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Doc_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated.dox-part 4.7KB

  1. /**
  2. * \page BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated xDAWN Spatial Filter Trainer
  3. __________________________________________________________________
  4. Detailed description
  5. __________________________________________________________________
  6. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Description|
  7. * This box can be used in order to compute a spatial filter in order to enhance the
  8. * detection of evoked response potentials. In order to compute such filter, this box
  9. * needs to receive the whole contain of a session on the first hand, and a succession
  10. * of evoked response potentials on the other hand. It then computes the averaged evoked
  11. * response potential computes the spatial filter that makes this averaged potential
  12. * appear in the whole signal. This can be used e.g. for better P300 signal detection.
  13. *
  14. * It is important to consider the fact that this box will have best results for a
  15. * reasonably big number of input channels, possibly all over the scalp (areas where
  16. * the evoked response potential can not be seen will be naturally used as references
  17. * to reduce noise). The spatial filter results in space reduction to only keep significant
  18. * channels for later detection. Consider using at least 4 times more input channels than
  19. * the number of output channels you want. For example, reducing 16 electrodes to 3 channels
  20. * for P300 detection is OK.
  21. *
  22. * For more details about xDAWN, see <a href="">Rivet et al. 2009</a>
  23. * or in case this links disappears, <a href="">this website</a>.
  24. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Description|
  25. __________________________________________________________________
  26. Inputs description
  27. __________________________________________________________________
  28. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Inputs|
  29. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Inputs|
  30. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Input1|
  31. * This input receives the experiment stimulations. As soon as the "train"
  32. * stimulation is received, the spatial filter is computed.
  33. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Input1|
  34. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Input2|
  35. * This input should receive the whole signal of the session.
  36. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Input2|
  37. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Input3|
  38. * This input should receive the multiple evoked response potentials.
  39. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Input3|
  40. __________________________________________________________________
  41. Outputs description
  42. __________________________________________________________________
  43. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_CSPSpatialFilterTrainer_Outputs|
  44. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_CSPSpatialFilterTrainer_Outputs|
  45. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_CSPSpatialFilterTrainer_Output1|
  46. The xDAWN Trainer outputs the stimulation <b>OVTK_StimulationId_TrainCompleted</b> when the training process was successful. No output is produced if the process failed.
  47. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_CSPSpatialFilterTrainer_Output1|
  48. __________________________________________________________________
  49. Settings description
  50. __________________________________________________________________
  51. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Settings|
  52. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Settings|
  53. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Setting1|
  54. * This setting contains the stimulation to use to trigger the training process.
  55. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Setting1|
  56. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Setting2|
  57. * This setting tells the box what configuration file to generate. This configuration file can
  58. * be used to set the correct values of a \ref Doc_BoxAlgorithm_SpatialFilter box.
  59. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Setting2|
  60. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Setting3|
  61. * This setting tells how many dimension should be kept out of the spatial filter.
  62. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Setting3|
  63. __________________________________________________________________
  64. Examples description
  65. __________________________________________________________________
  66. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Examples|
  67. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Examples|
  68. __________________________________________________________________
  69. Miscellaneous description
  70. __________________________________________________________________
  71. * |OVP_DocBegin_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Miscellaneous|
  72. * |OVP_DocEnd_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNTrainerDeprecated_Miscellaneous|
  73. */