2 OpenViBE Designer 3.0.0 (0x000f55d4, 0x831a706d) (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) Scripts Path ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}/scripts ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}/scripts (0x005e0867, 0xd05c7291) (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) Signals Path ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}/signals ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}/signals (0x0003cf48, 0xe596f5a1) (0x330306dd, 0x74a95f98) Sham File ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}/sham.ov ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}/sham.ov (0x00518793, 0xc89db4d9) (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) XP Name XP XP (0x00300a9c, 0xd5da1acd) (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) Subject ID C1 C1 (0x00130408, 0x7ec80cb9) (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Session 1 1 (0x00090dc3, 0xaec30fa1) (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Run 1 1 (0x78123719, 0x708d19c3) (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) File Prefix $var{XP Name}_$var{Subject ID}_S$var{Session}_R$var{Run} $var{XP Name}_$var{Subject ID}_S$var{Session}_R$var{Run} (0x00000f21, 0x00006f70) Sound Player (0x7ac2396f, 0x7ee52efe) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Input triggers (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Resync triggers (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) PLAY trigger OVTK_StimulationId_Label_00 OVTK_StimulationId_Beep false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) STOP trigger OVTK_StimulationId_Label_01 OVTK_StimulationId_BaselineStop false (0x330306dd, 0x74a95f98) File to play ${Path_Data}/plugins/stimulation/ov_beep.wav ${Path_Data}/plugins/stimulation/ov_beep.wav false (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Loop False False false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -48 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 832 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xd327e20a, 0xaae6b1f8) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x005adaef) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) false (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 4 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0x0000141c, 0x00003c42) Identity (0x5dffe431, 0x35215c50) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Input stream (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Output stream (0x17ee7c08, 0x94c14893) (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -48 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 752 (0x30a4e5c9, 0x83502953) (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xa8ffe2a3, 0x27038f03) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x0000141c, 0x00003c43) Identity (0x5dffe431, 0x35215c50) (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Input stream (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Output stream (0x17ee7c08, 0x94c14893) (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -48 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 432 (0x30a4e5c9, 0x83502953) (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xa8ffe2a3, 0x27038f03) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x00001881, 0x0000648e) Generic stream writer (0x09c92218, 0x7c1216f8) (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Input stream 1 (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input stream 2 (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Input stream 3 (0x330306dd, 0x74a95f98) Filename $var{Signals Path}/$var{File Prefix}_acquisition-[$core{date}-$core{time}].ov false (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Use compression true false false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 64 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 592 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x89a08108, 0xc8d1fac1) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x004f9ed7) (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x00001e72, 0x00002686) Generic stream reader (0x6468099f, 0x0370095a) (0x544a003e, 0x6dcba5f6) Output stream 1 (0x330306dd, 0x74a95f98) Filename $var{Sham File} false (0x17ee7c08, 0x94c14893) (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -144 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 1040 (0x30a4e5c9, 0x83502953) (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xf37b8e7a, 0x1bc33e4e) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x00023df8) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) true (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 1 (0x00002847, 0x00000a63) Channel Rename (0x1fe50479, 0x39040f40) (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input matrix (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Output matrix (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) New channel names Channel 1;Channel 2 Channel 1;Channel 2 false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -128 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 592 (0x30a4e5c9, 0x83502953) (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x74d8d30c, 0xfa7bdf43) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0x8d21ff41, 0xdf6afe7e) $var{Scripts Path}/channel-list.xml (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 1 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0x00002a20, 0x00000cc4) Graz Motor Imagery BCI Stimulator (0x0b5a2787, 0x02750621) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulations (0xb0d0db45, 0x49cbc34a) Lua Script $var{Scripts Path}/mi-bci-graz-stimulator.lua false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Number of Trials for Each Class 20 20 false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) First Class OVTK_GDF_Left OVTK_GDF_Left false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Second Class OVTK_GDF_Right OVTK_GDF_Right false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Baseline Duration (in sec) 20 1 false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Wait For Beep Duration (in sec) 2 2 false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Wait For Cue Duration (in sec) 1 1 false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Display Cue Duration (in sec) 1.250 1.250 false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Feedback Duration (in sec) 3.750 3.750 false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) End of Trial Minimum Duration (in sec) 1.500 1.500 false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) End of Trial Maximum Duration (in sec) 3.500 3.500 false (0x17ee7c08, 0x94c14893) (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -144 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 848 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xd6e3f48b, 0xbee3523a) (0x61d11811, 0x71e65362) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x005810d7) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 1 (0xf191c1c8, 