# Aruco detector With this ROS2-Node can be determined the pose of different ArUco Markers. The goal of this project was to attach a marker on different robots, and get the absolute positions and orientations via a camera on the ceiling. However, this localization can also be applied to any other arbitary object. This project was created as an project thesis (MSY-Master). ![Bild 1](./Images/Aruco_robot.jpg "ArUco Marker attached on robot") ## Requirements - Transforms3D For computing the pose the node requires this library. A detailed description can be found on: https://matthew-brett.github.io/transforms3d/) pip install transforms3d - usb_cam Usb_cam is a frequently used ros driver for V4L USB cameras. A detailed description can be found here: http://wiki.ros.org/usb_cam sudo apt get install ros--usb-cam Important: It's necessary to work with compressed images. Therefor you can use the image_transport library. A detailed description can be found here: http://wiki.ros.org/image_transport ## Running the code For an easy start there is already created a launch file. All required parameters can be set and edited centrally here. The launch-file starts: - aruco_detector_node - usb_cam - rqt_image_view cd launch/ ros2 launch aruco_launch.py An overview about the running topics is illustrated in the next picture. ![Bild 1](./Images/Topics.jpg "started topics") ## Output - topic: `/aruco/aruco_poses` The aruco_detector_node publishes a custom ros2 message. int64[] marker_ids geometry_msgs/Pose[] poses The array `marker_ids` contains all detected ids of the ArUco Markers. The array `poses` contains all poses of the detected ArUco Markers. This message will be published to the topic . - topic: `/aruco/aruco_output_images/compressed` To this topic will be published the output images. In this images the detected ArCuo Marker is highlighted and the pose is drawn using a coordinate system. ![Bild 1](./Images/Output_pic.jpg "started topics")