Dateien hochladen nach „src/TactileVisualization“

This commit is contained in:
Tobias Baumann 2022-05-24 13:27:51 +00:00
parent 0d0f534a45
commit cc96897351
2 changed files with 485 additions and 890 deletions

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@ -1,152 +1,124 @@
/// \file ovpCBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization.h
/// \brief Classes of the Box P300 Tactile Visualization. !!This is a modification of the P300 Speller Visualization Box!!
/// \file CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization.h
/// \brief Classes of the Box P300TactileVisualization.
/// \author Tobias Baumann (TH Nuernberg).
/// \version 1.0.
/// \date Mon Feb 04 12:43:53 2022.
/// \date Sat May 07 14:20:29 2022.
/// \copyright <a href="">GNU Affero General Public License v3.0</a>.
#pragma once
#include "TactileMenu.h"
//You may have to change this path to match your folder organisation
#include "../ovp_defines.h"
#include "TactileMenu.h"
#include <openvibe/ov_all.h>
#include <toolkit/ovtk_all.h>
#include <tcptagging/IStimulusSender.h>
#include <visualization-toolkit/ovviz_all.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "../utils.h"
namespace TCPTagging {
class IStimulusSender; // fwd declare
} // namespace TCPTagging
namespace OpenViBE {
namespace Plugins {
namespace Tactilebci {
class CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization final : public Toolkit::TBoxAlgorithm<IBoxAlgorithm>
namespace OpenViBE
namespace Plugins
namespace Tactilebci
/// <summary> The class CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization describes the box P300TactileVisualization. </summary>
class CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization final : virtual public Toolkit::TBoxAlgorithm<IBoxAlgorithm>
// ------ OV base functions
void release() override { delete this; }
bool initialize() override;
bool uninitialize() override;
//Process Callback on new input received (the most common behaviour for signal processing) :
bool processInput(const size_t index) override;
bool process() override;
// As we do with any class in openvibe, we use the macro below to associate this box to an unique identifier.
// The inheritance information is also made available, as we provide the superclass Toolkit::TBoxAlgorithm < IBoxAlgorithm >
_IsDerivedFromClass_Final_(Toolkit::TBoxAlgorithm<IBoxAlgorithm>, OVP_ClassId_BoxAlgorithm_P300TactileVisualization)
// Sends all accumulated stimuli to the TCP Tagging
// ------ TCP Tagging
void flushQueue();
// ------ UI Functions
void toggleFlashColor(uint64_t id);
void toggleTargetColor(uint64_t id);
void toggleResultColor(uint64_t id);
void resetColor();
void toggleLabelText();
// ------ Input decoder:
Toolkit::TStimulationDecoder<CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization> m_SequenceInputDecoder;
Toolkit::TStimulationDecoder<CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization> m_TargetInputDecoder;
Toolkit::TStimulationDecoder<CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization> m_ResultInputDecoder;
// ------ Output decoder:
Toolkit::TStimulationEncoder<CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization> m_ResultOutputEncoder;
uint64_t m_LastTarget = 0;
uint64_t m_LastTime = 0;
