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data_channel_hw.tcl 7.1KB

8 months ago
  1. # TCL File Generated by Component Editor 21.1
  2. # Fri Sep 09 13:42:23 CEST 2022
  4. #
  5. # data_channel "data_channel" v1.0
  6. # Johannes Kutning 2022.09.09.13:42:23
  7. # A data channel for signal data transport
  8. #
  9. #
  10. # request TCL package from ACDS 16.1
  11. #
  12. package require -exact qsys 16.1
  13. #
  14. # module data_channel
  15. #
  16. set_module_property DESCRIPTION "A data channel for signal data transport"
  17. set_module_property NAME data_channel
  18. set_module_property VERSION 1.0
  19. set_module_property INTERNAL false
  20. set_module_property OPAQUE_ADDRESS_MAP true
  21. set_module_property GROUP signal_processing
  22. set_module_property AUTHOR "Johannes Kutning"
  23. set_module_property DISPLAY_NAME data_channel
  24. set_module_property INSTANTIATE_IN_SYSTEM_MODULE true
  25. set_module_property EDITABLE true
  26. set_module_property REPORT_TO_TALKBACK false
  27. set_module_property ALLOW_GREYBOX_GENERATION false
  28. set_module_property REPORT_HIERARCHY false
  29. #
  30. # file sets
  31. #
  32. add_fileset QUARTUS_SYNTH QUARTUS_SYNTH "" ""
  33. set_fileset_property QUARTUS_SYNTH TOP_LEVEL data_channel
  34. set_fileset_property QUARTUS_SYNTH ENABLE_RELATIVE_INCLUDE_PATHS false
  35. set_fileset_property QUARTUS_SYNTH ENABLE_FILE_OVERWRITE_MODE false
  36. add_fileset_file data_channel.vhd VHDL PATH hardware/system/data_channel.vhd TOP_LEVEL_FILE
  37. #
  38. # parameters
  39. #
  40. add_parameter DEPTH POSITIVE 1024
  41. set_parameter_property DEPTH DEFAULT_VALUE 1024
  42. set_parameter_property DEPTH DISPLAY_NAME DEPTH
  43. set_parameter_property DEPTH TYPE POSITIVE
  44. set_parameter_property DEPTH UNITS None
  45. set_parameter_property DEPTH ALLOWED_RANGES 1:2147483647
  46. set_parameter_property DEPTH HDL_PARAMETER true
  47. #
  48. # display items
  49. #
  50. #
  51. # connection point clock
  52. #
  53. add_interface clock clock end
  54. set_interface_property clock clockRate 0
  55. set_interface_property clock ENABLED true
  56. set_interface_property clock EXPORT_OF ""
  57. set_interface_property clock PORT_NAME_MAP ""
  58. set_interface_property clock CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
  59. set_interface_property clock SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
  60. add_interface_port clock clk clk Input 1
  61. #
  62. # connection point reset
  63. #
  64. add_interface reset reset end
  65. set_interface_property reset associatedClock clock
  66. set_interface_property reset synchronousEdges DEASSERT
  67. set_interface_property reset ENABLED true
  68. set_interface_property reset EXPORT_OF ""
  69. set_interface_property reset PORT_NAME_MAP ""
  70. set_interface_property reset CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
  71. set_interface_property reset SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
  72. add_interface_port reset reset reset Input 1
  73. #
  74. # connection point ctrl
  75. #
  76. add_interface ctrl avalon end
  77. set_interface_property ctrl addressUnits WORDS
  78. set_interface_property ctrl associatedClock clock
  79. set_interface_property ctrl associatedReset reset
  80. set_interface_property ctrl bitsPerSymbol 8
  81. set_interface_property ctrl burstOnBurstBoundariesOnly false
  82. set_interface_property ctrl burstcountUnits WORDS
  83. set_interface_property ctrl explicitAddressSpan 0
  84. set_interface_property ctrl holdTime 0
  85. set_interface_property ctrl linewrapBursts false
  86. set_interface_property ctrl maximumPendingReadTransactions 0
  87. set_interface_property ctrl maximumPendingWriteTransactions 0
  88. set_interface_property ctrl readLatency 0
  89. set_interface_property ctrl readWaitTime 1
  90. set_interface_property ctrl setupTime 0
  91. set_interface_property ctrl timingUnits Cycles
  92. set_interface_property ctrl writeWaitTime 0
  93. set_interface_property ctrl ENABLED true
  94. set_interface_property ctrl EXPORT_OF ""
  95. set_interface_property ctrl PORT_NAME_MAP ""
  96. set_interface_property ctrl CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
  97. set_interface_property ctrl SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
