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pip_alt.txt 2.3KB

  1. Adafruit-Blinka==8.15.2
  2. adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice==5.2.3
  3. adafruit-circuitpython-dht==3.7.8
  4. adafruit-circuitpython-requests==1.13.0
  5. adafruit-circuitpython-tsl2561==3.3.15
  6. adafruit-circuitpython-typing==1.8.3
  7. Adafruit-GPIO==1.0.3
  8. Adafruit-PlatformDetect==3.40.3
  9. Adafruit-PureIO==1.1.10
  10. altgraph==0.17.3
  11. arandr==0.1.10
  12. astroid==2.5.1
  13. asttokens==2.0.4
  14. automationhat==0.2.0
  15. beautifulsoup4==4.9.3
  16. blinker==1.4
  17. blinkt==0.1.2
  18. buttonshim==0.0.2
  19. Cap1xxx==0.1.3
  20. certifi==2022.12.7
  21. cffi==1.15.1
  22. chardet==4.0.0
  23. charset-normalizer==3.0.1
  24. click==8.1.3
  25. colorama==0.4.4
  26. colorzero==1.1
  27. cryptography==3.3.2
  28. cupshelpers==1.0
  29. dbus-python==1.2.16
  30. distro==1.5.0
  31. docutils==0.16
  32. drumhat==0.1.0
  33. envirophat==1.0.0
  34. ExplorerHAT==0.4.2
  35. Flask==2.2.3
  36. fourletterphat==0.1.0
  37. gpiozero==1.6.2
  38. html5lib==1.1
  39. idna==3.4
  40. importlib-metadata==6.0.0
  41. isort==5.6.4
  42. itsdangerous==2.1.2
  43. jedi==0.18.0
  44. Jinja2==3.1.2
  45. lazy-object-proxy==0.0.0
  46. logilab-common==1.8.1
  47. lxml==4.6.3
  48. MarkupSafe==2.1.2
  49. mccabe==0.6.1
  50. microdotphat==0.2.1
  51. mote==0.0.4
  52. motephat==0.0.3
  53. mypy==0.812
  54. mypy-extensions==0.4.3
  55. numpy==1.19.5
  56. oauthlib==3.1.0
  57. pantilthat==0.0.7
  58. parso==0.8.1
  59. pexpect==4.8.0
  60. pgzero==1.2
  61. phatbeat==0.1.1
  62. pianohat==0.1.0
  63. picamera==1.13
  64. picamera2==0.3.8
  65. pidng==4.0.9
  66. piexif==1.1.3
  67. piglow==1.2.5
  68. pigpio==1.78
  69. Pillow==8.1.2
  70. psutil==5.8.0
  71. pybricks==3.2.0
  72. pycairo==1.16.2
  73. pycparser==2.21
  74. pycups==2.0.1
  75. pyftdi==0.54.0
  76. pygame==1.9.6
  77. Pygments==2.7.1
  78. PyGObject==3.38.0
  79. pyinotify==0.9.6
  80. pyinstaller==5.8.0
  81. pyinstaller-hooks-contrib==2023.0
  82. PyJWT==1.7.1
  83. pylint==2.7.2
  84. PyOpenGL==3.1.5
  85. pyOpenSSL==20.0.1
  86. PyQt5==5.15.2
  87. PyQt5-sip==12.8.1
  88. pyserial==3.5b0
  89. pysmbc==1.0.23
  90. python-apt==2.2.1
  91. python-ev3dev==1.2.0
  92. python-ev3dev2==2.1.0.post1
  93. python-prctl==1.7
  94. pyusb==1.2.1
  95. rainbowhat==0.1.0
  96. reportlab==3.5.59
  97. requests==2.28.2
  98. requests-oauthlib==1.0.0
  99. responses==0.12.1
  100. roman==2.0.0
  101. rpi-ws281x==4.3.4
  102. RPi.GPIO==0.7.0
  103. RTIMULib==7.2.1
  104. scrollphat==0.0.7
  105. scrollphathd==1.2.1
  106. Send2Trash==1.6.0b1
  107. sense-hat==2.4.0
  108. simplejpeg==1.6.4
  109. simplejson==3.17.2
  110. six==1.16.0
  111. skywriter==0.0.7
  112. smbus==1.1.post2
  113. smbus-cffi==0.5.1
  114. sn3218==1.2.7
  115. soupsieve==2.2.1
  116. spidev==3.5
  117. ssh-import-id==5.10
  118. sysv-ipc==1.1.0
  119. thonny==4.0.1
  120. toml==0.10.1
  121. touchphat==0.0.1
  122. tsl2561==3.4.0
  123. twython==3.8.2
  124. typed-ast==1.4.2
  125. typing_extensions==4.5.0
  126. unicornhathd==0.0.4
  127. urllib3==1.26.14
  128. v4l2-python3==0.3.1
  129. webencodings==0.5.1
  130. Werkzeug==2.2.3
  131. wrapt==1.12.1
  132. zipp==3.15.0