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latex4ei_colors.sty 3.0KB

4 years ago
  1. %
  2. % latex package with color scheme
  3. %
  4. % Authors: Emanuel Regnath, Martin Zellner
  5. % Contact:
  6. % Version: 1.1
  7. % License: TBD
  8. %
  9. % © 2011-2019, LaTeX4EI
  10. \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
  11. \ProvidesPackage{latex4ei/latex4ei_colors}[2016/03/30 Colors for LaTeX4EI]
  12. % Packages
  13. % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. \RequirePackage{xcolor}
  15. % Own Macros
  16. % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. % define command to provide colors
  18. \makeatletter
  19. \providecommand{\providecolor}[2]{%
  20. \@ifundefinedcolor{#1}{\colorlet{#1}{#2}}{}}
  21. \makeatother
  22. % ======================================================================
  23. % Color Scheme
  24. % ======================================================================
  25. % TUM Color Palette
  26. % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. % Note: The following color definitions are copied
  28. % from the official TUM Styleguide
  29. % the tum logo color
  30. \definecolor{col_tum_logo}{RGB}{0, 101, 189} % Pantone 300
  31. % additional blue colors
  32. \definecolor{tum_blue_dark2}{RGB}{0, 51, 89} % Pantone 540
  33. \definecolor{tum_blue_dark}{RGB}{0, 82, 147} % Pantone 301
  34. \definecolor{tum_blue}{RGB}{0, 115, 207} % Pantone 285
  35. \definecolor{tum_blue_light}{RGB}{100, 160, 200} % Pantone 542
  36. \definecolor{tum_blue_light2}{RGB}{152, 198, 234} % Pantone 283
  37. % emphasize colors
  38. \definecolor{tum_green}{RGB}{162, 173, 0} % Pantone 383, 55%: 204, 210, 115
  39. \definecolor{tum_orange}{RGB}{227, 114, 34} % Pantone 158
  40. \definecolor{tum_elfenbein}{RGB}{218, 215, 203} % Pantone 7527
  41. % gray colors
  42. \definecolor{tum_gray_dark}{RGB}{88, 88, 90}
  43. \definecolor{tum_gray}{RGB}{156, 157, 159}
  44. \definecolor{tum_gray_light}{RGB}{217, 218, 219}
  45. % advanced colors
  46. \definecolor{tum_purple}{RGB}{105, 8, 90} % 55%: 173, 119, 164
  47. \definecolor{tum_purple_dark}{RGB}{15, 27, 95} % 55%: 123, 130, 167
  48. \definecolor{tum_blue_ocean}{RGB}{0, 119, 138} % 55%: 115, 180, 191
  49. \definecolor{tum_green_leaf}{RGB}{0, 124, 48} % 55%: 115, 183, 141
  50. \definecolor{tum_green_grass}{RGB}{103, 154, 029} % 55%: 172, 200, 131
  51. \definecolor{tum_yellow}{RGB}{255, 220, 0} % 55%: 255, 236, 115
  52. \definecolor{tum_yellow_dark}{RGB}{249, 186, 0}
  53. \definecolor{tum_orange_dark}{RGB}{214, 76, 19}
  54. \definecolor{tum_red}{RGB}{196, 7, 27} % 55%: 223, 119, 130
  55. \definecolor{tum_red_dark}{RGB}{156, 13, 22} % 55%: 201, 122, 127
  56. % Own colors (deprecated)
  57. % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. \definecolor{lightblue}{RGB}{235,235,255}
  59. \definecolor{lightred}{RGB}{255,240,240}
  60. \definecolor{lightgreen}{RGB}{240,255,240}
  61. \definecolor{lightyellow}{RGB}{255,255,240}
  62. \definecolor{lightblue}{RGB}{220, 240, 247}
  63. \definecolor{darkblue}{RGB}{23,110,138}
  64. \definecolor{notsodarkblue}{RGB}{119,193,214}
  65. \definecolor{tablecolor}{RGB}{0,128,0}
  66. \definecolor{lila}{RGB}{128,0,128}
  67. \definecolor{latex4eiblau}{RGB}{86,124,136}
  68. \definecolor{latex4eigruen}{RGB}{150,163,110}