2 OpenViBE Designer 3.2.0 (0x000014a9, 0x000078ed) UDPStimcodeSender (0xc326e786, 0xcd512965) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) StimcodeIn (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) StimcodeOut (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) FeatherIP ${FEATHER_IP} false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) FeatherPort 8888 ${FEATHER_PORT} false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) RowStimulationBase OVTK_StimulationId_Label_01 ${ROW_BASE} false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 576 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 288 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xc475930f, 0xbea8aabd) (0x666fffff, 0x666fffff) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 3 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0xf191c1c8, 0xa0123976) (0x00002bb3, 0x0000133c) Acquisition client (0x35d225cb, 0x3e6e3a5f) (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Experiment information (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Signal stream (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulations (0x013df452, 0xa3a8879a) Channel localisation (0x6ab26b81, 0x0f8c02f3) Channel units (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) Acquisition server hostname ${AcquisitionServer_HostName} ${ACQUISITION_SERVER_HOST_NAME} false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Acquisition server port 1024 ${ACQUISITION_SERVER_PORT} false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -176 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 624 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x0d4656c0, 0xc95b1fa8) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x007036bf) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) false (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 5 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 2 (0x00003d0e, 0x000025ef) Player Controller (0x5f426dce, 0x08456e13) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulations (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Stimulation name OVTK_StimulationId_Label_00 OVTK_StimulationId_ExperimentStop false (0xcc14d8d6, 0xf27ecb73) Action to perform Pause Stop false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 400 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 976 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x568d148e, 0x650792b3) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) false (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 2 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0x00003dec, 0x00004c7b) Stimulation based epoching (0x426163d1, 0x324237b0) (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input signal (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Input stimulations (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Epoched signal (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Epoch duration (in sec) 1 0.6 false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Epoch offset (in sec) 0.5 0 false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Stimulation to epoch from OVTK_GDF_VEP OVTK_StimulationId_VisualStimulationStart false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 256 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 496 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xa79941ae, 0x80708445) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x005ced91) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) false (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 2 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 3 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 2 (0x0000445b, 0x000068e3) P300 accumulator (0x0b5a2787, 0x02750621) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) New input (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) New input(1) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulations (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) New output (0xb0d0db45, 0x49cbc34a) Lua Script ${SCRIPT_P300_ACCUMULATOR} false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Row stimulation base OVTK_StimulationId_Label_01 ${ROW_BASE} false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Column stimulation base OVTK_StimulationId_Label_07 ${COL_BASE} false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Segment start OVTK_StimulationId_SegmentStart OVTK_StimulationId_TrialStart false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Segment stop OVTK_StimulationId_SegmentStop OVTK_StimulationId_TrialStop false (0x17ee7c08, 0x94c14893) (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 512 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 656 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xd6e3f48b, 0xbee3523a) (0x61d11811, 0x71e65362) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x0304fb88) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) false (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 1 (0xf191c1c8, 