#!/bin/bash ## By default, paths specified by CMake install will be used to locate OpenViBE components. If defined, these ENV variables can override the CMake defines. export OV_PATH_ROOT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" export OV_PATH_BIN="$OV_PATH_ROOT/bin" export OV_PATH_LIB="$OV_PATH_ROOT/lib" export OV_PATH_DATA="$OV_PATH_ROOT/share/openvibe" # Dump core... # ulimit -c unlimited # Tries to locate matlab executable from $PATH, and set the library path to the corresponding matlab libs. if [ "`which matlab`" != "" ] ; then MATLAB_ROOT=`matlab -e | grep "^MATLAB=" | sed -e "s/^MATLAB=//"` MATLAB_ARCH=`matlab -e | grep "^ARCH=" | sed -e "s/^ARCH=//"` MATLAB_LIBPATH="$MATLAB_ROOT/bin/$MATLAB_ARCH" # echo Matlab libs expected at $MATLAB_LIBPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$MATLAB_LIBPATH:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" fi LOCAL_BIN_PATH="@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR@" if [ "$OV_PATH_BIN" != "" ]; then LOCAL_BIN_PATH="$OV_PATH_BIN" fi LOCAL_LIB_PATH="@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR@" if [ "$OV_PATH_LIB" != "" ]; then LOCAL_LIB_PATH="$OV_PATH_LIB" fi export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LOCAL_LIB_PATH:@OV_PATH_DEPENDENCY_LIBS@:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" export LC_ALL=C # The following line is there to help in cases where OpenViBE can consume excessive # amounts of CPU or grind the swap. You can remove it if you know what you're doing. renice 19 $$ ov_debugger= if [ "$1" == "--debug" ]; then ov_debugger="gdb --args" shift fi if [ "$1" == "--memcheck" ]; then ov_debugger="valkyrie " #ov_debugger="valgrind --tool=memcheck --log-file='valgrind_@OV_CMD_EXECUTABLE@_%p.log'" shift fi ov_run_bg=0 if [ "$1" == "--run-bg" ]; then ov_run_bg=1 shift fi ret_code=0 if [ $ov_run_bg == 0 ]; then eval $ov_debugger "$LOCAL_BIN_PATH/@OV_CMD_EXECUTABLE@" @OV_CMD_ARGS@ "$@" ret_code=$? else $ov_debugger "$LOCAL_BIN_PATH/@OV_CMD_EXECUTABLE@" @OV_CMD_ARGS@ "$@" & fi exit $ret_code