repository to manage all files related to the makeathon farm bot project (Software + Documentation).
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

webServers.xml 620B

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <project version="4">
  3. <component name="WebServers">
  4. <option name="servers">
  5. <webServer id="1b3e9e3f-7394-4cbc-a32d-b95ef2abda52" name="backend">
  6. <fileTransfer accessType="SFTP" host="lego-K53SV" port="22" sshConfigId="40359a92-2c87-41df-943b-cfac73c7ea3d" sshConfig="lego@lego-K53SV:22 password">
  7. <advancedOptions>
  8. <advancedOptions dataProtectionLevel="Private" keepAliveTimeout="0" passiveMode="true" shareSSLContext="true" />
  9. </advancedOptions>
  10. </fileTransfer>
  11. </webServer>
  12. </option>
  13. </component>
  14. </project>