0xa0123976) (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x00004633, 0x00007270) UDPStimcodeSender (0xc326e786, 0xcd512965) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) StimcodeIn (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) StimcodeOut (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) FeatherIP ${FEATHER_IP} false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) FeatherPort 8888 ${FEATHER_PORT} false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) RowStimulationBase OVTK_StimulationId_Label_01 ${ROW_BASE} false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 592 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 432 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xc475930f, 0xbea8aabd) (0x666fffff, 0x666fffff) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 3 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0xf191c1c8, 0xa0123976) (0x0000470b, 0x00001b1d) Tactile Stimulator (0x0b5a2787, 0x02750621) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulations (0xb0d0db45, 0x49cbc34a) Lua Script ${SCRIPT_TACTILE_STIMULATOR} false (0x00000000, 0xbae13066) (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Row Stimulation Base OVTK_StimulationId_Label_01 ${ROW_BASE} false (0x00000000, 0x5518f982) (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Column Stimulation Base OVTK_StimulationId_Label_07 ${COL_BASE} false (0x00000000, 0xc152613d) (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Number of Tactilos 6 ${N_TACTILOS} false (0x00000000, 0xa0308929) (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Number of Repetitions 6 ${N_REPETITIONS} false (0x00000000, 0xcde95a6f) (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Number of Trials 6 ${N_TRIALS} false (0x00000000, 0x9b3f9b7b) (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Stimulus Duration (in sec) 0.2 ${STIM_DURATION} false (0x00000000, 0x583ad367) (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) No Stimulus Duration (in sec) 0.1 ${NO_STIM_DURATION} false (0x00000000, 0xfc1c2fb6) (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Inter-Repetition Delay (in sec) 1.0 ${INTER_REPETITION_DELAY} false (0x00000000, 0x0d9a1e18) (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Inter-Trial Delay (in sec) 3.0 ${INTER_TRIAL_DELAY} false (0x00000000, 0xaeefd500) (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Start Stimulation OVTK_StimulationId_Label_00 ${START_STIMULATION} false (0x00000000, 0xef5eb0e5) (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Free Spelling false ${FREE_SPELLING} false (0x00000000, 0x4ead155d) (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Start Delay 20 ${START_DELAY} false (0x17ee7c08, 0x94c14893) (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 416 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 352 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xd6e3f48b, 0xbee3523a) (0x61d11811, 0x71e65362) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 1 (0xf191c1c8, 0xa0123976) (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) Identity (0x5dffe431, 0x35215c50) (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Input stream 1 (0xf3ca49e1, 0x35fad535) (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input stream 2 (0xf1fd76d9, 0x8414a8e1) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Input stream 3 (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Output stream 1 (0x35a90701, 0x1bcf1f01) (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Output stream 2 (0xc0b6e1cb, 0x422c84cd) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Output stream 3 (0x17ee7c08, 0x94c14893) (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 112 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 608 (0x30a4e5c9, 0x83502953) (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xa8ffe2a3, 0x27038f03) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x00006425, 0x00006872) P300 Tactile Visualization (0xd463df86, 0x7fbfdd81) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Sequence stimulations (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Target stimulations (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Row selection stimulations (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Column selection stimulations (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Target / Non target flagging (deprecated) (0x330306dd, 0x74a95f98) Interface filename ${Path_Data}/plugins/simple-visualization/p300-speller.ui ${TACTILE_UI} false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Row stimulation base OVTK_StimulationId_Label_01 ${ROW_BASE} false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Column stimulation base OVTK_StimulationId_Label_07 ${COL_BASE} false (0x7f45a2a9, 0x7db12219) Flash background color 10,10,10 ${FLASH_BG} false (0x7f45a2a9, 0x7db12219) Flash foreground color 100,100,100 ${FLASH_FG} false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Flash font size 100 ${FLASH_FONT_SIZE} false (0x7f45a2a9, 