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/// \file ovpCBoxAlgorithmTactiloController.cpp
/// \brief Functions of the Box Tactilo Controller.
/// \author Tobias Baumann (TH-Nürnberg).
/// \version 1.0.
/// \date Mon Feb 21 14:59:56 2022.
/// \copyright <a href="https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/">GNU Affero General Public License v3.0</a>.
#include "ovpCBoxAlgorithmTactiloController.h"
#include <string>
using namespace OpenViBE;
using namespace /*OpenViBE::*/Kernel;
using namespace /*OpenViBE::*/Plugins;
using namespace /*OpenViBE::Plugins::*/Tactilebci;
bool CBoxAlgorithmTactiloController::initialize()
m_input0Decoder.initialize(*this, 0);
m_output0Encoder.initialize(*this, 0);
//get Box Settings
m_PortName = FSettingValueAutoCast(*this->getBoxAlgorithmContext(), 0);
m_RowBase = FSettingValueAutoCast(*this->getBoxAlgorithmContext(), 1);
m_StartStimulation = FSettingValueAutoCast(*this->getBoxAlgorithmContext(), 2);
m_StopStimulation = FSettingValueAutoCast(*this->getBoxAlgorithmContext(), 3);
//open serial port
this->getLogManager() << LogLevel_Info << "Connected to Serial Port: " << m_PortName << "\n";
return true;
bool CBoxAlgorithmTactiloController::uninitialize()
return true;
bool CBoxAlgorithmTactiloController::processInput(const size_t index)
// some pre-processing code if needed...
// ready to process !
return true;
bool CBoxAlgorithmTactiloController::process()
// the static box context describes the box inputs, outputs, settings structures
const IBox& staticBoxContext = this->getStaticBoxContext();
// the dynamic box context describes the current state of the box inputs and outputs (i.e. the chunks)
IBoxIO& boxContext = this->getDynamicBoxContext();
uint64_t TactiloNr = 0;
uint64_t StimulationID = 0;
uint64_t ChunkStartTime = 0;
uint64_t ChunkEndTime = 0;
uint64_t Size = 0;
const uint8_t* Buffer = nullptr;
//iterate over all chunk on input 0
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < boxContext.getInputChunkCount(0); ++i)
// decode the chunk i
//check received stimulations
IStimulationSet* StimSet = m_StimDecoder.getOutputStimulationSet();
for(uint64_t j=0; j<StimSet->getStimulationCount(); j++)
StimulationID = StimSet->getStimulationIdentifier(j);
if(StimulationID >= m_RowBase && StimulationID < (m_RowBase + NumberofTactilos))
this->getLogManager() << LogLevel_Debug << "Tactilo Nr. " << (StimulationID-m_RowBase+1) << "\n";
TactiloNr = StimulationID-m_RowBase+1;
if(StimulationID == m_StartStimulation || StimulationID == m_StopStimulation)
this->getLogManager() << LogLevel_Debug << "Toggle Tactilo Nr. " << (StimulationID-m_RowBase+1) << "\n";
boost::asio::write::async_write(m_Port, boost::asio::buffer(std::to_string(TactiloNr));
// forward input chunks
boxContext.getInputChunk(0, i, ChunkStartTime, ChunkEndTime, Size, Buffer);
boxContext.appendOutputChunkData(0, Buffer, Size);
boxContext.markOutputAsReadyToSend(0, ChunkStartTime, ChunkEndTime);
boxContext.markInputAsDeprecated(0, i);
return true;