PROJECT(OpenViBESDKTest) # ------------------ # Project variables # ------------------ SET(OVT_GLOBAL_VERSION_MAJOR 0) SET(OVT_GLOBAL_VERSION_MINOR 1) SET(OVT_GLOBAL_VERSION_PATCH 0) SET(OVT_GLOBAL_VERSION_STRING "${OVT_GLOBAL_VERSION_MAJOR}.${OVT_GLOBAL_VERSION_MINOR}.${OVT_GLOBAL_VERSION_PATCH}") IF(NOT DEFINED OVT_TEST_DATA_DIR) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Path to tests input data files is not set") ENDIF() # Set the test ouptut directory for output tests files storage SET(OVT_VALIDATION_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/validation-test-output/ CACHE PATH "Path for the output result and configuration file create during test") # ---------------------- # Project configuration # ---------------------- # Add python tools path SET(OVT_PYTHON_TOOL_DIR ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/python-toolkit/) # --------------------- # Project dependencies # --------------------- # Add some search directory to module path SET(OVT_CMAKE_DIR ${OV_BASE_DIR}/cmake-modules) SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${OVT_CMAKE_DIR}) # Modify library prefixes and suffixes to comply to Windows or Linux naming IF(WIN32) SET(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES "") SET(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ".lib" ".dll") ELSEIF(APPLE) SET(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES "lib") SET(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ".dylib" ".a") ELSE() SET(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_PREFIXES "lib") SET(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ".so" ".a") ENDIF() # Find main dependency if(DEFINED Python3_EXECUTABLE AND NOT DEFINED Python3_Interpreter_FOUND) # Python exec was supplied through command line, just set it in the files and don't ask questions set(Python3_Interpreter_FOUND TRUE) else() SET(Python_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS 3.7) FIND_PACKAGE(Python3 COMPONENTS Interpreter Development) endif() if(NOT Python3_Interpreter_FOUND) # This is likely a messed-up PYTHONPATH/HOME ISSUE message(WARNING "Current PYTHONPATH likely not suitable for a Python 3 executable, \ please check that the following values are plausible :\n\ \$ENV{PYTHONPATH} = $ENV{PYTHONPATH}\n\ \$ENV{PYTHONHOME} = $ENV{PYTHONHOME}\n\ If the previous environement is inconsistent, please set it correctly \ or directly give Python3 executable path at build time using \"--python-exec\"\n\ These tests will be generated with a generic \"python\" call, please use the \"--python-dir\" \ option of the launcher to set the path to a working python3 directory.") else() message(STATUS "Found Python3 at ${Python3_EXECUTABLE}") endif() # -------------------- # Test configuration # -------------------- # On Windows and Linux, some environment setting scripts are needed to ease the testing process SET(OVT_SCRIPT_DIR ${OV_BASE_BIN_DIR}/scripts) IF(WIN32) # Wrapper script that set the environment and launch ctest # It is located at build directory root to be as close as possible as standard ctest use CONFIGURE_FILE(${OV_BASE_DIR}/scripts/windows-ctest-launcher.cmd-base ${OV_BASE_BIN_DIR}/ctest-launcher.cmd) ELSEIF(UNIX) # Wrapper script that set the environment and launch ctest # It is located at build directory root to be as close as possible as standard ctest use CONFIGURE_FILE(${OV_BASE_DIR}/scripts/ ${OV_BASE_BIN_DIR}/ ENDIF() # ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Testing/Temporary is automatically created by CTest for log files # We create a temporary subdir for our test that will be create before each test is run # and removed afterwards (see SET(OVT_TEST_TEMPORARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Testing/Temporary/OVT/) # Create test data directory for big or binary files FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${OVT_TEST_DATA_DIR}) # Ctest custom options CONFIGURE_FILE(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake @ONLY) # Timeout must be set first SET (DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT 72000 CACHE STRING "Maximum time allowed before CTest will kill the test." FORCE) INCLUDE(CTest) ENABLE_TESTING() # It might be useful to set some configuration token from cmake variable CONFIGURE_FILE(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/openvibe/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/data/openvibe/openvibe.conf @ONLY) # Utility variable for subproject SET(OVT_OPENVIBE_DATA ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/data/openvibe) if(DEFINED DIST_BINDIR_ABSOLUTE) set(OVT_OPENVIBE_PLAYER ${DIST_BINDIR_ABSOLUTE}/openvibe-scenario-player${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}) else() set(OVT_OPENVIBE_PLAYER ${DIST_BINDIR}/openvibe-scenario-player${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}) endif() IF(UNIX) SET(OVT_OPENVIBE_PLAYER_LOG_FILE "$ENV{HOME}/.config/${OV_CONFIG_SUBDIR}/log/openvibe-scenario-player.log") ELSEIF(WIN32) SET(OVT_OPENVIBE_PLAYER_LOG_FILE "\"$ENV{APPDATA}/${OV_CONFIG_SUBDIR}/log/openvibe-scenario-player.log\"") ENDIF() FILE(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${OVT_OPENVIBE_PLAYER_LOG_FILE} OVT_OPENVIBE_PLAYER_LOG_FILE) SET(OVT_VALIDATION_TOOLKIT_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/python-toolkit) # ---------------------- # CMake tree processing # ---------------------- # Process validation tests # When adding a new set of validation tests, test directory must be added here #ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(openvibe-file-io-csv) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(openvibe-file-io-openvibe) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(openvibe-stimulation-timeout) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(openvibe-regularized-csp) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(openvibe-classification-lda)