0x7db12219) No flash background color 0,0,0 ${NO_FLASH_BG} false (0x7f45a2a9, 0x7db12219) No flash foreground color 50,50,50 ${NO_FLASH_FG} false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) No flash font size 75 ${NO_FLASH_FONT_SIZE} false (0x7f45a2a9, 0x7db12219) Target background color 10,40,10 ${TARGET_BG} false (0x7f45a2a9, 0x7db12219) Target foreground color 60,100,60 ${TARGET_FG} false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Target font size 100 ${TARGET_FONT_SIZE} false (0x7f45a2a9, 0x7db12219) Selected background color 70,20,20 ${SELECTED_BG} false (0x7f45a2a9, 0x7db12219) Selected foreground color 30,10,10 ${SELECTED_FG} false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Selected font size 100 ${SELECTED_FONT_SIZE} false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 704 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 352 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x8d89d30c, 0xa939693a) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 15 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 4 (0x00006d0d, 0x000031d8) Tactile Target Generation (0x0b5a2787, 0x02750621) (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) New input (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulations (0xb0d0db45, 0x49cbc34a) Lua Script ${SCRIPT_TARGET_GENERATION} false (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Row Stimulation Base OVTK_StimulationId_Label_01 ${ROW_BASE} false (0x00000000, 0x7534ff4f) (0x2c132d6e, 0x44ab0d97) Column Stimulation Base OVTK_StimulationId_Label_07 ${COL_BASE} false (0x00000000, 0xeb4fffa2) (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Delay Before Sending (in sec) 2 ${SEND_DELAY} false (0xf33dddda, 0xfd2c04a3) (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Free Spelling false ${FREE_SPELLING} false (0x17ee7c08, 0x94c14893) (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 528 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 432 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xd6e3f48b, 0xbee3523a) (0x61d11811, 0x71e65362) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x0334c6b7) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 1 (0xf191c1c8, 0xa0123976) (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x00007e4e, 0x00006b7c) EEG Signal (0x0055be5f, 0x087bdd12) (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Data (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Stimulations (0x6ab26b81, 0x0f8c02f3) Channel Units (0x5de046a6, 0x086340aa) Display Mode Scan Scan false (0x33a30739, 0x00d5299b) Auto vertical scale Per channel Per channel false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Scale refresh interval (secs) 5 5 false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Vertical Scale 100 100 false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Vertical Offset 0 0 false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Time Scale 10 10 false (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Horizontal ruler true true false (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Vertical ruler false false false (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Multiview false false false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 400 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 880 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x92c056a7, 0x2dc71aff) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) false (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 9 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 3 (0x001a8c16, 0x15ba27e3) Temporal filter (0xb4f9d042, 0x9d79f2e5) (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input signal (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Filtered signal (0x2f2c606c, 0x8512ed68) Filter method Butterworth ${FILTER_METHOD} false (0xfa20178e, 0x4cba62e9) Filter type Low pass ${FILTER_TYPE} false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Filter order 4 ${FILTER_ORDER} false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Low cut frequency (Hz) 29 ${LOW_CUT_FREQUENCY} false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) High cut frequency (Hz) 40 ${HIGH_CUT_FREQUENCY} false (0x512a166f, 0x5c3ef83f) Pass band ripple (dB) 0.5 ${PASS_BAND_RIPPLE} false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -16 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 480 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x27a4ceec, 0x876d6384) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x0040f8d4) (0x008f57e1, 0x2790537b) Generic stream writer (0x09c92218, 0x7c1216f8) (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Input stream 1 (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input stream 2 (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Input stream 3 (0x330306dd, 0x74a95f98) Filename ${OUTPUT_FILE_NAME} false (0x2cdb2f0b, 0x12f231ea) Use compression false false false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 400 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 