""" created by waldlhauser This file contains the main script for the RaspberryPi of smart garden project It has the task to control the EV3 robot and take measurements with the mounted sensors The sensor data is published to MQTT topics to be available for the backend server Used protocol for interaction: mqtt (paho-mqtt module) Interaction with the EV3 via SSH """ import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import functions import logging import sys from defines import Topics, RASPI_CLIENT_ID, MQTT_BROKER_GLOBAL, MQTT_BROKER_LOCAL def on_connect(client: mqtt.Client, userdata, flags, rc): """ This method gets called, when it connects to a mqtt broker. It is used to subscribe to the specific topics Args: client (mqtt.Client): current mqtt client userdata (_type_): _description_ flags (_type_): _description_ rc (_type_): _description_ """ if rc == 0: #Add callbacks client.message_callback_add(Topics["ROBOT_ACTION_DRIVE"], functions.drive_plant) client.message_callback_add(Topics["ROBOT_ACTION_GETPOSITION"], functions.get_position) client.message_callback_add(Topics["ROBOT_ACTION_GETBATTERY"], functions.get_batteryStatus) client.message_callback_add(Topics["ROBOT_ACTION_DRIVEALL"], functions.drive_plant_all) #Subscribe to topics client.subscribe(Topics["ROBOT_ACTION_DRIVE"]) client.subscribe(Topics["ROBOT_ACTION_GETPOSITION"]) client.subscribe(Topics["ROBOT_ACTION_GETBATTERY"]) client.subscribe(Topics["ROBOT_ACTION_DRIVEALL"]) logging.info("MQTT initialized") def main(): """ Initialises MQTT Runs forever and controlls all robot functions """ logging.basicConfig(filename="robot.log", filemode="a", encoding="utf-8", level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") logging.getLogger().addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) # client = mqtt.Client(RASPI_CLIENT_ID) client = mqtt.Client(RASPI_CLIENT_ID, transport="websockets") # Local Broker client.on_connect = on_connect # client.connect(MQTT_BROKER_GLOBAL) client.connect("") # Local Broker logging.info("Robot initialised") client.loop_forever() # Loop_start not needed if __name__ == "__main__": main()