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// Project: iCE5UP 5K RGB LED Tutorial
// File: LED_control.v
// Title: LED PWM control
// Description: Creates RGB PWM per control inputs
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notes:
// Development History:
// __DATE__ _BY_ _REV_ _DESCRIPTION___________________________
// 04/05/17 RK 1.0 Initial tutorial design for Lattice Radiant
// Dependencies:
module LED_control1 (
// inputs
input wire clk12M, // 12M clock
input wire rst, // Asynchronous reset
input wire [1:0] color_sel, // for selecting color using switches
input wire rw, // read or write select switch
output reg red_pwm, // Red
output reg blu_pwm, // Blue
output reg grn_pwm // Green
// parameters (constants)
parameter on_hi = 2'b10;
parameter on_lo = 2'b01;
parameter off = 2'b00;
parameter LED_OFF = 2'b00;
parameter RAMP_UP = 2'b01;
parameter LED_ON = 2'b10;
parameter RAMP_DOWN = 2'b11;
parameter on_max_cnt = 28'h16E35ED; // 1 sec steady
parameter Brightness=4'b0111; //50% Brightness
parameter BreatheRamp=4'b0111; //4x
parameter BlinkRate=4'b0101; //1sec
// wires (assigns)
wire [3:0]RGB_color;
wire [4:0] red_intensity;
wire [4:0] grn_intensity;
wire [4:0] blu_intensity;
wire clk24M;
wire LOCK;
// regs (always)
reg [1:0] clk_div_cnt; //
reg [3:0] RGB_color_s; // sample values from SPI i/f
reg [3:0] Brightness_s;
reg [3:0] BreatheRamp_s;
reg [3:0] BlinkRate_s;
reg [1:0] red_set; // hi/lo/off
reg [1:0] grn_set;
reg [1:0] blu_set;
reg [31:0] red_peak; // LED 'on' peak intensity (high precision)
reg [31:0] grn_peak;
reg [31:0] blu_peak;
reg [27:0] off_max_cnt; // LED off duration
reg [3:0] step_shift; // scaling calculation aid
reg [27:0] ramp_max_cnt; // LED ramp up/down duration
reg [31:0] red_intensity_step; // LED intensity step when ramping
reg [31:0] grn_intensity_step;
reg [31:0] blu_intensity_step;
reg [1:0] blink_state; // state variable
reg [27:0] ramp_count; // counter for LED on/off duration
reg [27:0] steady_count; // counter for LED ramp up/down duration
reg [31:0] red_accum; // intensity accumulator during ramp
reg [31:0] grn_accum;
reg [31:0] blu_accum;
reg [17:0] curr_red; // current LED intensity ( /256 = PWM duty cycle)
reg [17:0] curr_grn;
reg [17:0] curr_blu;
reg [17:0] pwm_count; // PWM counter
reg [7:0] count = 8'b0;
// PLL Instantiation
//Block to reset the PLL initially
pll_24M __(.ref_clk_i(clk12M ), .rst_n_i(~rst), .lock_o(LOCK), .outcore_o( ), .outglobal_o(clk24M));
//Selecting color using "color_sel"
assign RGB_color = {2'b0,color_sel};
// Capture stable parameters in local clock domain
always @ (posedge clk24M or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
RGB_color_s <= 4'b0000;
Brightness_s <= 4'b0111;
BreatheRamp_s <= 4'b0000;
BlinkRate_s <= 4'b0101;
//end else if(!RGB_Blink_En) begin //TODO ReadWrite Difference
//RGB_color_s <= RGB_color ;
//Brightness_s <= Brightness ;
//BreatheRamp_s <= 4'b0000 ;
//BlinkRate_s <= 4'b0000 ;
end else begin
RGB_color_s <= RGB_color ;
Brightness_s <= Brightness ;
BreatheRamp_s <= 4'b0000 ;
BlinkRate_s <= 4'b0000 ;
// interpret 'brightness' setting
assign red_intensity = Brightness_s + 1'b1;
assign grn_intensity = Brightness_s + 1'b1;
assign blu_intensity = Brightness_s + 1'b1;
// interpret 'color' setting
always @ (RGB_color_s)
case (RGB_color_s)
4'b0000: begin red_set <= on_hi; grn_set <= off; blu_set <= off; end //Red
4'b0001: begin red_set <= on_hi; grn_set <= on_lo; blu_set <= off; end //Orange
4'b0010: begin red_set <= off; grn_set <= on_hi; blu_set <= off; end //Green
4'b0011: begin red_set <= off; grn_set <= on_hi; blu_set <= on_hi; end //Cyan
4'b0100: begin red_set <= off; grn_set <= on_hi; blu_set <= on_lo; end //SpringGreen
4'b0101: begin red_set <= on_hi; grn_set <= on_hi; blu_set <= off; end //Yellow
4'b0110: begin red_set <= on_lo; grn_set <= on_hi; blu_set <= off; end //Chartreuse
4'b0111: begin red_set <= off; grn_set <= on_lo; blu_set <= on_hi; end //Azure
4'b1000: begin red_set <= off; grn_set <= off; blu_set <= on_hi; end //Blue
4'b1001: begin red_set <= on_lo; grn_set <= off; blu_set <= on_hi; end //Violet
