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_Signal] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00141c43, 0x0c37006b)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_Signal_Sampling]-[type:uinteger]-[value:512 (0x200)] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x0072f560, 0x7ed2cbed)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x003febd4, 0x2725d428)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_DimensionCount]-[type:uinteger]-[value:2 (0x2)] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x0000e3c0, 0x3a7d5141)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x001302f7, 0x36d8438a)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Size]-[type:uinteger]-[value:4 (0x4)] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:Channel 0] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:Channel 1] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:Channel 2] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:Channel 3] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x0000e3c0, 0x3a7d5141)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x001302f7, 0x36d8438a)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Size]-[type:uinteger]-[value:8 (0x8)] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00153e40, 0x190227e0)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label]-[type:string]-[value:] [ INF ] [ INF ] [ INF ] For input Spied EBML stream 1 of type EBML stream : [ INF ] For chunk [id:0 (0x0)] at [time:(0x00000000, 0x00000000),(0x00000000, 0x04000000)] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00cf2101, 0x02375310)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Buffer] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00120663, 0x08fbc165)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Buffer_StreamedMatrix] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00b18c10, 0x427d098c)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Buffer_StreamedMatrix_RawBuffer]-[type:binary]-[bytes:256 (0x100)] [ INF ] [ INF ] [ INF ] For input Spied EBML stream 1 of type EBML stream : [ INF ] For chunk [id:0 (0x0)] at [time:(0x00000000, 0x04000000),(0x00000000, 0x08000000)] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00cf2101, 0x02375310)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Buffer] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00120663, 0x08fbc165)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Buffer_StreamedMatrix] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00b18c10, 0x427d098c)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Buffer_StreamedMatrix_RawBuffer]-[type:binary]-[bytes:256 (0x100)] [ INF ] [ INF ] [ INF ] For input Spied EBML stream 1 of type EBML stream : [ INF ] For chunk [id:0 (0x0)] at [time:(0x00000000, 0x08000000),(0x00000000, 0x0c000000)] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00cf2101, 0x02375310)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Buffer] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00120663, 0x08fbc165)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Buffer_StreamedMatrix] [ INF ] Opened EBML node [id:(0x00b18c10, 0x427d098c)]-[name:OVTK_NodeId_Buffer_StreamedMatrix_RawBuffer]-[type:binary]-[bytes:256 (0x100)] [ INF ] ... Now let's try to understand what is produced. First we notice a clear separation between the different chunk the box receives. In each chunk, we have an EBML hierarchy with the different nodes. Here we analyse a signal stream so we have a header followed by multiple buffers. Concerning the header, we can focuse on the signal header part and the streamed matrix header part. In the first one, we can see that the sampling rate node appears as an integer with value 512 (the default sinus oscillator sampling frequency). The second one contains the description of the streamed matrix. The matrix has two dimensions (electrodes and sample count per buffer). The first dimension has a size of 4 (the default sinus oscillator channel count) and each of this channel has a label (channel 0-3). Finally, the second dimension has a size of 8 (the sample count per buffer you manually put in the sinus oscillator configuration) and the samples themselves do not have a name. Now looking at the buffer, we only have the streamed matrix part (signal stream do not produce signal specific buffer). The buffer content can not be displayed in the console (it could be a huge amount of binary non human readable data, so it is not relevant to print it). But you have an information of the size of this buffer. 256 is exactly the number of channels (4) multiplied by the number of samples per buffer (8) multiplied by the size of a single sample (8 because a sample is coded on a 64 bits float). When familiar with EBML and OpenViBE streams, this box is a strong tool to analyze what is sent from a box to another. .. _Doc_BoxAlgorithm_EBMLStreamSpy_Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous ------------- The syntax of the configuration file is simple. Each line of the file should contain 3 fields. The first field is the name of the EBML node that should be printed in the log manager (this is human readable). The second field is the EBML node identifier. The last field is the node type. Several types are supported : - \e master : this means that this node does not have data attached but has several children. Any non master node is a leaf, so can contain data. - \e integer : this means that this node contains a signed integer value - \e uinteger : this means that this node contains an unsigned integer value - \e string : this means that this node contains an ASCII string value - \e float : this means that this node contains a floating point value - \e binary : this means that this node contains a raw buffer of elements. In such case, only the size of the buffer is printed. The content of the buffer is not printed. Any node identifier found in the stream and not present in the configuration file will be considered of type \e unknown and treated as if it was a \e binary node. Following is a part of the sample configuration file to illustrate the syntax : .. code:: ... OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix EBML::CIdentifier(0x0072F560, 0x7ED2CBED) master OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_DimensionCount EBML::CIdentifier(0x003FEBD4, 0x2725D428) uinteger OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension EBML::CIdentifier(0x0000E3C0, 0x3A7D5141) master OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Size EBML::CIdentifier(0x001302F7, 0x36D8438A) uinteger OVTK_NodeId_Header_StreamedMatrix_Dimension_Label EBML::CIdentifier(0x00153E40, 0x190227E0) string OVTK_NodeId_Buffer_StreamedMatrix EBML::CIdentifier(0x00120663, 0x08FBC165) master OVTK_NodeId_Buffer_StreamedMatrix_RawBuffer EBML::CIdentifier(0x00B18C10, 0x427D098C) binary OVTK_NodeId_Header_Signal EBML::CIdentifier(0x007855DE, 0x3748D375) master OVTK_NodeId_Header_Signal_Sampling EBML::CIdentifier(0x00141C43, 0x0C37006B) uinteger ...