Kernel::IAlgorithmProxy* m_sequenceStimulationDecoder = nullptr;
Kernel::IAlgorithmProxy* m_targetStimulationDecoder = nullptr;
Kernel::IAlgorithmProxy* m_targetFlaggingStimulationEncoder = nullptr;
Kernel::IAlgorithmProxy* m_rowSelectionStimulationDecoder = nullptr;
Kernel::IAlgorithmProxy* m_columnSelectionStimulationDecoder = nullptr;
Kernel::TParameterHandler<const IMemoryBuffer*> m_sequenceMemoryBuffer;
Kernel::TParameterHandler<const IMemoryBuffer*> m_targetMemoryBuffer;
Kernel::TParameterHandler<const CStimulationSet*> m_targetFlaggingStimulationSet;
Kernel::TParameterHandler<CStimulationSet*> m_sequenceStimulationSet;
Kernel::TParameterHandler<CStimulationSet*> m_targetStimulationSet;
Kernel::TParameterHandler<IMemoryBuffer*> m_targetFlaggingMemoryBuffer;
uint64_t m_lastTime = 0;
// ------ Box setting variables
CString m_InterfaceFilename;
uint64_t m_RowBase = 0;
uint64_t m_nTactilos = 6;
bool m_FreeSpelling = false;
GtkBuilder* m_mainWidgetInterface = nullptr;
GtkBuilder* m_toolbarWidgetInterface = nullptr;
GtkWidget* m_mainWindow = nullptr;
GtkWidget* m_toolbarWidget = nullptr;
GtkTable* m_table = nullptr;
GtkLabel* m_result = nullptr;
GtkLabel* m_target = nullptr;
//Deklaration TactileMenu Variablen
// ------TactileMenu variables
std::vector<TactileMenu> m_Menu;
std::vector<GtkLabel*> m_Label;
TactileMenu* m_currMenu;
TactileMenu* m_CurrMenu = nullptr;
// ------ GTK variables
GtkBuilder* m_MainWidgetInterface = nullptr;
GtkWidget* m_MainWindow = nullptr;
GtkTable* m_Table = nullptr;
std::vector<GtkWidget*> m_EventBox;
GtkLabel* m_ResultLabel = nullptr;
GtkLabel* m_TargetLabel = nullptr;
uint64_t m_nRow = 0;
uint64_t m_nCol = 0;
GdkColor m_FlashBG = InitGDKColor(0, 3276, 3276, 3276);
GdkColor m_FlashFG = InitGDKColor(0, 65535, 65535, 65535);
GdkColor m_NoFlashBG = InitGDKColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
GdkColor m_NoFlashFG = InitGDKColor(0, 16383, 16383, 16383);
GdkColor m_TargetBG = InitGDKColor(0, 13107, 13107, 45874);
GdkColor m_TargetFG = InitGDKColor(0, 6553, 6553, 19660);
GdkColor m_ResultBG = InitGDKColor(0, 6553, 26214, 6553);
GdkColor m_ResultFG = InitGDKColor(0, 39321, 65535, 39321);
int m_lastTargetRow = 0;
int m_lastTargetCol = 0;
int m_targetRow = 0;
int m_targetCol = 0;
int m_selectedRow = 0;
int m_selectedCol = 0;
uint64_t FontSize = 50;
PangoFontDescription* m_FontDesc = nullptr;
bool m_tableInitialized = false;
using widget_style_t = struct
GtkWidget* widget;
GtkWidget* childWidget;
GdkColor bgColor;
GdkColor fgColor;
PangoFontDescription* fontDesc;
typedef void (CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization::*cache_callback)(widget_style_t& style, void* data);
void cacheBuildFromTable(GtkTable* table);
void cacheForEach(cache_callback callback, void* data);
void cacheForEachIf(int iLine, int iColumn, cache_callback ifCB, cache_callback elseCB, void* ifUserData, void* elseUserData);
void cacheChangeNullCB(widget_style_t& style, void* data);
void cacheChangeBackgroundCB(widget_style_t& style, void* data);
void cacheChangeForegroundCB(widget_style_t& style, void* data);
void cacheChangeFontCB(widget_style_t& style, void* data);
void cacheCollectWidgetCB(widget_style_t& style, void* data);
void cacheCollectChildWidgetCB(widget_style_t& style, void* data);
// @todo refactor to std::pair<long,long> ?