4'b1010: begin red_set <= on_hi; grn_set <= off; blu_set <= on_hi; end //Magenta
4'b1011: begin red_set <= on_hi; grn_set <= off; blu_set <= on_lo; end //Rose
4'b1111: begin red_set <= on_hi; grn_set <= on_hi; blu_set <= on_hi; end //White
default: begin red_set <= off; grn_set <= off; blu_set <= off; end //2'b00
// set peak values per 'brightness' and 'color'
// when color setting is 'on_lo', then peak intensity is divided by 2
always @ (posedge clk24M or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
red_peak <= 32'b0;
end else begin
case (red_set)
on_hi: red_peak <= {red_intensity, 27'h000}; // 100%
on_lo: red_peak <= {1'b0,red_intensity, 26'h000}; // 50%
default: red_peak <= 32'h00000;
always @ (posedge clk24M or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
grn_peak <= 32'b0;
end else begin
case (grn_set)
on_hi: grn_peak <= {grn_intensity, 27'h000}; // 100%
on_lo: grn_peak <= {1'b0,grn_intensity, 26'h000}; // 50%
default: grn_peak <= 32'h00000;
always @ (posedge clk24M or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
blu_peak <= 32'b0;
end else begin
case (blu_set)
on_hi: blu_peak <= {blu_intensity, 27'h000}; // 100%
on_lo: blu_peak <= {1'b0,blu_intensity, 26'h000}; // 50%
default: blu_peak <= 32'h00000;
// interpret 'Blink rate' setting
// 'off_max_cnt' is time spent in 'LED_OFF' states
// 'step_shift' is used to scale the intensity step size.
// Stated period is blink rate with no ramp. Ramping adds to the period.
always @ (posedge clk24M or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
off_max_cnt <= 28'h0 - 1;
//step_shift <= 4'b0;
end else begin
case (BlinkRate_s)
4'b0001: begin off_max_cnt <= 28'h016E35F; end // 1/16sec
4'b0010: begin off_max_cnt <= 28'h02DC6BE; end // 1/8 sec
4'b0011: begin off_max_cnt <= 28'h05B8D7B; end // 1/4 sec
4'b0100: begin off_max_cnt <= 28'h0B71AF6; end // 1/2 sec
4'b0101: begin off_max_cnt <= 28'h16E35ED; end // 1 sec
4'b0110: begin off_max_cnt <= 28'h2DC6BDA; end // 2 sec
4'b0111: begin off_max_cnt <= 28'h5B8D7B3; end // 4 sec
default: begin off_max_cnt <= 28'h0; end //
// interpret 'Breathe Ramp' setting
// 'ramp_max_cnt' is time spent in 'RAMP_UP', RAMP_DOWN' states
// '***_intensity_step' is calculated to add to color accumulators each ramp step
always @ (posedge clk24M or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
ramp_max_cnt <= 28'b0;
red_intensity_step <= 28'b0;
grn_intensity_step <= 28'b0;
blu_intensity_step <= 28'b0;
end else begin
case (BreatheRamp_s)
4'b0001: begin
ramp_max_cnt <= 28'h016E35F; // 1/16sec
red_intensity_step <= red_peak >> (21) ;
grn_intensity_step <= grn_peak >> (21) ;
blu_intensity_step <= blu_peak >> (21) ;
4'b0010: begin
ramp_max_cnt <= 28'h02DC6BE; // 1/8 sec
red_intensity_step <= red_peak >> (22) ;
grn_intensity_step <= grn_peak >> (22) ;
blu_intensity_step <= blu_peak >> (22) ;
4'b0011: begin
ramp_max_cnt <= 28'h05B8D7B; // 1/4 sec
red_intensity_step <= red_peak >> (23) ;
grn_intensity_step <= grn_peak >> (23) ;
blu_intensity_step <= blu_peak >> (23) ;
4'b0100: begin
ramp_max_cnt <=28'h0B71AF6;
red_intensity_step <= red_peak >> (24) ;//1/2
grn_intensity_step <= grn_peak >> (24) ;
blu_intensity_step <= blu_peak >> (24) ;
4'b0101: begin
ramp_max_cnt <= 28'h16E35ED; // 1 sec
red_intensity_step <= red_peak >> (25) ;
grn_intensity_step <= grn_peak >> (25) ;
blu_intensity_step <= blu_peak >> (25) ;
4'b0110: begin
ramp_max_cnt <= 28'h2DC6BDA;
red_intensity_step <= red_peak >> (26) ; //2 sec
grn_intensity_step <= grn_peak >> (26) ;
blu_intensity_step <= blu_peak >> (26) ;
4'b0111: begin
ramp_max_cnt <= 28'h5B8D7B3; // 4 sec
red_intensity_step <= red_peak >> (27) ;
grn_intensity_step <= grn_peak >> (27) ;
blu_intensity_step <= blu_peak >> (27) ;
default: begin
ramp_max_cnt <= 28'd0;
red_intensity_step <= 28'b0;
grn_intensity_step <= 28'b0;
blu_intensity_step <= 28'b0;
// state machine to create LED ON/OFF/RAMP periods
// state machine is held (no cycles) if LED is steady state on/off
// state machine is reset to LED_ON state whenever parameters are updated.
always @ (posedge clk24M or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
blink_state <= LED_OFF;
ramp_count <= 28'b0;
steady_count <= 28'b0;
end else begin
if(BlinkRate_s == 4'b0000) begin
blink_state <= LED_ON;
ramp_count <= 0;
steady_count <= 0;
end else if (BlinkRate_s == 4'b1000) begin
blink_state <= LED_OFF;
ramp_count <= 0;
steady_count <= 0;
end else begin
case (blink_state)
LED_OFF: begin
if(steady_count >= off_max_cnt) begin
ramp_count <= 0;
steady_count <= 0;
blink_state <= RAMP_UP;
end else begin
steady_count <= steady_count + 1;
RAMP_UP: begin
if(ramp_count >= ramp_max_cnt) begin
ramp_count <= 0;
steady_count <= 0;
blink_state <= LED_ON;
end else begin
ramp_count <= ramp_count + 1;
LED_ON: begin
if(steady_count >= on_max_cnt) begin
ramp_count <= 0;
steady_count <= 0;
blink_state <= RAMP_DOWN;
end else begin
steady_count <= steady_count + 1;
RAMP_DOWN: begin
if(ramp_count >= ramp_max_cnt) begin
ramp_count <= 0;
steady_count <= 0;
blink_state <= LED_OFF;
end else begin
ramp_count <= ramp_count + 1;
default: begin
blink_state <= LED_OFF;
ramp_count <= 28'b0;
steady_count <= 28'b0;
// RampUP/DN accumulators
always @ (posedge clk24M or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
red_accum <= 32'b0;
grn_accum <= 32'b0;
blu_accum <= 32'b0;
end else begin
case (blink_state)
LED_OFF: begin
red_accum <= 0;
grn_accum <= 0;
blu_accum <= 0;
LED_ON: begin
// red_accum <= red_accum;
// grn_accum <= grn_accum;
// blu_accum <= blu_accum;
red_accum <= red_peak;
grn_accum <= grn_peak;
blu_accum <= blu_peak;
RAMP_UP: begin
red_accum <= red_accum + red_intensity_step;
grn_accum <= grn_accum + grn_intensity_step;
blu_accum <= blu_accum + blu_intensity_step;
RAMP_DOWN: begin
red_accum <= red_accum - red_intensity_step;
grn_accum <= grn_accum - grn_intensity_step;
blu_accum <= blu_accum - blu_intensity_step;
default: begin
red_accum <= 0;
grn_accum <= 0;
blu_accum <= 0;
// set PWM duty cycle. 8-bit resolution 0x100 is 100% on
always @ (posedge clk24M or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
curr_red <= 18'b0;
curr_grn <= 18'b0;
curr_blu <= 18'b0;
end else begin
case (blink_state)
LED_ON: begin
curr_red <= red_peak[31:14]; // there should be no discrepancy between _peak and _accum in this state
curr_grn <= grn_peak[31:14];
curr_blu <= blu_peak[31:14];
RAMP_UP: begin
curr_red <= red_accum[31:14];
curr_grn <= grn_accum[31:14];
curr_blu <= blu_accum[31:14];
RAMP_DOWN: begin
curr_red <= red_accum[31:14];
curr_grn <= grn_accum[31:14];
curr_blu <= blu_accum[31:14];
LED_OFF: begin
curr_red <= 0;
curr_grn <= 0;
curr_blu <= 0;
default: begin
curr_red <= 0;
curr_grn <= 0;
curr_blu <= 0;
// generate PWM outputs
always @ (posedge clk24M or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
pwm_count <= 18'b0;
red_pwm <= 0;
grn_pwm <= 0;
blu_pwm <= 0;
end else begin
if(pwm_count < 131071)
pwm_count <= pwm_count + 1;
pwm_count <= 0;
if(pwm_count < curr_red)
red_pwm <= 1;
red_pwm <= 0;
if(pwm_count < curr_grn)
grn_pwm <= 1;
grn_pwm <= 0;
if(pwm_count < curr_blu)
blu_pwm <= 1;
blu_pwm <= 0;
endmodule // LED_control
Reference in New Issue
Block a user