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Doc_BoxAlgorithm_MatrixValidityChecker.rst 1.1KB

  1. .. _Doc_BoxAlgorithm_MatrixValidityChecker:
  2. Matrix validity checker
  3. =======================
  4. .. container:: attribution
  5. :Author:
  6. Yann Renard
  7. :Company:
  9. .. image:: images/Doc_BoxAlgorithm_MatrixValidityChecker.png
  10. This box is for debugging purposes and allows an author to check the validity of a streamed matrix and derived stream. This box can log a message, stop the player or interpolate data.
  11. Ensures values stored in a matrix are valid, i.e. regular floating point values as opposed to NaN (not a number) or infinite.
  12. Inputs
  13. ------
  14. .. csv-table::
  15. :header: "Input Name", "Stream Type"
  16. "Stream 1", "Streamed matrix"
  17. Outputs
  18. -------
  19. .. csv-table::
  20. :header: "Output Name", "Stream Type"
  21. "Output stream 1", "Streamed matrix"
  22. .. _Doc_BoxAlgorithm_MatrixValidityChecker_Settings:
  23. Settings
  24. --------
  25. .. csv-table::
  26. :header: "Setting Name", "Type", "Default Value"
  27. "Log level", "Log level", "Warning"
  28. "Action to do", "Action to do", "Log warning"
  29. Log level
  30. ~~~~~~~~~
  31. Log level of messages to be printed whenever Nan or infinite values are found in input matrix.