752 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x89a08108, 0xc8d1fac1) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x007b2629) (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x09c41dd7, 0x09f2e37b) Epoch average (0x21283d9f, 0xe76ff640) (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input epochs (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Averaged epochs (0x6530bdb1, 0xd057bbfe) Averaging type Epoch block average Epoch block average false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Epoch count 4 1 false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 320 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 496 (0x30a4e5c9, 0x83502953) (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xb73cee83, 0xf7215d60) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0x8d21ff41, 0xdf6afe7e) ${Player_ScenarioDirectory}/cfg/p300-epoch-average.cfg (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x000eaa12) (0x0e30a73f, 0x7ae6d95a) Feature aggregator (0x00682417, 0x453635f9) (0x544a003e, 0x6dcba5f6) Input stream 1 (0x17341935, 0x152ff448) Feature vector stream (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 384 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 496 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xb5d15cc9, 0x6c8c28fb) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x000f9a38) (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x28b5e192, 0x37431137) Classifier processor (0x5fe23d17, 0x95b0452c) (0x17341935, 0x152ff448) Features (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Commands (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Labels (0x544a003e, 0x6dcba5f6) Hyperplane distance (0x544a003e, 0x6dcba5f6) Probability values (0x330306dd, 0x74a95f98) Filename to load configuration from ${CLASSIFIER_CONFIG} false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 448 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 560 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xa6c8e548, 0x9e3e405b) (0xc73e83ec, 0xf855c5bc) false (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 3 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 1 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 2 (0x40e41bf9, 0x5c44b1b1) Signal Decimation (0x012f4bea, 0x3be37c66) (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input signal (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Output signal (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Decimation factor 8 ${SIGNAL_DECIMATION_FACTOR} false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 32 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 480 (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x5082af41, 0xd0fbf4cb) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x002cae02) (0x6d03daab, 0x55fdea78) xDAWN Spatial Filter (0xdd332c6c, 0x195b4fd4) (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input Signal (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Output Signal (0x79a9edeb, 0x245d83fc) Spatial Filter Coefficients 1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;1 1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;1 false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Number of Output Channels 4 4 false (0x007deef9, 0x2f3e95c6) Number of Input Channels 4 4 false (0x330306dd, 0x74a95f98) Filter matrix file false (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) 192 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 480 (0x30a4e5c9, 0x83502953) (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0x81db9bf9, 0xf1cf4ed7) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0x8d21ff41, 0xdf6afe7e) ${SPATIAL_FILTER_CONFIG} (0xc80ce8af, 0xf699f813) 1 (0xce18836a, 0x9c0eb403) 3 (0xcfad85b0, 0x7c6d841c) 1 (0x6f54afd0, 0x5f2e0f65) Identity (0x5dffe431, 0x35215c50) (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Input stream 1 (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Input stream 2 (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Input stream 3 (0x403488e7, 0x565d70b6) Output stream 1 (0x5ba36127, 0x195feae1) Output stream 2 (0x6f752dd0, 0x082a321e) Output stream 3 (0x17ee7c08, 0x94c14893) (0x1fa7a38f, 0x54edbe0b) -112 (0x207c9054, 0x3c841b63) 608 (0x30a4e5c9, 0x83502953) (0x4e7b798a, 0x183beafb) (0xa8ffe2a3, 0x27038f03) (0x527ad68d, 0x16d746a0) (0xc46b3d00, 0x3e0454e1) (0x00000000, 0x005f48d2) (0xfba64161, 0x65304e21) (0x0000002a, 0x00006309) (0x00002bb3, 0x0000133c) 1 (0x6f54afd0, 0x5f2e0f65) 1 (0x0000055b, 0x00002ed7) (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) (0xc0b6e1cb, 0x422c84cd) (0x00003dec, 0x00004c7b) 1 (0x00000ebe, 0x00006299) (0x000014a9, 0x000078ed) 0 (0x00006425, 0x00006872) 0 (0x000016d9, 0x00000c37) (0x6f54afd0, 0x5f2e0f65) 2 (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) (0xf1fd76d9, 0x8414a8e1) (0x000023b1, 0x000028ec) (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) (0xc0b6e1cb, 0x422c84cd) (0x008f57e1, 0x2790537b) 2 (0x00002527, 0x00001976) (0x0000470b, 