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advviz-4-usecases.dox 4.3KB

  1. /**
  2. \page Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases Use-cases
  3. We describe in this section of the documentation several use-cases, typical and concrete examples of EEG analysis
  4. that are enlighted by the <b>Mensia Advanced Visualization Toolset</b>.
  5. \section Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_1 EEG Signal analysis
  6. This detailed example uses the basic OpenViBE signal processing boxes to perform elementary real-time analysis, and the Mensia Advanced Visualization Toolset
  7. to display the results:
  8. - Raw and filtered EEG
  9. - Spectrum, time-frequency map
  10. - 2D and 3D topographies
  11. You can find this scenario in the provided sample set, the scenario file name is \textit{UseCase-1-EEG-signal-analysis.mxs}.
  12. \subpage Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_SignalAnalysis
  13. \section Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_2 Event-Related Potentials analysis
  14. This use-case is focused on the ERP extraction and visualization, applied to P300 speller data.
  15. The Mensia Advanced Visualization boxes allows concurrent and comparative displays (e.g. target versus non-target potentials), and synchronized replay capabilities
  16. You can find this scenario in the provided sample set, the scenario file name is \textit{UseCase-2-ERP-analysis.mxs}.
  17. \subpage Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_ERPAnalysis
  18. \page Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_SignalAnalysis Use-case 1: EEG Signal analysis
  19. \section Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_SignalAnalysis_Intro Introduction
  20. This use-case is a simple yet concrete example of real-time EEG analysis usually performed with OpenViBE.
  21. The scenario covers the use of oscilloscope, bitmaps, bars and topographic views to display signal, spectrum, and band power.
  22. \section Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_SignalAnalysis_Scenario The scenario
  23. The signal used is a <b>motor imagery</b> session, where the participant performed right and left hand motor imagery trials.
  24. For more details, please refer to the official documentation of the OpenViBE motor-imagery bci scenarios, provided with the official release of the software.
  25. We chose these data for demonstration purpose only as it is a file provided with the official release of openvibe, and should be available for you anyway.
  26. \subsection Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_SignalAnalysis_Scenario_Filtering Signal filtering
  27. We first remove artifacts using temporal filters, especially the common 50Hz noise coming from the electrical installation.
  28. The EEG amplifier used for the record we read here is a Mindmedia NeXuS 32b, with one reference channel put on Nz (nose).
  29. The <em>Reference Channel</em> box applies this spatial filter to further remove noises.
  30. We then use a \ref Doc_BoxAlgorithm_ContinuousOscilloscope to display the filtered signal.
  31. \image html UseCase1_1.png "Denoising the signal before display"
  32. \image latex UseCase1_1.png "Denoising the signal before display" width=8cm
  33. \subsection Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_SignalAnalysis_Scenario_Spectrum Spectral analysis
  34. A first pipeline computes two surface Laplacian filters around C3 and C4, the center of the two motor cortices.
  35. We then compute the spectrum using FFT, up to 32 Hz, and display it using \ref Doc_BoxAlgorithm_InstantBars (spectrum levels)
  36. and \ref Doc_BoxAlgorithm_StackedBitmapHorizontal (time-frequency map).
  37. \image html UseCase1_2.png "Spectral analysis over filtered data"
  38. \image latex UseCase1_2.png "Spectral analysis over filtered data" width=8cm
  39. \subsection Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_SignalAnalysis_Scenario_Topo Topographic display
  40. We compute in a parallel pipeline the alpha band power, averaged over several epochs, and visualize it over the scalp
  41. through \ref Doc_BoxAlgorithm_2DTopography and \ref Doc_BoxAlgorithm_3DTopography.
  42. \image html UseCase1_3.png "Topographic display of the alpha band power over the scalp"
  43. \image latex UseCase1_3.png "Topographic display of the alpha band power over the scalp" width=8cm
  44. \section Doc_Mensia_AdvViz_UseCases_SignalAnalysis_Result Result
  45. Here is the online visualization when we play this scenario on the provided data.
  46. \image html UseCase1_6.png "Signal display"
  47. \image latex UseCase1_6.png "Signal display" width=10cm
  48. \image html UseCase1_4.png "Spectrum visualization"
  49. \image latex UseCase1_4.png "Spectrum visualization" width=10cm
  50. \image html UseCase1_5.png "2D and 3D Topographies"
  51. \image latex UseCase1_5.png "2D and 3D Topographies" width=10cm
  52. */