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OpenViBE SDK is a core software platform for the design, test and use of Brain-Computer Interfaces. It aims to have a certifiable kernel to be used in medical devices.

Repository organisation

The project repository is composed of several software modules. The repository basically looks like this :

 + <openvibe> (API / specifications)
 + <kernel> (kernel implementation)
 + <toolkit> (development help components)
 + <applications> (OpenViBE user applications)
 + <plugins> (OpenViBE plugin collections)
    + <samples>
    + <acquisition>
    + ...
 + <modules> (abstraction and portability components)
    + <ebml>
    + <socket>
    + ...
	+-- cmake-modules (cmake FindXXX and helpers)
 + <data>
    + <openvibe> (configuration data)
    + <resources> (test resources)
 + <scripts>
 + <unit-test> (code-level unit tests)
    + <unit-toolkit> (internal unit testing framework)
 + <validation-test> (integration/validation tests)
    + <python-toolkit>

Each software module is organized as a UNIX-like tree (empty folders not included):

+ <bin> (any pre-compiled binaries)
+ <include> (target folder for API headers)
+ <lib> (any pre-compiled libraries)
+ <share> (shared file folder for all data)
+ <src> (source code of the module)
+ <doc> (documentation files for the module)
+ <test> (unit test source code for the module)


Please refer to the COPYING.md file to get details regarding the OpenViBE license.


Please refer to the INSTALL.md file for instructions on how to build the platform.

Naming rules

WARNING: These are the initial naming rules of the project. For an updated version, pleaser refer to OpenViBE Coding Rules.


  • Openvibe-related variable: OV_MY_VARIABLE
  • Test-related variable: OVT_MY_VARIABLE


  • CMake project and target name: openvibe-test-mytool (e.g. openvibe-test-accuracy)
  • File name: ovt + OpenViBE naming rules
  • Main namespace: OpenViBE::Test
  • Macro naming: OVT_MYMACRO

Unit Tests

  • OpenViBE tested modules: module (e.g. openvibe-kernel)
  • Unit test directory name: module (e.g. openvibe-kernel)
  • CMake target name: module-test (e.g. openvibe-kernel-test)
  • Test file name: uo/ur + test identifier + Test (e.g. uoKernelContextTest.cpp)
    • u = unit
    • o = open (used for public test transferred from open-source OpenViBE)
    • r = restricted (used for test implemented within OpenViBE SDK project)
  • Test name: identical to file name

Validation Tests

  • OpenViBE tested module: module (e.g. openvibe-plugins-classification)
  • Validation test directory: module (e.g. openvibe-plugins-classification)
  • CMake target name: module-test (e.g openvibe-plugins-classification-test)
  • Test name: vo/vr + module identifier + test identifier + Test (e.g. voClassificationLDATest)
    • v = validation
    • o/r: see Unit Tests


Use AGPL-3 header for public tests and confidential header for private tests.


Adding Unit Test

Add Tests to Existing Driver

To add tests to a module that is already tested, just add the test file and modify the test driver CMakeLists.txt accordingly.

Creating a Test Driver

If you wish to test a new module, you will have to create a new test driver in unit-test/.

Create a new directory with some tests and a CMakeLists.txt (just look at other tests to get insights on tests structure).

Add driver directory to directory to be processed in root directory CMakeLists.txt.

Updating CTest Validation Test

Enhance Existing Test

Just add data in the test directory and modify test CMakeLists.txt accordingly.

Add New Test

There should be no reason to add ctest validation tests. New validation tests use Robot Framework. @FIXME CERT Rename repository ? Check "Adding Robot Framework Test" section in certivibe-test repository for more details.