123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201 |
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- =pod
- This script will install dependencies for OpenViBE SDK.
- The installer uses the native package manager.
- Currently supported Linux Distributions are:
- - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Operating on the specified manifest folder,
- 1) Carries out preliminary steps by running scripts matching
- ^linux-preinstall-.*pl from linux-dep-helpers/
- 2) Installs packages from distro-specific files
- (like linux-dependencies-ubuntu1404.txt)
- 3) May compile/fetch packages with perl scripts matching
- ^linux-compile-.*pl from linux-dep-helpers/
- n.b. The script globs all .pl scripts present that match the prefixes. If you don't want some dependency, remove the corresponding script.
- =cut
- use strict;
- use English;
- use FindBin;
- use File::Copy;
- use File::Spec;
- use Getopt::Long;
- sub usage {
- print "$0 [-h][-y]\n";
- print "Install OpenViBE SDK build dependencies\n";
- print " Options:\n";
- print " -h: this help\n";
- print " -y: assume 'yes' to all prompts. Make it possible to run non-interactively.\n";
- print " --no-gtest: will not compile gtest if set.\n";
- print " --no-install: will not do any installation if set.\n";
- print " --dependencies-dir [folder]: path to the dependencies\n";
- print " --manifest-dir [folder]: path to the manifest files (default: scripts folder/linux-dep-helpers/)\n";
- };
- my $assume_yes = 0;
- my $no_gtest = 0;
- my $no_install = 0;
- my $manifest_dir = "$FindBin::Bin";
- my $print_help = 0;
- my $dependencies_dir = "$FindBin::Bin/../dependencies/";
- GetOptions (
- "assume-yes" => \$assume_yes,
- "y" => \$assume_yes,
- "dependencies-dir=s" => \$dependencies_dir,
- "manifest-dir=s" => \$manifest_dir,
- "h" => \$print_help,
- "help" => \$print_help,
- "no-install" => \$no_install,
- "no-gtest" => \$no_gtest)
- or usage() and die("Error in command line arguments\n");
- if($print_help) {
- usage();
- exit(1);
- }
- $dependencies_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($dependencies_dir);
- my $dependencies_arch_dir = "$dependencies_dir/arch";
- my $helper_script_dir = "$manifest_dir/linux-dep-helpers/";
- if (! -e $dependencies_dir) {
- mkdir($dependencies_dir) or die("Failed to create directory [$dependencies_dir]");
- }
- if (! -e $dependencies_arch_dir) {
- mkdir($dependencies_arch_dir) or die("Failed to create directory [$dependencies_arch_dir]");
- }
- # Check for the release version and set the update and install commands
- my $unsupported_distribution = 'Unsupported';
- my $distribution = $unsupported_distribution;
- my $update_packages_command = '';
- my $package_install_command = '';
- my $add_repository_command = '';
- my $os_release = `cat /etc/os-release`;
- # Check for NAME= and VERSION_ID=
- # Take into account distros placing quotes around values
- my ($lsb_distributor, $lsb_release) = ($os_release =~ m/NAME=["'\`]*([a-zA-Z]+).*VERSION_ID=["'\`]*([0-9.]+)/s);
- if ($lsb_distributor =~ 'Ubuntu') {
- if (!$no_install) {
- $update_packages_command = 'sudo apt-get update';
- if ($assume_yes) {
- $package_install_command = 'sudo apt-get -y install';
- $add_repository_command = 'sudo add-apt-repository -y universe';
- } else {
- $package_install_command = 'sudo apt-get install';
- $add_repository_command = 'sudo add-apt-repository universe';
- }
- }
- if ($lsb_release =~ '14.04'
- || $lsb_release =~ '16.04'
- || $lsb_release =~ '18.04'
- || $lsb_release =~ '19.10') {
- $distribution = 'Ubuntu ' . $lsb_release;
- }
- } elsif ($lsb_distributor =~ 'Fedora') {
- if (!$no_install) {
- if ($assume_yes) {
- $package_install_command = 'sudo dnf -y install';
- } else {
- $package_install_command = 'sudo dnf install';
- }
- }
- $distribution = 'Fedora';
- }
- $distribution eq $unsupported_distribution and die('This distribution is unsupported');
- print "Installing dependencies for: $distribution\n";
- print "Install command: $package_install_command\n";
- # Perform steps before installing packages
- opendir(my $dir_handle, $helper_script_dir) or die("unable to open $helper_script_dir");
- while(my $filename = readdir($dir_handle)) {
- if($filename =~ /^linux-preinstall.*pl/) {
- open(my $pl_file_handle, '<', "$helper_script_dir/$filename")
- or die "Unable to open file, $helper_script_dir/$filename";
- undef $/;
- my $program = <$pl_file_handle>;
- eval " $program "; warn $@ if $@;
- }
- }
- closedir($dir_handle);
- # Create the list of packages to install
- my $pkg_file = "";
- if ($distribution eq 'Ubuntu 14.04') {
- $pkg_file = "$manifest_dir/linux-dependencies-ubuntu1404.txt";
- } elsif ($distribution =~ 'Ubuntu') {
- $pkg_file = "$manifest_dir/linux-dependencies-ubuntu16_plus.txt";
- } elsif ($distribution eq 'Fedora') {
- $pkg_file = "$manifest_dir/linux-dependencies-fedora.txt";
- }
- # Install actual packages
- print "Opening package manifest file $pkg_file ...\n";
- # read package list to memory
- open(my $pkg_file_handle, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $pkg_file)
- or die "Unable to open file, $pkg_file";
- my @packages = ();
- for my $line (<$pkg_file_handle>) {
- $line =~ s/\r?\n$//;
- push @packages, $line;
- }
- close($pkg_file_handle) or warn "Unable to close $pkg_file";
- if (!$no_install) {
- # Update package list
- if ($add_repository_command) {
- print "Updating package database...\n";
- system($add_repository_command);
- ($CHILD_ERROR != 0) and die('Failed to add additional repositories');
- }
- if ($update_packages_command) {
- system($update_packages_command);
- ($CHILD_ERROR != 0) and die('Failed to update the package databases');
- }
- # Install the packages
- print "Will install following packages:\n";
- print (join ' ', @packages), "\n";
- my $pkgs = (join ' ', @packages);
- system("$package_install_command " . (join ' ', @packages));
- ($CHILD_ERROR != 0) and die('Failed to install the required packages');
- }
- # Obtain specific dependencies that we dont get from packages
- opendir(my $dir_handle, $helper_script_dir) or die("unable to open $helper_script_dir");
- while(my $filename = readdir($dir_handle)) {
- if($filename =~ /^linux-compile.*pl/) {
- print "Running $helper_script_dir/$filename ...\n";
- open(my $pl_file_handle, '<', "$helper_script_dir/$filename")
- or die "Unable to open file, $helper_script_dir/$filename";
- undef $/;
- my $program = <$pl_file_handle>;
- eval " $program "; warn $@ if $@;
- }
- }
- closedir($dir_handle);
- print("OpenViBE SDK dependencies were successfully installed\n");