0x00001b1d) 0 (0x00006d0d, 0x000031d8) 0 (0x00002766, 0x00003594) (0x0000445b, 0x000068e3) 1 (0x00006425, 0x00006872) 3 (0x00002dc2, 0x00004a4b) (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) (0x35a90701, 0x1bcf1f01) (0x6d03daab, 0x55fdea78) 0 (0x00002e50, 0x00003fba) (0x00003dec, 0x00004c7b) 0 (0x09c41dd7, 0x09f2e37b) 0 (0x00003835, 0x000030a7) (0x00002bb3, 0x0000133c) 0 (0x6f54afd0, 0x5f2e0f65) 0 (0x00003eec, 0x00000aed) (0x40e41bf9, 0x5c44b1b1) 0 (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) (0xf3ca49e1, 0x35fad535) (0x0000416b, 0x00000842) (0x6f54afd0, 0x5f2e0f65) 1 (0x001a8c16, 0x15ba27e3) 0 (0x0000430a, 0x00000e95) (0x6f54afd0, 0x5f2e0f65) 0 (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) 0 (0x000045c7, 0x00006136) (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) (0xc0b6e1cb, 0x422c84cd) (0x00007e4e, 0x00006b7c) 1 (0x000047dc, 0x00006e62) (0x0000445b, 0x000068e3) 0 (0x00006425, 0x00006872) 2 (0x00004d78, 0x00001217) (0x0000470b, 0x00001b1d) 0 (0x000014a9, 0x000078ed) 0 (0x00004e7f, 0x00006894) (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) (0x35a90701, 0x1bcf1f01) (0x00007e4e, 0x00006b7c) 0 (0x00004ebb, 0x00007aeb) (0x00002bb3, 0x0000133c) 2 (0x6f54afd0, 0x5f2e0f65) 2 (0x0000631e, 0x000002b3) (0x00006d0d, 0x000031d8) 0 (0x00004633, 0x00007270) 0 (0x00006463, 0x000063af) (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) 0 (0x008f57e1, 0x2790537b) 0 (0x00006bd5, 0x00005775) (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) (0xc0b6e1cb, 0x422c84cd) (0x0000445b, 0x000068e3) 1 (0x00006c7c, 0x00004ead) (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) (0xc0b6e1cb, 0x422c84cd) (0x00003d0e, 0x000025ef) 0 (0x00006d13, 0x0000481f) (0x00004633, 0x00007270) 0 (0x00006425, 0x00006872) 1 (0x0000756d, 0x000027c0) (0x6d03daab, 0x55fdea78) 0 (0x00003dec, 0x00004c7b) 0 (0x00007c68, 0x00001d4e) (0x00004a5a, 0x00003754) (0x35a90701, 0x1bcf1f01) (0x008f57e1, 0x2790537b) 1 (0x00f1a11e, 0x4a813bb8) (0x09c41dd7, 0x09f2e37b) 0 (0x0e30a73f, 0x7ae6d95a) 0 (0x136dcee0, 0x20dbb005) (0x28b5e192, 0x37431137) 0 (0x0000445b, 0x000068e3) 0 (0x1a535826, 0x3804f216) (0x001a8c16, 0x15ba27e3) 0 (0x40e41bf9, 0x5c44b1b1) 0 (0x3ccbcbed, 0x529f3e1d) (0x0e30a73f, 0x7ae6d95a) 0 (0x28b5e192, 0x37431137) 0 (0x0000363f, 0x00001c2b) The P300 Speller Visualization sends the markers (stimulations) directly to Acquisition Server using TCP Tagging. (0x473d9a43, 0x97fc0a97) 624 (0x7234b86b, 0x2b8651a5) 720 (0x1012e1de, 0x78e57c3e) The stimulation part of the scenario is similar to scenario <i>p300-tactile-1-acquisition</i>. If set to <i>Free Spelling</i>, the <i>Target Generation</i> is inactive. If set to <i>Copy Spelling</i>, you can train the spatial-filter and p300-classifier again on the recorded data (0x473d9a43, 0x97fc0a97) 64 (0x7234b86b, 0x2b8651a5) 560 (0x3726b6f5, 0x3dea5d78) <u><b><big>Scenario Overview</big></b></u> This scenario can be used online once the spatial filter and the classifiers are trained. Can be used for <i>Copy Spelling</i> to retrain the <i>spatial filter</i> and <i>classifier</i>, if the performance doesn't fit the requirements. Can be used for a <i>Free Spelling</i> Session. Spelling automatically starts delayed to the start of scenario execution. First the target Tactilo will vibrate and flash in the <i>Speller Visualization</i>(Copy Spelling Only). After that you have to Focus on your chosen (or the predetermined Target), while all Tactilos will vibrate (flash) several times. This will be repeated for a defined number of trials. After each Trial, the detected Tactilo will be presented in the <i>Speller Visualization</i> (0x473d9a43, 0x97fc0a97) 64 (0x7234b86b, 0x2b8651a5) -16 (0x0000775c, 0x000078ff) (0x3bcce5d2, 0x43f2d968) [{"boxIdentifier":"(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff)","childCount":2,"height":320,"identifier":"(0x00001d01, 0x00007b57)","name":"OV Tactile Online","parentIdentifier":"(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff)","type":1,"width":475},{"boxIdentifier":"(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff)","childCount":1,"identifier":"(0x00001590, 0x00005323)","index":0,"name":"Tactile Visualization","parentIdentifier":"(0x00001d01, 0x00007b57)","type":2},{"boxIdentifier":"(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff)","childCount":1,"identifier":"(0x00002e00, 0x00003101)","index":1,"name":"EEG Signal","parentIdentifier":"(0x00001d01, 0x00007b57)","type":2},{"boxIdentifier":"(0x00006425, 0x00006872)","childCount":0,"identifier":"(0x00006fef, 0x00006301)","index":0,"parentIdentifier":"(0x00001590, 0x00005323)","type":3},{"boxIdentifier":"(0x00007e4e, 0x00006b7c)","childCount":0,"identifier":"(0x00001aa9, 0x000006f8)","index":0,"parentIdentifier":"(0x00002e00, 0x00003101)","type":3}] (0x790d75b8, 0x3bb90c33) Jussi T. Lindgren (0x8c1fc55b, 0x7b433dc2) (0x9f5c4075, 0x4a0d3666) Online Use (0xf36a1567, 0xd13c53da) http://openvibe.inria.fr/p300-speller-xdawn/ (0xf6b2e3fa, 0x7bd43926) xDAWN P300 Speller (0xf8034a49, 0x8b3f37cc) INRIA