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openvibe.dox-base 1.4KB

  1. /**
  2. \mainpage Home
  3. \section Doc_Preface Preface
  4. Welcome to the Doxygen Documentation for OpenViBE @PROJECT_VERSION@.
  5. This document has been automatically generated on Linux. Please note
  6. - The documentation lacks components and classes that are not compiled on Linux.
  7. - Some source files do not have doxygen information and may not be represented here.
  8. - Plugins such as boxes and drivers are not included in the class lists to better illustrate the core part of OpenViBE.
  9. However, you can see the boxes on the <a href="Doc_BoxAlgorithms.html"><b>Box Descriptions</b></a> page.
  10. The tutorials and user manual, as well as build instructions for OpenViBE are located on the website :
  11. \section Doc_Boxes Box Descriptions
  12. This section contains the description of all of the Boxes available in the OpenViBE Designer.
  13. - \subpage Doc_BoxAlgorithms
  14. \subsection Doc_EBML Details on EBML
  15. OpenViBE uses EBML as a container for all data streams. If you would like to extend the formats of data OpenViBE can handle you might want to document yourself on EBML usage.
  16. - \subpage Doc_WhatIsEBML
  17. - \subpage Doc_ParsingEBMLStreams
  18. - \subpage Doc_FormatingEBMLStreams
  19. \subsection Doc_OngoingDocumentation Ongoing Documentation
  20. - \subpage Doc_SoftwareArchitectureOverview (incomplete)
  21. */