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Doc_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve.dox-part 2.7KB

  1. /**
  2. * \page BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve ROC Curve
  3. __________________________________________________________________
  4. Detailed description
  5. __________________________________________________________________
  6. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Description|
  7. * This box computes the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve for a classifier ( One curve will be computes
  8. * by class. This box is designed to work with the probability output of the \ref Doc_BoxAlgorithm_ClassifierProcessor.
  9. *
  10. * The box will compute the curve when it receives the computation trigger on the first input.
  11. *
  12. * The result is displayed when computed in a standalone visualization.
  13. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Description|
  14. *
  15. *
  16. _______________________________________________________________
  17. Inputs description
  18. __________________________________________________________________
  19. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Inputs|
  20. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Inputs|
  21. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Input1|
  22. The first input receives the expected stimulations stream.
  23. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Input1|
  24. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Input2|
  25. This input receives the probability output stream of the processor box.
  26. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Input2|
  27. __________________________________________________________________
  28. Settings description
  29. __________________________________________________________________
  30. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Settings|
  31. * Each setting after the second one corresponds to the stimulation code of a class. A stimulation must be unique.
  32. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Settings|
  33. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Setting1|
  34. * Stimulation trigger for the computation.
  35. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Setting1|
  36. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Setting2|
  37. * This setting indicates the amount of classes handled by the box. This setting will change the amount of setting.
  38. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Setting2|
  39. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Setting3|
  40. * This setting indicates the stimulation corresponding to the first class.
  41. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Setting3|
  42. *
  43. * * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Setting4|
  44. * This setting indicates the stimulation corresponding to the second class.
  45. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Setting4|
  46. __________________________________________________________________
  47. Miscellaneous description
  48. __________________________________________________________________
  49. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Miscellaneous|
  50. * All stimulations can be send to the box. They will be filtered.
  51. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_ROCCurve_Miscellaneous|
  52. */