# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. from __future__ import division, absolute_import import os import sys from textwrap import dedent from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.persisted import sob from twisted.python import components from twisted.persisted.styles import Ephemeral class Dummy(components.Componentized): pass objects = [ 1, "hello", (1, "hello"), [1, "hello"], {1:"hello"}, ] class FakeModule(object): pass class PersistTests(unittest.TestCase): def testStyles(self): for o in objects: p = sob.Persistent(o, '') for style in 'source pickle'.split(): p.setStyle(style) p.save(filename='persisttest.'+style) o1 = sob.load('persisttest.'+style, style) self.assertEqual(o, o1) def testStylesBeingSet(self): o = Dummy() o.foo = 5 o.setComponent(sob.IPersistable, sob.Persistent(o, 'lala')) for style in 'source pickle'.split(): sob.IPersistable(o).setStyle(style) sob.IPersistable(o).save(filename='lala.'+style) o1 = sob.load('lala.'+style, style) self.assertEqual(o.foo, o1.foo) self.assertEqual(sob.IPersistable(o1).style, style) def testPassphraseError(self): """ Calling save() with a passphrase is an error. """ p = sob.Persistant(None, 'object') self.assertRaises( TypeError, p.save, 'filename.pickle', passphrase='abc') def testNames(self): o = [1,2,3] p = sob.Persistent(o, 'object') for style in 'source pickle'.split(): p.setStyle(style) p.save() o1 = sob.load('object.ta'+style[0], style) self.assertEqual(o, o1) for tag in 'lala lolo'.split(): p.save(tag) o1 = sob.load('object-'+tag+'.ta'+style[0], style) self.assertEqual(o, o1) def testPython(self): with open("persisttest.python", 'w') as f: f.write('foo=[1,2,3] ') o = sob.loadValueFromFile('persisttest.python', 'foo') self.assertEqual(o, [1,2,3]) def testTypeGuesser(self): self.assertRaises(KeyError, sob.guessType, "file.blah") self.assertEqual('python', sob.guessType("file.py")) self.assertEqual('python', sob.guessType("file.tac")) self.assertEqual('python', sob.guessType("file.etac")) self.assertEqual('pickle', sob.guessType("file.tap")) self.assertEqual('pickle', sob.guessType("file.etap")) self.assertEqual('source', sob.guessType("file.tas")) self.assertEqual('source', sob.guessType("file.etas")) def testEverythingEphemeralGetattr(self): """ L{_EverythingEphermal.__getattr__} will proxy the __main__ module as an L{Ephemeral} object, and during load will be transparent, but after load will return L{Ephemeral} objects from any accessed attributes. """ self.fakeMain.testMainModGetattr = 1 dirname = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(dirname) filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'persisttest.ee_getattr') global mainWhileLoading mainWhileLoading = None with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(dedent(""" app = [] import __main__ app.append(__main__.testMainModGetattr == 1) try: __main__.somethingElse except AttributeError: app.append(True) else: app.append(False) from twisted.test import test_sob test_sob.mainWhileLoading = __main__ """)) loaded = sob.load(filename, 'source') self.assertIsInstance(loaded, list) self.assertTrue(loaded[0], "Expected attribute not set.") self.assertTrue(loaded[1], "Unexpected attribute set.") self.assertIsInstance(mainWhileLoading, Ephemeral) self.assertIsInstance(mainWhileLoading.somethingElse, Ephemeral) del mainWhileLoading def testEverythingEphemeralSetattr(self): """ Verify that _EverythingEphemeral.__setattr__ won't affect __main__. """ self.fakeMain.testMainModSetattr = 1 dirname = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(dirname) filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'persisttest.ee_setattr') with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('import __main__\n') f.write('__main__.testMainModSetattr = 2\n') f.write('app = None\n') sob.load(filename, 'source') self.assertEqual(self.fakeMain.testMainModSetattr, 1) def testEverythingEphemeralException(self): """ Test that an exception during load() won't cause _EE to mask __main__ """ dirname = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(dirname) filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'persisttest.ee_exception') with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('raise ValueError\n') self.assertRaises(ValueError, sob.load, filename, 'source') self.assertEqual(type(sys.modules['__main__']), FakeModule) def setUp(self): """ Replace the __main__ module with a fake one, so that it can be mutated in tests """ self.realMain = sys.modules['__main__'] self.fakeMain = sys.modules['__main__'] = FakeModule() def tearDown(self): """ Restore __main__ to its original value """ sys.modules['__main__'] = self.realMain