diff --git a/scenarios/cfg/OV_TACTILE_WIN.conf b/scenarios/cfg/OV_TACTILE_WIN.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 331a6bf..0000000
--- a/scenarios/cfg/OV_TACTILE_WIN.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# This configuration file contains declarations of variables used by the scenarios of the tactile BCI System           #
-#                                                                                                                      #
-# Add --config PATH_TO_THIS_FILE when starting the designer from the command line                                      # 
-# USE --define TOKEN VALUE to assign a different value to a token without changing the default configuration           #
-#                                                                                                                      #  
-#                                                                                                                      #
-# Scenarios requiring this configuration file: p300-tactile-0-signal-monitoring.xml, p300-tactile-1-acquisition.xml,   #
-#                                              p300-tactile-2-train-xDAWN.xml, p300-tactile-3-train-classifier.xml,    #
-#                                              p300-tactile-4-online.xml                                               #
-#                                                                                                                      #
-# Author : Tobias Baumann                                                                                              #
-# Date   : 2021-12-27                                                                                                  #
-# General                                                                                                              #
-PATH_CONFIG                  = ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}/cfg
-PATH_SCRIPTS                 = ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}/scripts
-PATH_SIGNALS                 = ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}/signals
-PATH_UI                      = ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}
-ROW_BASE                     = OVTK_StimulationId_Label_01
-COL_BASE                     = OVTK_StimulationId_Label_07
-FREE_SPELLING                = true
-# Acquisition and Signal Processing                                                                                    #
-ACQUISITION_SERVER_HOST_NAME = ${AcquisitionServer_HostName}
-FILTER_METHOD                = Butterworth
-FILTER_TYPE                  = Band Pass
-FILTER_ORDER                 = 4
-LOW_CUT_FREQUENCY            = 1.000000
-HIGH_CUT_FREQUENCY           = 20.000000
-PASS_BAND_RIPPLE             = 0.500000
-# Stimulation                                                                                                          #
-SCRIPT_TACTILE_STIMULATOR    = ${PATH_SCRIPTS}/p300-tactile-stimulator.lua
-N_TACTILOS                   = 6
-N_REPETITIONS                = 4
-N_TRIALS                     = 4
-STIM_DURATION                = 0.2  
-NO_STIM_DURATION             = 0.1
-INTER_TRIAL_DELAY            = 3.0
-START_STIMULATION            = OVTK_StimulationId_Label_00
-START_DELAY                  = 20    
-# Tactilo Control                                                                                                      #
-FEATHER_IP                   =
-FEATHER_PORT                 = 8888
-# Target Generation                                                                                                    #
-SCRIPT_TARGET_GENERATION     = ${PATH_SCRIPTS}/p300-tactile-target.lua
-SEND_DELAY                   = 2
-# FILE I/O                                                                                                             #
-OUTPUT_FILE_NAME             = ${PATH_SIGNALS}/p300-tactile-session.ov
-INPUT_FILE_NAME              = ${PATH_SIGNALS}/p300-tactile-session.ov 
-# xDAWN Spatial Filter                                                                                                 #
-SPATIAL_TRAIN_TRIGGER        = OVTK_StimulationId_ExperimentStop
-SPATIAL_FILTER_CONFIG        = ${PATH_CONFIG}/p300-spatial-filter.cfg
-FILTER_DIMENSION             = 2   
-# P300 Classifier                                                                                                      #
-CLASSIFIER_TRAIN_TRIGGER     = OVTK_StimulationId_ExperimentStop
-CLASSIFIER_CONFIG            = ${PATH_CONFIG}/p300-classifier.cfg 
-MULTICLASS_STRATEGY          = Native
-CLASS_1                      = OVTK_StimulationId_Target
-CLASS_2                      = OVTK_StimulationId_NonTarget
-ALGORITHM                    = Linear Discrimimant Analysis (LDA)
-USE_SHRINKAGE                = false
-SHRINKAGE_COEFFICIENT        = -1.000000
-N_PARTITIONS                 = 5
-CLASS_BALANCE                = false  
-# P300 ACCUMULATOR                                                                                                     #
-SCRIPT_P300_ACCUMULATOR      = ${PATH_SCRIPTS}/p300-tactile-accumulator.lua
-# Speller Visualization                                                                                                #
-TACTILE_UI                   = ${PATH_UI}/p300-tactile.ui
-FLASH_BG                     = 5,5,5
-FLASH_FG                     = 100,100,100
-FLASH_FONT_SIZE              = 50
-NO_FLASH_BG                  = 0,0,0 
-NO_FLASH_FG                  = 25,25,25
-NO_FLASH_FONT_SIZE           = 50
-TARGET_BG                    = 20,20,70
-TARGET_FG                    = 10,10,30
-TARGET_FONT_SIZE             = 50
-SELECTED_BG                  = 10,40,10
-SELECTED_FG                  = 60,100,60
-SELECTED_FONT_SIZE           = 50