std::map<size_t, std::map<size_t, widget_style_t>> m_cache;
std::list<std::pair<int, int>> m_targetHistory;
// TCP Tagging
// ------ TCP Tagging
std::vector<uint64_t> m_stimuliQueue;
guint m_idleFuncTag = 0;
TCPTagging::IStimulusSender* m_stimulusSender = nullptr;
// ------ Box visualization
VisualizationToolkit::IVisualizationContext* m_visualizationCtx = nullptr;
CString m_interfaceFilename;
uint64_t m_rowStimulationBase = 0;
uint64_t m_columnStimulationBase = 0;
GdkColor m_flashBgColor = InitGDKColor(0, 6554, 6554, 6554);
GdkColor m_flashFgColor = InitGDKColor(0, 65535, 65535, 65535);
uint64_t m_flashFontSize = 100;
PangoFontDescription* m_flashFontDesc = nullptr;
GdkColor m_noFlashBgColor = InitGDKColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
GdkColor m_noFlashFgColor = InitGDKColor(0, 32768, 32768, 32768);
uint64_t m_noFlashFontSize = 75;
PangoFontDescription* m_noFlashFontDesc = nullptr;
GdkColor m_targetBgColor = InitGDKColor(0, 6554, 26214, 6554);
GdkColor m_targetFgColor = InitGDKColor(0, 39321, 65535, 39321);
uint64_t m_targetFontSize = 100;
PangoFontDescription* m_targetFontDesc = nullptr;
GdkColor m_selectedBgColor = InitGDKColor(0, 45875, 13107, 13107);
GdkColor m_selectedFgColor = InitGDKColor(0, 19661, 6554, 6554);
uint64_t m_selectedFontSize = 100;
PangoFontDescription* m_selectedFontDesc = nullptr;
uint64_t m_nTactilos = 0;
class CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualizationDesc final : public IBoxAlgorithmDesc
/// <summary> Descriptor of the box P300TactileVisualization. </summary>
class CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualizationDesc final : virtual public IBoxAlgorithmDesc
@ -154,12 +126,12 @@ public:
CString getName() const override { return CString("P300TactileVisualization"); }
CString getAuthorName() const override { return CString("Tobias Baumann"); }
CString getAuthorCompanyName() const override { return CString("TH-Nürnberg"); }
CString getShortDescription() const override { return CString("Visualizes the Menus for a Tactile P300 BCI"); }
CString getAuthorCompanyName() const override { return CString("TH Nuernberg"); }
CString getShortDescription() const override { return CString(""); }
CString getDetailedDescription() const override { return CString(""); }
CString getCategory() const override { return CString("TactileBCI"); }
CString getVersion() const override { return CString("1.0"); }
CString getStockItemName() const override { return CString("gtk-select-font"); }
CString getStockItemName() const override { return CString("gtk-underline"); }
CIdentifier getCreatedClass() const override { return OVP_ClassId_BoxAlgorithm_P300TactileVisualization; }
IPluginObject* create() override { return new CBoxAlgorithmP300TactileVisualization; }
@ -168,41 +140,23 @@ public:
bool getBoxPrototype(Kernel::IBoxProto& prototype) const override
prototype.addInput("Sequence stimulations", OV_TypeId_Stimulations);
prototype.addInput("Target stimulations", OV_TypeId_Stimulations);
prototype.addInput("Row selection stimulations", OV_TypeId_Stimulations);
prototype.addInput("Column selection stimulations", OV_TypeId_Stimulations);
prototype.addOutput("Target / Non target flagging (deprecated)", OV_TypeId_Stimulations);
prototype.addSetting("Interface filename", OV_TypeId_Filename, "${Path_Data}/plugins/simple-visualization/p300-speller.ui");
prototype.addSetting("Row stimulation base", OV_TypeId_Stimulation, "OVTK_StimulationId_Label_01");
prototype.addSetting("Column stimulation base", OV_TypeId_Stimulation, "OVTK_StimulationId_Label_07");
prototype.addSetting("Flash background color", OV_TypeId_Color, "10,10,10");
prototype.addSetting("Flash foreground color", OV_TypeId_Color, "100,100,100");
prototype.addSetting("Flash font size", OV_TypeId_Integer, "100");
prototype.addSetting("No flash background color", OV_TypeId_Color, "0,0,0");
prototype.addSetting("No flash foreground color", OV_TypeId_Color, "50,50,50");
prototype.addSetting("No flash font size", OV_TypeId_Integer, "75");
prototype.addSetting("Target background color", OV_TypeId_Color, "10,40,10");
prototype.addSetting("Target foreground color", OV_TypeId_Color, "60,100,60");
prototype.addSetting("Target font size", OV_TypeId_Integer, "100");
prototype.addSetting("Selected background color", OV_TypeId_Color, "70,20,20");
prototype.addSetting("Selected foreground color", OV_TypeId_Color, "30,10,10");
prototype.addSetting("Selected font size", OV_TypeId_Integer, "100");
prototype.addSetting("Interface Filename",OV_TypeId_Filename,"/ui/p300-tactile-6.ui");
prototype.addSetting("Row Stimulation Base",OV_TypeId_Stimulation,"OVTK_StimulationId_Label_01");
prototype.addSetting("Number of Tactilos",OV_TypeId_Integer,"6");
prototype.addSetting("Free Spelling",OV_TypeId_Boolean,"false");
return true;
_IsDerivedFromClass_Final_(IBoxAlgorithmDesc, OVP_ClassId_BoxAlgorithm_P300TactileVisualizationDesc)
} // namespace Tactilebci
} // namespace Plugins
} // namespace OpenViBE