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Linux Ubuntu (14.04 and 16.04)

  • Install the dependencies
    • run script; you will require sudo rights
    • run script with an existing DEPENDENCY_CACHE environment variable or with --cache parameter (OPTIONAL - for tests), or with PROXYPASS

Windows 7 and later

  • Install the dependencies:
    • copy windows-install-dependencies.cmd and rename copy to windows-install-dependencies-custom.cmd
    • edit line set PROXYPASS=XXX:XXX with appropriate username and password
    • run it whenever you want to update dependencies.


Linux Ubuntu (14.04)

  • Build the sofware
    • run unix-build script, and append --build-unit and/or --build-validation if you want to build tests
  • Run unit tests
    • run from the build directory

Windows 7 and later

  • Build the sofware
    • run windows-build.cmd script, and append --build-unit and/or --build-validation if you want to build tests
  • Run unit tests
    • run ctest-launcher.cmd from the build directory

Building Documentation

Documentation Dependencies

The documentation is build by the sphinx tool and has following dependencies:

  • Python
  • sphinx
  • sphinx_rtd_theme

The best way to have these dependencies ready is to use a virtualenv in order to make an environment containing these.

Assuming you have virtualenv installed the commands would be:

First time:

mkdir -p ~/virtualenvs
virutalenv ~/virtualenvs/openvibe-doc
source ~/virtualenvs/openvibe-doc/bin/activate
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme

or on windows

md %USERPROFILE%\virtualenvs
virtualenv %USERPROFILE%\virtualenvs\openvibe-doc
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme

once the environment is created you only need to execute the third line to activate it.

Documentation Building

The documentation main files reside in documentation/sphinx folder and is constructed in the following fashion:

  1. During the CMake step documentation files are pooled in the dist/doc-tmp/sphinx folder
    • The files come from the documentation/sphinx folder and from the plugins boxes folders
  2. The documentation will generate a build-documentation script inside the doc-tmp folder which has to be launched manually.
  3. The documentation will be generated in the doc-tmp/sphinx/build folder and moved to doc/OpenViBE Manual

Extending Documentation

If you wish to build a documentation that extends what is already in the SDK you can do so by adding files into the doc-tmp folder and overwriting indexes.

A few remarks:

The main index file is in doc-tmp/sphinx/source/index.rst and should almost always be overwritten if you need to add something to the documentation.

Box list is in doc-tmp/sphinx/source/boxes/index-boxes.rst. The plugin-inspector can generate this file for you using the openvibe-plugin-inspector --box-doc-directory <WHERE> template. It will also generate templates for all boxes that can be loaded by the kernel.