// Definition of top level module top(led_if.led_port_top l, dip_if.dip_port_top d, fram_if.fram_port_top f, clock_if.clock_port_top c); // Initialisation of bus bus fpga_bus(); // Initialisation of modules timer t(fpga_bus, c); steuerung st(fpga_bus, l); spi s(fpga_bus, f); parallelport p(fpga_bus, d); endmodule : top // Definition of bus interface interface bus(); // bus wires logic clk; // clock logic timer; logic [3:0]dip; logic [1:0]spi_read; // modports from modules pov modport timer_port(input dip, output timer, clk); //dip[0] modport parallel_port(output dip); modport steuerung_port(input dip, timer, spi_read); //dip[3:0] / spi_read[1:0] modport spi_port(input dip, timer, output spi_read); //spi_read[1:0] endinterface : bus // Definition of parallelport module parallelport(bus.parallel_port b, dip_if.dip_port_top d); //b.dip <= d.dip; endmodule module spi(bus.spi_port b, fram_if.fram_port_top i); /*... b.dip[3:0], b.timer, b.spi_read[1:0] i.ss, i.mosi, i.miso, i.sclk ...*/ endmodule module timer(bus.timer_port b, clock_if.clock_port_top i); /*... b.clk, b.dip[0], b.timer i.clk ...*/ endmodule module steuerung(bus.steuerung_port b, led_if.led_port_top i); /*... b.dip[3:0], b.timer, b.spi_read[1:0] i.rgb[2:0] ...*/ endmodule /* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Testbench __________________ ___________________ | | | | | DIP-Schalter | | FRAM-Speicher | | | | | |__________________| |___________________| | | ____________________________|________________________________________________________________|_________________ Toplevel | | | | dip[3:0]-->| |<--mosi, miso, sclk, ss | | ________|_________ ________|__________ | | | | | Parallelport | | SPI-Schnittstelle | | | | & FRAM-Kontroller | |__________________| |___________________| | | | | dip[3:0]-->| |<--dip[3:0], timer, spi_read[1:0] | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------BUS | | | | dip[0], clk, timer-->| |<--dip[3:0], timer, spi_read[1:0] | | ________|_________ ___________________ ________|__________ | | | | | | | Timer | | Oszillator-Takt | | Ampel-Steuerung | | | | (auf Board) | | | |__________________| |___________________| |___________________| | | | | | | clk-->------------------------------ |<--rgb[2:0] | | ____________________________|________________________________________________________________|___________________ | | ________|_________ ________|__________ | | | | | Takt | | RGB-LED | | (der Testbench) | | | |__________________| |___________________| __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ */