""" created by waldhauser This file contains the functions for the mainProg.py. The functions are part of three groups, MQTT-callbacks, functions for external threads and one normal function. """ import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import json import threading import os import logging import raspy_sensors as Sensors from defines import Topics, SENSORDATA, ALLSENSORDATA def measure_send_data(plantID, actionID, client: mqtt.Client): """ Reads all sensors and publishes data via MQTT in form of SENSORDATA ***Function is only neccessary for driving without color codes*** Args: plantID (_type_): plant to measure actionID (_type_): current ID of driving action client (mqtt.Client): current mqtt client for publishing """ sensorData = {} sensorData |= SENSORDATA try: Sensors.readSensors(sensorData) except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e)) client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ERROR"], str(e), qos=1) sensorData["PlantID"] = plantID sensorData["ActionID"] = actionID client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_SENSORDATA"], json.dumps(sensorData, indent=4), qos=1) #region Thread # Functions to be executed in external Thread to not block the mainProg # Functions contain the drive and sensor measurement operations def drive_plant_thread(plantID, actionID, client: mqtt.Client): """ Function to drive to plant according to number from MQTT message in thread Drive programm based on hardcoded drive programms specific for each plant Only possible to drive to one plant per execution Meassure and publish data via MQTT Drive home to starting point ***If color codes are working properly this function is not needed anymore*** Args: plantID (_type_): plant to measure actionID (_type_): current ID of driving action client (mqtt.Client): current mqtt client for publishing """ errorCode = os.system(f'sshpass -p maker ssh robot@ev3dev.local python3 /home/robot/Programme/plant_{plantID}.py') # Error handling for drive operation # Abort when drive operation at start when error occurs if errorCode != 0: if errorCode == 65280: errorMessage = "EV3 not connected" else: errorMessage = "Motor or Sensor unplugged" logging.info(f"{errorMessage}, Drive Plant aborted, Robot at starting position") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ERROR"], f"{errorMessage}, Drive Plant aborted, Robot at starting position", qos=1) client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ROBOTREADY"], "True", qos=1) return logging.info("Measuring Sensors") measure_send_data(plantID, actionID, client) # Taking Picture not fully implemented # logging.info("Taking Picture") # sendPicture(client) logging.info("Robot driving home") errorCode = os.system(f'sshpass -p maker ssh robot@ev3dev.local python3 /home/robot/Programme/drive_back.py {plantID}') # Error handling for drive operation # Abort when drive operation at start when error occurs if errorCode != 0: if errorCode == 65280: errorMessage = "EV3 not connected" else: errorMessage = "Motor or Sensor unplugged" logging.info(f"{errorMessage}, Drive Plant aborted, Robot at starting position") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ERROR"], f"{errorMessage}, Drive Plant aborted, Robot at plant {plantID}", qos=1) client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ROBOTREADY"], "True", qos=1) return logging.info("Robot home") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ROBOTREADY"], "True", qos=1) def drive_plant_all_thread(plantIDs: list, actionID, client: mqtt.Client): """ Function to drive to plants according to numbers from MQTT message in thread, one or more plants possible PlantIDs have to be in ascending order Drive programm based on color codes in the flowerbed Meassure and publish data for all plants via MQTT Drive home to starting point ***If color codes are working properly, only this function is needed for drive operations*** Args: plantIDs (list): Plants to drive to, plants have to be in ascending order actionID (_type_): ActionID from Backend for whole drive action client (mqtt.Client): current MQTT client """ allPlantData = { "SensorData": [], "ActionID": "" } allPlantData["ActionID"] = actionID for plant in plantIDs: logging.info(f"Robot Driving to plant {plant}") errorCode = os.system(f'sshpass -p maker ssh robot@ev3dev.local python3 /home/robot/Programme/drive_plant.py {plant}') # Error handling for drive operation # Abort when drive operation at start when error occurs if errorCode != 0: if errorCode == 65280: errorMessage = "EV3 not connected" else: errorMessage = "Motor or Sensor unplugged" logging.info(f"{errorMessage}, Drive Plant aborted, Robot at starting position") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ERROR"], f"{errorMessage}, Drive Plant aborted, Robot at starting position", qos=1) client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ROBOTREADY"], "True", qos=1) return # Read Sensors and store data, take picture logging.info("Measuring Sensors") try: sensordata = {} sensordata |= SENSORDATA Sensors.readSensors(sensordata) except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e)) client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ERROR"], str(e), qos=1) sensordata["PlantID"] = plant allPlantData["SensorData"].append(sensordata) # Taking Picture not fully implemented # logging.info("Taking Picture") # sendPicture(client) errorCode = os.system(f'sshpass -p maker ssh robot@ev3dev.local python3 /home/robot/Programme/drive_arm.py {plant}') # Error handling for drive operation # Abort when drive operation at start when error occurs if errorCode != 0: if errorCode == 65280: errorMessage = "EV3 not connected" else: errorMessage = "Motor or Sensor unplugged" logging.info(f"{errorMessage}, Drive Plant aborted, Robot at starting position") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ERROR"], f"{errorMessage}, Drive Plant aborted, Robot at plant {plant}", qos=1) client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ROBOTREADY"], "True", qos=1) return logging.info("All Plants measured, sending data") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ALL"], json.dumps(allPlantData, indent=4), qos=1) logging.info("Robot driving home") # Error handling for drive operation # Abort when drive operation at start when error occurs errorCode = os.system(f'sshpass -p maker ssh robot@ev3dev.local python3 /home/robot/Programme/drive_back_straight.py') if errorCode != 0: if errorCode == 65280: errorMessage = "EV3 not connected" else: errorMessage = "Motor or Sensor unplugged" logging.info(f"{errorMessage}, Drive Plant aborted, Robot at starting position") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ERROR"], f"{errorMessage}, Drive Plant aborted, Robot at plant {plant}", qos=1) client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ROBOTREADY"], "True", qos=1) return logging.info("Robot home") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ROBOTREADY"], "True", qos=1) #endregion #region MQTT callbacks # Functions to be called by the MQTT callbacks # Starting the drive operations in threads or executing the small operations directly def drive_plant(client: mqtt.Client, userdata, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage): """ Function to drive to plant according to request Starting Drive in Thread to not block main programm ***If color codes are working properly this function is not needed anymore*** Args: client (mqtt.Client): current mqtt client userdata (_type_): _description_ message (mqtt.MQTTMessage): received DRIVE message with PlantID and ActionID """ dictMessage = json.loads(str(message.payload.decode("UTF-8"))) plantID = dictMessage["PlantID"] actionID = dictMessage["ActionID"] logging.info(f"Received Drive-request to plant {plantID}, ActionID: {actionID}") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ROBOTREADY"], "False", qos=1) thread = threading.Thread(target= drive_plant_thread, args=(plantID, actionID, client), daemon=True) thread.start() def drive_plant_all(client: mqtt.Client, userdata, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage): """ Function to drive to plants according to request Starting Drive in Thread to not block main programm ***If color codes are working properly, only this function is needed for drive operations*** Args: client (mqtt.Client): current MQTT client userdata (_type_): _description_ message (mqtt.MQTTMessage): received DRIVEALL message with PlantIDs and ActionID """ dictMessage = json.loads(str(message.payload.decode("UTF-8"))) plantIDs = dictMessage["PlantID"] # List of numbers actionID = dictMessage["ActionID"] logging.info(f"Received Drive-request to plants {plantIDs}, ActionID: {actionID}") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ROBOTREADY"], "False", qos=1) thread = threading.Thread(target= drive_plant_all_thread, args=(plantIDs, actionID, client), daemon=True) thread.start() def get_position(clients: mqtt.Client, userdata, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage): """ Callback function for GPS position request Function to send actual GPS position via MQTT in form of POSITION ***Not implemented, available GPS-sensor was not working*** Args: client (mqtt.Client): current mqtt client userdata (_type_): _description_ message (mqtt.MQTTMessage): received message """ logging.info("Received position request") position = { "Position": "" } clients.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_POSITION"], json.dumps(position, indent=4), qos=1) def get_batteryStatus(client: mqtt.Client, userdata, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage): """ Callback function for battery status request Function to read battery status from EV3 and send via MQTT in form of BATTERY Current battery level is stored in "voltage_now" file Reading battery level via SSH script execution Battery level shown in Volts: 8,5V -> 100% 5V -> 0% Args: client (mqtt.Client): current mqtt client userdata (_type_): _description_ message (mqtt.MQTTMessage): received message """ logging.info("Received battery status request") try: batteryLevel = int(os.popen('sshpass -p maker ssh robot@ev3dev.local cat /sys/devices/platform/battery/power_supply/lego-ev3-battery/voltage_now').read()) except: logging.error("EV3 not connected") client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ERROR"], "Robot not connected", qos=1) return batteryLevel = round(batteryLevel / 1000000, 2) # Conversion to Volt batteryLevel = batteryLevel - 5 batteryLevel = round(batteryLevel / 3.5, 3) *100 # Conversion to Percentage, 8,5V -> 100%, 5V -> 0% battery = { "Battery": batteryLevel } client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_BATTERY"], json.dumps(battery, indent=4), qos=1) logging.info(f"Battery done {batteryLevel}") def sendPicture(client: mqtt.Client): """ Takes picture and publish via MQTT ***Pictures can not be send until now -> assumption of reaching maximum payload limit*** Args: client (mqtt.Client): current mqtt client """ try: Sensors.takePicture() except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e)) client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_ERROR"], str(e), qos=1) return with open("picture.png", "rb") as f: file = f.read() byteArr = bytearray(file) client.publish(Topics["ROBOT_DATA_PICTURE"], byteArr) logging.info("Picture Published") #endregion