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2 years ago
  1. from os import wait
  2. from typing_extensions import ParamSpecKwargs
  3. from launch import LaunchDescription
  4. from launch.actions import execute_process
  5. from launch_ros.actions import Node
  6. def generate_launch_description():
  7. return LaunchDescription([
  8. Node(
  9. package='aruco_detector',
  10. executable='aruco_detector_node',
  11. parameters=[
  12. {'url_yaml_file' : "file:///home/ros2/dev2_ws/src/aruco_detector/hd_pro_webcam_c920.yaml"},
  13. ]
  14. ),
  15. Node(
  16. package='usb_cam',
  17. executable='usb_cam_node_exe',
  18. parameters=[
  19. {'framerate' : 30.0},
  20. {'camera_name' : 'hd_pro_webcam_c920'},
  21. {'autofocus' : True},
  22. {'camera_info_url' : "file:///home/ros2/dev2_ws/src/aruco_detector/hd_pro_webcam_c920.yaml"},
  23. #uncomment for Full_HD
  24. #{'image_width' : 1920},
  25. #{'image_height' : 1080},
  26. #uncomment for HD
  27. {'image_width' : 1280},
  28. {'image_height' : 720},
  29. ]
  30. ),
  31. Node(
  32. package='rqt_image_view',
  33. executable='rqt_image_view',
  34. ),
  35. ])