diff --git a/client/index.html b/client/index.html
index e2d4aa8..6e8945f 100644
--- a/client/index.html
+++ b/client/index.html
@@ -14,18 +14,17 @@
- Speech Recognition
- Press the button to activate microphone.
- query
Server offline
... erkannte worte ...
+ Digitaler Demenztest
+ Press the button to activate microphone.
Server offline
Erkannte worte ...
diff --git a/client/style.css b/client/style.css
index 85d842c..65c46b9 100644
--- a/client/style.css
+++ b/client/style.css
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ body, html {
html {
height: 100%;
- background-color: teal;
+ background-color: rgb(65, 143, 143);
body {
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ h1, p {
div p {
padding: 20px;
- background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
+ background-color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.2);
div {
diff --git a/client/ws-client.js b/client/ws-client.js
index 5ddf652..6a750ac 100644
--- a/client/ws-client.js
+++ b/client/ws-client.js
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ var diagnosticPara = document.querySelector('.output');
var testBtn = document.querySelector('button');
var testBtn2 = document.getElementById('speechBtn');
var infoPara = document.getElementById('info');
-var userPrompt = document.getElementById('query');
+var questionNumDisplay = document.querySelector('.quest');
// #endregion
// websocket to communicate with the server
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ ws.onopen = function () {
ws.onmessage = function (payload) {
var dialogflowResult = JSON.parse(payload.data);
- document.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = dialogflowResult.intent.displayName;
+ // document.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = dialogflowResult.intent.displayName;
// #endregion
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ function checkIntent (result) {
function startQuestion (number) {
question = number;
state = 'answer';
+ questionNumDisplay.textContent = 'Question: ' + question;
@@ -263,8 +264,11 @@ function readQuestionTwo () {
function () {
- console.log('recognition stopped');
- handleAnswer(answerQuery);
+ window.setTimeout(
+ function () {
+ handleAnswer(answerQuery);
+ answerQuery = '';
+ }, 3000);
}, 6000);
console.log('reocgnition started. Question: ' + question);
@@ -369,39 +373,6 @@ function handleAnswerToThirdQuestion (query) {
// #endregion
-// #region global functions
-function startDemenzScreening () {
- ws.send('starte demenz test');
- // startQuestion(2);
- testBtn.disabled = true;
- testBtn.textContent = 'Test in progress';
- infoPara.textContent = 'wait...';
- diagnosticPara.textContent = 'detecting...';
-function speak (sentence) {
- speechsynth.text = sentence;
- window.speechSynthesis.speak(speechsynth);
-function testSpeechOut () {
- answerQuery = 'apfel wiese tisch apfel lampe pferd';
- question = 1;
- for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- var tokens = answerQuery.split(new RegExp(separators.join('|'), 'g'));
- questionPoints[question] += calculatePoints(tokens, QUESTION_ONE_ANSWERS);
- }
- console.log(questionPoints[question]);
- // speechsynth.text = 'test 123';
- // speechsynth.volume = 1;
- // speechsynth.rate = 1;
- // console.log(speechsynth);
- // window.speechSynthesis.speak(speechsynth);
- // console.log(window.speechSynthesis);
// function recognizeSpeech () {
// if (state === 'answer') {
// var arr;
@@ -427,6 +398,7 @@ function testSpeechOut () {
// // recognition.grammars = speechRecognitionList;
// }
+// #region speech recognition event
recognition.onresult = function (event) {
var last = event.results.length - 1;
var speechResult = event.results[last][0].transcript.toLowerCase();
@@ -439,57 +411,7 @@ recognition.onresult = function (event) {
// testBtn.disabled = false
// testBtn.textContent = 'record...'
-function processSpeech (speechResult) {
- console.log('To dialogflow: ' + speechResult);
- ws.send(speechResult);
- let timeOut;
- switch (question) {
- case 1:
- timeOut = 6500;
- break;
- case 2:
- answerQuery += speechResult;
- return;
- case 3:
- if (speechResult.includes('uhr')) {
- speechResult = speechResult.replace('uhr', '');
- }
- timeOut = 6500;
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- case 5:
- timeOut = 6500;
- break;
- }
- if (state === 'answer') {
- if (timerId != undefined) {
- clearTimeout(timerId);
- }
- answerQuery += speechResult;
- timerId = window.setTimeout(
- function () {
- // if (!rePrompt) {
- // ws.send('ich brauche noch etwas Zeit')
- // } else {
- console.log('recording end. Evaluate: ' + answerQuery);
- handleAnswer(answerQuery);
- answerQuery = '';
- diagnosticPara.textContent = '';
- // }
- recognition.stop();
- console.log('timer fallback');
- }, timeOut);
- } else {
- console.log('recording end.');
- recognition.stop();
- }
-// #region speech recognition event
recognition.onspeechend = function () {
// recognition.stop();
// testBtn.disabled = false;
@@ -542,6 +464,88 @@ recognition.onstart = function (event) {
// }
// #endregion
+// #region global functions
+function processSpeech (speechResult) {
+ console.log('To dialogflow: ' + speechResult);
+ ws.send(speechResult);
+ let timeOut;
+ switch (question) {
+ case 1:
+ timeOut = 6500;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ answerQuery += speechResult;
+ return;
+ case 3:
+ if (speechResult.includes('uhr')) {
+ speechResult = speechResult.replace('uhr', '');
+ }
+ timeOut = 6500;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ timeOut = 6500;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (state === 'answer') {
+ if (timerId != undefined) {
+ clearTimeout(timerId);
+ }
+ answerQuery += speechResult;
+ timerId = window.setTimeout(
+ function () {
+ // if (!rePrompt) {
+ // ws.send('ich brauche noch etwas Zeit')
+ // } else {
+ console.log('recording end. Evaluate: ' + answerQuery);
+ handleAnswer(answerQuery);
+ answerQuery = '';
+ diagnosticPara.textContent = '';
+ // }
+ recognition.stop();
+ console.log('timer fallback');
+ }, timeOut);
+ } else {
+ console.log('recording end.');
+ recognition.stop();
+ }
+function startDemenzScreening () {
+ // ws.send('starte demenz test');
+ startQuestion(2);
+ testBtn.disabled = true;
+ testBtn.textContent = 'Test in progress';
+ infoPara.textContent = 'wait...';
+ diagnosticPara.textContent = 'detecting...';
+function testSpeechOut () {
+ answerQuery = 'apfel wiese tisch apfel lampe pferd';
+ question = 1;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ var tokens = answerQuery.split(new RegExp(separators.join('|'), 'g'));
+ questionPoints[question] += calculatePoints(tokens, QUESTION_ONE_ANSWERS);
+ }
+ console.log(questionPoints[question]);
+ // speechsynth.text = 'test 123';
+ // speechsynth.volume = 1;
+ // speechsynth.rate = 1;
+ // console.log(speechsynth);
+ // window.speechSynthesis.speak(speechsynth);
+ // console.log(window.speechSynthesis);
+function speak (sentence) {
+ speechsynth.text = sentence;
+ window.speechSynthesis.speak(speechsynth);
function calculatePoints (tokens, d) {
let points = 0;
let dict = {};