<# .SYNOPSIS This script aims at installing dependencies from a manifest file. .DESCRIPTION Script workflow is as follows: - Check for a cache directory - Parse input dependencies manifest - Download dependencies if: (Currently does not download!) * cache found but dependency not found in the cache * cache not found (old archives are overwritten) - Extract dependencies in destination folder (old dependencies are overwritten) if: * dependencies were never unzipped * the version of unzipped dependency is correct (read from manifest version file) - write manifest version file, named after the manifest file name and suffixed with "-version", it contains the version of lastly unzipped dependencies such as: folder_to_unzip=version_number .PARAMETER dependencies_file The manifest file containing the required archives to install. First line is the base URL of the dependencies, following lines are formatted as: archive_name;folder_to_unzip;version_number archive_name;folder_to_unzip;version_number ... The `folder_to_unzip` can be the same for several dependencies, but in this case you have to make sure that the archives share the same `version_number`. If this is not the case an error will be thrown. .PARAMETER dest_dir Optional: if unspecified then by default it will be set to $script_root\..\dependencies Destination directory for extracted archives. Each archive found in the manifest file is extracted in 'dest_dir\folder_to_unzip'. Note that if no cache is found, archives are also downloaded in 'dest_dir\arch'. .PARAMETER cache_dir Cache directory for extracted archives. Each archive found in the manifest file is extracted from cache_dir to 'dest_dir\folder_to_unzip'. .NOTES File Name : windows-get-dependencies.ps1 Prerequisite : Tested with PS v4.0 on windows 10 pro. Environment variables will be used if set: * PROXYPASS: Used to set credentials, should be formed as user:passwd * ZIP_EXECUTABLE: should be set to the path to 7zip executable. If unset, script will try to read registry keys. .LINK Detailed specifications: https://jira.mensiatech.com/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=CT&title=Dependency+management .EXAMPLE powershell.exe -NoExit -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File \absolute\path\to\windows-get-dependencies.ps1 -manifest_file .\windows-dependencies.txt .EXAMPLE powershell.exe -NoExit -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File \absolute\path\to\windows-get-dependencies.ps1 -manifest_file .\windows-dependencies.txt -dest_dir \absolute\path\to\dep\ -cache_dir \absolute\path\to\cache #> # # script parameters # Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ })][string]$manifest_file, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$cache_dir, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$dest_dir = ".\..\dependencies" ) $manifest_file = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($manifest_file) $dest_dir = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($dest_dir) # # input validation # Write-Host "===Input validation===" if (Test-Path $dest_dir){ Write-Host "Destination directory found" } else { Write-Host "Destination directory not found" New-Item $dest_dir -itemtype directory | Out-Null Write-Host "Created destination directory: " $dest_dir } # if -cache_dir is specified, use its value, otherwise check if an environment variable exists if($cache_dir) { Write-Host "Cache directory provided by parameter: $cache_dir" } elseif ($env:DEPENDENCY_CACHE -and (Test-Path $env:DEPENDENCY_CACHE)) { Write-Host "Found cache directory: " ($env:DEPENDENCY_CACHE) $cache_dir = $env:DEPENDENCY_CACHE } else { $cache_dir = $dest_dir + "\arch" Write-Host "Found no cache directory. Set it to default value: $cache_dir" } if(-Not (Test-Path $cache_dir)) { New-Item $cache_dir -itemtype directory | Out-Null Write-Host "Created archive directory in destination: " $cache_dir } Write-Host "All archives will be downloaded in " $cache_dir Write-Host "" Write-Host "Configure Web client" # Base URL of dependency server is read in environment variable $Script:dependency_server = $env:URL $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient if($env:PROXYPASS){ $Username, $Password = $env:PROXYPASS.split(':',2) Write-Host "Credentials are provided. Try to download from server with username [$Username]." $WebClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.Networkcredential($Username, $Password) } else { Write-Host "Credentials were not provided. If your dependencies are not up-to-date, you won't be able to download new files." } Write-Host "" if ($env:ZIP_EXECUTABLE) { $Script:7zip_executable=$env:ZIP_EXECUTABLE } else { Try { $Script:7zip_executable=(Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\7-Zip).Path + "\7z.exe" } Catch { Write-Host "7-Zip was not found in register keys. Install it will fasten unzip." } } if ($Script:7zip_executable -and (Test-Path $Script:7zip_executable)) { Write-Host "Found 7-Zip in registry keys. It will be used to unzip archives." } else { Write-Host "7-Zip was not found in register keys. Install it will quicken the unzipping." $Script:7zip_executable="" } Write-Host "===Parameters===" Write-Host "Dependencies file = $manifest_file" Write-Host "Destination directory = $dest_dir" Write-Host "" # # script variables # # monitoring variables $Script:extract_count = 0 $Script:download_count = 0 $Script:new_versions = @{} # # script functions # function ExpandZipFile($zip, $dest) { Write-Host "Extract: [" $zip "] -> [" $dest "]" $shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Script:7zip_executable)){ # create dest if it does not exists if(-Not (Test-Path $dest)) { New-Item $dest -itemtype directory | Out-Null } $folder = $shell.NameSpace("$zip") # Progress based on count is pretty dumb. However # the sizes retrieved by $folder.GetDetailsOf($item, 2) # or $item.Size are unreliable. At least, it allows the script # user to see something is going on. $count = 0 $total_count = $folder.Items().Count ForEach($item in $folder.Items()) { $item_name = $folder.GetDetailsOf($item, 0) $percent_complete = [System.Math]::Floor(100 * $count / $total_count) Write-Progress ` -Status "Progress: $percent_complete%" ` -Activity ("Extracting " + (Split-Path -Leaf $zip) + " to " + (Split-Path -Leaf $dest)) ` -CurrentOperation "Copying $item_name (this can take a long time...)" ` -PercentComplete $percent_complete # 0x14 = sum of options 4 (donnot display windows box) and 16 (answer yes to all) $shell.Namespace("$dest").CopyHere($item, 0x14) $count++ } } else { $7z_Arguments = @( 'x' ## extract files with full paths '-y' ## assume Yes on all queries $zip ## archive path "`"-o$dest`"" ## dest path ) & $7zip_executable $7z_Arguments } $Script:extract_count++ } function InstallDeps($arch, $dir, $version) { $zip = $Script:cache_dir + "\" + $arch if(-Not (Test-Path $zip)) { if($Username -and $Script:dependency_server){ $url = $Script:dependency_server + "/" + $arch } else { Write-Error "- Credentials or $Script:dependency_server are not specified, can not download dependency. " Write-Error "- They have to be set through environment variables: PROXYPASS and URL." exit } Write-Host "Download: [" $url "] -> [" $zip "]." $Script:WebClient.DownloadFile( $url, $zip ) $Script:download_count++ } if(-Not (Test-Path $zip)) { Write-Error "Archive [$zip] was not found in cache and could not be downloaded." exit } if(Test-Path $dest_dir\$dir-version.txt) { $old_dep_version=$(Get-Content $dest_dir\$dir-version.txt) } if((Test-Path ($Script:dest_dir + "\" + $dir)) -and ($old_dep_version -eq $version)) { Write-Host "No need to unzip dependency. Already at the good version: " $old_dep_version "." } else { Write-Host "Dependency version is not the good one: [" $old_dep_version "]. Should be " $version if((Test-Path ($Script:dest_dir + "\" + $dir)) -and (-Not $Script:new_versions.ContainsKey($dir))) { Remove-item ($Script:dest_dir + "\" + $dir) -Force -Recurse } ExpandZipFile $zip ($Script:dest_dir + "\" + $dir) } # Add new version to table if($Script:new_versions.ContainsKey($dir)) { # If (during this install process) an archive was already extracted to this folder and its version is # not the same as new version, we raise an error if($Script:new_versions[$dir] -ne $version) { Write-Error "- Several dependencies are extracted in the same folder with different versions. You have to make sure that they carry the same version." exit } } else { $Script:new_versions.Add($dir, $version) } } # # core script # Write-Host "" Write-Host "===Installing dependencies===" $Script:timer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() foreach ($dep in Get-Content $manifest_file) { $arch, $dir, $version = $dep.split(';',3) InstallDeps $arch $dir $version } $timer.Stop() Write-Host "Write token version files, to quicken next dependencies " foreach ($new_version in $Script:new_versions.GetEnumerator()) { $new_version.Value > $dest_dir\$($new_version.Key)-version.txt } Write-Host "" Write-Host "===Install Summary===" Write-Host "State = Success" Write-Host "Number of archives downloaded = $Script:download_count" Write-Host "Number of archives extracted = $Script:extract_count" Write-Host "Installation time = " $([string]::Format("{0:d2}h:{1:d2}mn:{2:d2}s", $timer.Elapsed.hours, $timer.Elapsed.minutes, $timer.Elapsed.seconds)) -nonewline Write-Host ""