  98. add_interface_port ctrl ctrl_address address Input 4
  99. add_interface_port ctrl ctrl_read read Input 1
  100. add_interface_port ctrl ctrl_readdata readdata Output 32
  101. add_interface_port ctrl ctrl_write write Input 1
  102. add_interface_port ctrl ctrl_writedata writedata Input 32
  103. set_interface_assignment ctrl embeddedsw.configuration.isFlash 0
  104. set_interface_assignment ctrl embeddedsw.configuration.isMemoryDevice 0
  105. set_interface_assignment ctrl embeddedsw.configuration.isNonVolatileStorage 0
  106. set_interface_assignment ctrl embeddedsw.configuration.isPrintableDevice 0
  107. #
  108. # connection point hw_sink
  109. #
  110. add_interface hw_sink avalon end
  111. set_interface_property hw_sink addressUnits WORDS
  112. set_interface_property hw_sink associatedClock clock
  113. set_interface_property hw_sink associatedReset reset
  114. set_interface_property hw_sink bitsPerSymbol 8
  115. set_interface_property hw_sink burstOnBurstBoundariesOnly false
  116. set_interface_property hw_sink burstcountUnits WORDS
  117. set_interface_property hw_sink explicitAddressSpan 0
  118. set_interface_property hw_sink holdTime 0
  119. set_interface_property hw_sink linewrapBursts false
  120. set_interface_property hw_sink maximumPendingReadTransactions 0
  121. set_interface_property hw_sink maximumPendingWriteTransactions 0
  122. set_interface_property hw_sink readLatency 0
  123. set_interface_property hw_sink readWaitTime 1
  124. set_interface_property hw_sink setupTime 0
  125. set_interface_property hw_sink timingUnits Cycles
  126. set_interface_property hw_sink writeWaitTime 0
  127. set_interface_property hw_sink ENABLED true
  128. set_interface_property hw_sink EXPORT_OF ""
  129. set_interface_property hw_sink PORT_NAME_MAP ""
  130. set_interface_property hw_sink CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
  131. set_interface_property hw_sink SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
  132. add_interface_port hw_sink hw_sink_write write Input 1
  133. add_interface_port hw_sink hw_sink_writedata writedata Input 32
  134. set_interface_assignment hw_sink embeddedsw.configuration.isFlash 0
  135. set_interface_assignment hw_sink embeddedsw.configuration.isMemoryDevice 0
  136. set_interface_assignment hw_sink embeddedsw.configuration.isNonVolatileStorage 0
  137. set_interface_assignment hw_sink embeddedsw.configuration.isPrintableDevice 0
  138. #
  139. # connection point hw_source
  140. #
  141. add_interface hw_source avalon end
  142. set_interface_property hw_source addressUnits WORDS
  143. set_interface_property hw_source associatedClock clock
  144. set_interface_property hw_source associatedReset reset
  145. set_interface_property hw_source bitsPerSymbol 8
  146. set_interface_property hw_source burstOnBurstBoundariesOnly false
  147. set_interface_property hw_source burstcountUnits WORDS
  148. set_interface_property hw_source explicitAddressSpan 0
  149. set_interface_property hw_source holdTime 0
  150. set_interface_property hw_source linewrapBursts false
  151. set_interface_property hw_source maximumPendingReadTransactions 0
  152. set_interface_property hw_source maximumPendingWriteTransactions 0
  153. set_interface_property hw_source readLatency 0
  154. set_interface_property hw_source readWaitTime 1
  155. set_interface_property hw_source setupTime 0
  156. set_interface_property hw_source timingUnits Cycles
  157. set_interface_property hw_source writeWaitTime 0
  158. set_interface_property hw_source ENABLED true
  159. set_interface_property hw_source EXPORT_OF ""
  160. set_interface_property hw_source PORT_NAME_MAP ""
  161. set_interface_property hw_source CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
  162. set_interface_property hw_source SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
  163. add_interface_port hw_source hw_source_read read Input 1
  164. add_interface_port hw_source hw_source_readdata readdata Output 32
  165. set_interface_assignment hw_source embeddedsw.configuration.isFlash 0
  166. set_interface_assignment hw_source embeddedsw.configuration.isMemoryDevice 0
  167. set_interface_assignment hw_source embeddedsw.configuration.isNonVolatileStorage 0
  168. set_interface_assignment hw_source embeddedsw.configuration.isPrintableDevice 0