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|OpenViBE meta repository| |README|

Website Doxygen Documentation License: AGPL v3

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OpenViBE project is now divided into 3 parts :

  • SDK, that contains the certifiable core and plugins of OpenViBE
  • Designer, the graphical interface for OpenViBE
  • Extras, for community plugins and contributions

The current repository, OpenViBE-meta, exist to ease the task of building these repositories together.

To build OpenViBE, follow these instructions :

  • Pull this repository
  • Pull its submodules
  • Install the dependencies using install_dependencies.cmd or .sh script, depending on your platform
  • Build the project using build.cmd or build.sh script
    • OPTIONNAL : if you need a solution that can be opened in visual studio, add --vsbuild-all flag. Generated solution will be outputted in build folder

Pulling this repository

This can be done using git pull git@gitlab.inria.fr:openvibe/meta.git from command line, or with any GUI for git, like GitKraken.

Pulling the submodules

Please note that you will require a recent version of git for this step; we advise to use versions above 2.0, but git 1.7 should work. Use git submodule update --init --recursive to fetch all submodules.

Installing the dependencies

Call install_dependencies.cmd or install_dependencies.sh, depending on your system. A "dependencies" folder will be created on main directory.

If you wish to use visual studio, it will be more handy to install python and jinja2 library with : c:\python3X\Scripts\pip.exe install jinja2

If you want to use the pygame examples, you will need python and pygame library. Pygame can be installed with pip install jinja2

Building the project

To build the whole project, execute build.cmd (windows) or build.sh (linux). You will require at least version 2013 of Visual Studio, or GCC 4.8

Bu#ilding the project for Visual Studio

To build the project for visual studio with both debug and release, use build.cmd --vsbuild-all. After building the project, the script will attempt to generate a merged solution of the 3 projects. This requires python3 and jinja2. If you use stock python3, you can install jinja2 like so : c:\python3X\Scripts\pip.exe install jinja2 The merged sln will be generated in the build directory.

If you do not wish to install python, you can also use the launchvc.cmd or launchvc_debug.cmd scripts (Legacy)

Updating the repository


You can update the whole directory (including submodules) with :

git pull
git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update -init --recursive

Aliases can be created to ease the global update process : git config --global alias.spull '!git pull && git submodule sync --recursive && git submodule update --init --recursive'