0xa0123976) (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x00004390, 0x000055c5) GDF file writer (0x1e7b2155, 0x107289ce) (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Experiment information (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Signal (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulation (0x330306dd, 0x74a95f98) Filename record-[$core{date}-$core{time}].gdf $var{Signals Path}/$var{File Prefix}_acquisition-[$core{date}-$core{time}].gdf false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 64 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 736 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xd41e3037, 0xcc12644a) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x00c660e3) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) false (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 1 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 3 (0x0000465a, 0x00004dbf) Acquisition client (0x35d225cb, 0x3e6e3a5f) (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Experiment information (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Signal stream (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulations (0x013df452, 0xa3a8879a) Channel localisation (0x6ab26b81, 0x0f8c02f3) Channel units (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) Acquisition server hostname ${AcquisitionServer_HostName} ${AcquisitionServer_HostName} false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Acquisition server port 1024 1024 false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -192 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 592 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x0d4656c0, 0xc95b1fa8) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x0069f3f7) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) false (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 5 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 2 (0x00004b91, 0x00002aea) Graz visualization (0x00dd290d, 0x5f142820) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulations (0x544a003e, 0x6dcba5f6) Amplitude (0x544a003e, 0x6dcba5f6) Confusion Matrix (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Show instruction true true false (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Show feedback false true false (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Delay feedback false false false (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Show accuracy false false false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Predictions to integrate 5 5 false (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Positive feedback only false true false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -48 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 1040 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x602ceb3f, 0xd3bc74aa) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 6 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 2 (0x000065a7, 0x00000786) !EventChannel1;EventChannel2 (0x361722e8, 0x311574e8) (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input signal (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Output signal (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) Channel List : EventChannel1;EventChannel2 false (0x3bcf9e67, 0x0c23994d) Action Select Reject false (0x666f25e9, 0x3e5738d6) Channel Matching Method Smart Smart false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -48 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 592 (0x30a4e5c9, 0x83502953) (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x277826e1, 0xa30a3bd0) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x0033f7b6) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) false (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 3 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0x24757b65, 0x29027b6f) Player Controller (0x5f426dce, 0x08456e13) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulations (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Stimulation name OVTK_StimulationId_Label_00 OVTK_StimulationId_ExperimentStop false (0xcc14d8d6, 0xf27ecb73) Action to perform Pause Stop false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -48 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 928 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x568d148e, 0x650792b3) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x002de35c) (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 2 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0x000001db, 0x000058a8) (0x0000141c, 0x00003c42) 0 (0x00004390, 0x000055c5) 2 (0x00000ca7, 0x00002b71) (0x00002a20, 0x00000cc4) 0 (0x0000141c, 0x00003c42) 0 (0x000011be, 0x000045cc) (0x000065a7, 0x00000786) 0 (0x00004390, 0x000055c5) 1 (0x0000254c, 0x000012c8) (0x00001e72, 0x00002686) 0 (0x00004b91, 0x00002aea) 1 (0x00002e60, 0x00004221) (0x00002a20, 0x00000cc4) 0 (0x00004b91, 0x00002aea) 0 (0x00002fc5, 0x00000fea) (0x00002a20, 0x00000cc4) 0 (0x24757b65, 0x29027b6f) 0 (0x00003ccb, 0x00003283) (0x0000141c, 0x00003c42) 0 (0x00001881, 0x0000648e) 2 (0x00004b1e, 0x000034b6) (0x0000465a, 0x00004dbf) 0 (0x0000141c, 0x00003c43) 0 (0x000053ec, 0x000057b2) (0x00002a20, 0x00000cc4) 0 (0x00000f21, 0x00006f70) 0 (0x00006343, 0x000043d4) (0x00002847, 0x00000a63) 0 (0x000065a7, 0x00000786) 0 (0x0000654e, 0x00003cc0) (0x0000465a, 0x00004dbf) 1 (0x00002847, 0x00000a63) 0 (0x00006e4a, 0x00000844) (0x000065a7, 0x00000786) 0 (0x00001881, 0x0000648e) 1 (0x00007818, 0x0000649d) (0x0000141c, 0x00003c43) 0 (0x00004390, 0x000055c5) 0 (0x00007854, 0x0000729e) (0x0000141c, 0x00003c43) 0 (0x00001881, 0x0000648e) 0 (0x0000494c, 0x00003563) This Scenario is set for a g.tec cap with 2 amplifier g.USBamp (0x473d9a43, 0x97fc0a97) 1456 (0x7234b86b, 0x2b8651a5) -192 (0x00006a47, 0x0000309a) <b>OVERVIEW</b> Change Settings on Scenario Configuration tab : Scripts/Images/Signals path = folder to the different files (normally don't need to change that if you keep the hierarchy) Sham File = link to the file for the sham feedback Obvious settings = obvious.... File Format for saved signals : {XP Name}_{Subject ID}_S{Session}_R{Run}_acquisition-[{date}-{time}] (0x473d9a43, 0x97fc0a97) 1456 (0x7234b86b, 0x2b8651a5) -96 (0x00006a47, 0x0000309b) <b>PRESENTATION</b> Les options sont modifiables dnas l'onglet Scenario Configuration : Scripts/Images/Signals path = dossier des différents fichiers (normalement, il n'est pas nécessaire de changer cela si vous conservez la hiérarchie) Sham File = Lien vers le fichier pour le faux feedback Paramètres évidents = évidents..... Format de fichier pour les signaux enregistrés : {XP Name}_{Subject ID}_S{Session}_R{Run}_acquisition-[{date}-{time}] (0x473d9a43, 0x97fc0a97) 1440 (0x7234b86b, 0x2b8651a5) 48 (0x00000815, 0x00002736) (0x3bcce5d2, 0x43f2d968) [{"boxIdentifier":"(0x00004b91, 0x00002aea)","childCount":0,"identifier":"(0x00000afd, 0x00002371)","parentIdentifier":"(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff)","type":3}] (0x4c90d4ad, 0x7a2554ec) 320 (0x7b814cca, 0x271df6dd) 480