############################################################################### # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) Crossbar.io Technologies GmbH # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # ############################################################################### from __future__ import absolute_import import six import txaio import inspect from functools import reduce from autobahn import wamp from autobahn.util import public, IdGenerator, ObservableMixin from autobahn.wamp import uri from autobahn.wamp import message from autobahn.wamp import types from autobahn.wamp import role from autobahn.wamp import exception from autobahn.wamp.exception import ApplicationError, ProtocolError, SessionNotReady, SerializationError from autobahn.wamp.interfaces import ISession, IPayloadCodec, IAuthenticator # noqa from autobahn.wamp.types import SessionDetails, CloseDetails, EncodedPayload from autobahn.exception import PayloadExceededError from autobahn.wamp.request import \ Publication, \ Subscription, \ Handler, \ Registration, \ Endpoint, \ PublishRequest, \ SubscribeRequest, \ UnsubscribeRequest, \ CallRequest, \ InvocationRequest, \ RegisterRequest, \ UnregisterRequest def is_method_or_function(f): return inspect.ismethod(f) or inspect.isfunction(f) class BaseSession(ObservableMixin): """ WAMP session base class. This class implements :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession`. """ log = txaio.make_logger() def __init__(self): """ """ self.set_valid_events( valid_events=[ 'join', # right before onJoin runs 'leave', # after onLeave has run 'ready', # after onJoin and all 'join' listeners have completed 'connect', # right before onConnect 'disconnect', # right after onDisconnect ] ) # this is for marshalling traceback from exceptions thrown in user # code within WAMP error messages (that is, when invoking remoted # procedures) self.traceback_app = False # mapping of exception classes to WAMP error URIs self._ecls_to_uri_pat = {} # mapping of WAMP error URIs to exception classes self._uri_to_ecls = { ApplicationError.INVALID_PAYLOAD: SerializationError, ApplicationError.PAYLOAD_SIZE_EXCEEDED: PayloadExceededError, } # session authentication information self._realm = None self._session_id = None self._authid = None self._authrole = None self._authmethod = None self._authprovider = None # payload transparency codec self._payload_codec = None # generator for WAMP request IDs self._request_id_gen = IdGenerator() @property def realm(self): return self._realm @property def session_id(self): return self._session_id @property def authid(self): return self._authid @property def authrole(self): return self._authrole @property def authmethod(self): return self._authmethod @property def authprovider(self): return self._authprovider def define(self, exception, error=None): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.define` """ if error is None: assert(hasattr(exception, '_wampuris')) self._ecls_to_uri_pat[exception] = exception._wampuris self._uri_to_ecls[exception._wampuris[0].uri()] = exception else: assert(not hasattr(exception, '_wampuris')) self._ecls_to_uri_pat[exception] = [uri.Pattern(six.u(error), uri.Pattern.URI_TARGET_HANDLER)] self._uri_to_ecls[six.u(error)] = exception def _message_from_exception(self, request_type, request, exc, tb=None, enc_algo=None): """ Create a WAMP error message from an exception. :param request_type: The request type this WAMP error message is for. :type request_type: int :param request: The request ID this WAMP error message is for. :type request: int :param exc: The exception. :type exc: Instance of :class:`Exception` or subclass thereof. :param tb: Optional traceback. If present, it'll be included with the WAMP error message. :type tb: list or None """ args = None if hasattr(exc, 'args'): args = list(exc.args) # make sure tuples are made into lists kwargs = None if hasattr(exc, 'kwargs'): kwargs = exc.kwargs if kwargs and six.PY2: kwargs = { k.decode('utf8'): v for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() } if tb: if kwargs: kwargs[u'traceback'] = tb else: kwargs = {u'traceback': tb} if isinstance(exc, exception.ApplicationError): error = exc.error if type(exc.error) == six.text_type else six.u(exc.error) else: if exc.__class__ in self._ecls_to_uri_pat: error = self._ecls_to_uri_pat[exc.__class__][0]._uri else: error = u"wamp.error.runtime_error" encoded_payload = None if self._payload_codec: encoded_payload = self._payload_codec.encode(False, error, args, kwargs) if encoded_payload: msg = message.Error(request_type, request, error, payload=encoded_payload.payload, enc_algo=encoded_payload.enc_algo, enc_key=encoded_payload.enc_key, enc_serializer=encoded_payload.enc_serializer) else: msg = message.Error(request_type, request, error, args, kwargs) return msg def _exception_from_message(self, msg): """ Create a user (or generic) exception from a WAMP error message. :param msg: A WAMP error message. :type msg: instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.message.Error` """ # FIXME: # 1. map to ecls based on error URI wildcard/prefix # 2. extract additional args/kwargs from error URI exc = None enc_err = None if msg.enc_algo: if not self._payload_codec: log_msg = u"received encoded payload, but no payload codec active" self.log.warn(log_msg) enc_err = ApplicationError(ApplicationError.ENC_NO_PAYLOAD_CODEC, log_msg, enc_algo=msg.enc_algo) else: try: encoded_payload = EncodedPayload(msg.payload, msg.enc_algo, msg.enc_serializer, msg.enc_key) decrypted_error, msg.args, msg.kwargs = self._payload_codec.decode(True, msg.error, encoded_payload) except Exception as e: self.log.warn("failed to decrypt application payload 1: {err}", err=e) enc_err = ApplicationError( ApplicationError.ENC_DECRYPT_ERROR, u"failed to decrypt application payload 1: {}".format(e), enc_algo=msg.enc_algo, ) else: if msg.error != decrypted_error: self.log.warn( u"URI within encrypted payload ('{decrypted_error}') does not match the envelope ('{error}')", decrypted_error=decrypted_error, error=msg.error, ) enc_err = ApplicationError( ApplicationError.ENC_TRUSTED_URI_MISMATCH, u"URI within encrypted payload ('{}') does not match the envelope ('{}')".format(decrypted_error, msg.error), enc_algo=msg.enc_algo, ) if enc_err: return enc_err if msg.error in self._uri_to_ecls: ecls = self._uri_to_ecls[msg.error] try: # the following might fail, eg. TypeError when # signature of exception constructor is incompatible # with args/kwargs or when the exception constructor raises if msg.kwargs: if msg.args: exc = ecls(*msg.args, **msg.kwargs) else: exc = ecls(**msg.kwargs) else: if msg.args: exc = ecls(*msg.args) else: exc = ecls() except Exception: try: self.onUserError( txaio.create_failure(), "While re-constructing exception", ) except: pass if not exc: # the following ctor never fails .. if msg.kwargs: if msg.args: exc = exception.ApplicationError(msg.error, *msg.args, **msg.kwargs) else: exc = exception.ApplicationError(msg.error, **msg.kwargs) else: if msg.args: exc = exception.ApplicationError(msg.error, *msg.args) else: exc = exception.ApplicationError(msg.error) # FIXME: cleanup and integate into ctors above if hasattr(exc, 'enc_algo'): exc.enc_algo = msg.enc_algo if hasattr(exc, 'callee'): exc.callee = msg.callee if hasattr(exc, 'callee_authid'): exc.callee_authid = msg.callee_authid if hasattr(exc, 'callee_authrole'): exc.callee_authrole = msg.callee_authrole if hasattr(exc, 'forward_for'): exc.forward_for = msg.forward_for return exc @public class ApplicationSession(BaseSession): """ WAMP endpoint session. """ def __init__(self, config=None): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession` """ BaseSession.__init__(self) self.config = config or types.ComponentConfig(realm=u"realm1") # set client role features supported and announced self._session_roles = role.DEFAULT_CLIENT_ROLES self._transport = None self._session_id = None self._realm = None self._goodbye_sent = False self._transport_is_closing = False # outstanding requests self._publish_reqs = {} self._subscribe_reqs = {} self._unsubscribe_reqs = {} self._call_reqs = {} self._register_reqs = {} self._unregister_reqs = {} # subscriptions in place self._subscriptions = {} # registrations in place self._registrations = {} # incoming invocations self._invocations = {} @public def set_payload_codec(self, payload_codec): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.set_payload_codec` """ assert(payload_codec is None or isinstance(payload_codec, IPayloadCodec)) self._payload_codec = payload_codec @public def get_payload_codec(self): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.get_payload_codec` """ return self._payload_codec @public def onOpen(self, transport): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ITransportHandler.onOpen` """ self._transport = transport d = self.fire('connect', self, transport) txaio.add_callbacks( d, None, lambda fail: self._swallow_error(fail, "While notifying 'connect'") ) txaio.add_callbacks( d, lambda _: txaio.as_future(self.onConnect), lambda fail: self._swallow_error(fail, "While calling 'onConnect'") ) @public def onConnect(self): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.onConnect` """ self.join(self.config.realm) @public def join(self, realm, authmethods=None, authid=None, authrole=None, authextra=None, resumable=None, resume_session=None, resume_token=None): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.join` """ assert(realm is None or type(realm) == six.text_type) assert(authmethods is None or type(authmethods) == list) if type(authmethods) == list: for authmethod in authmethods: assert(type(authmethod) == six.text_type) assert(authid is None or type(authid) == six.text_type) assert(authrole is None or type(authrole) == six.text_type) assert(authextra is None or type(authextra) == dict) if self._session_id: raise Exception("already joined") # store the realm requested by client, though this might be overwritten later, # when realm redirection kicks in self._realm = realm # closing handshake state self._goodbye_sent = False # send HELLO message to router msg = message.Hello(realm=realm, roles=self._session_roles, authmethods=authmethods, authid=authid, authrole=authrole, authextra=authextra, resumable=resumable, resume_session=resume_session, resume_token=resume_token) self._transport.send(msg) @public def disconnect(self): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.disconnect` """ if self._transport: self._transport.close() @public def is_connected(self): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.is_connected` """ return self._transport is not None @public def is_attached(self): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.is_attached` """ return self._transport is not None and self._session_id is not None @public def onUserError(self, fail, msg): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.onUserError` """ if isinstance(fail.value, exception.ApplicationError): self.log.warn('{klass}.onUserError(): "{msg}"', klass=self.__class__.__name__, msg=fail.value.error_message()) else: self.log.error( '{klass}.onUserError(): "{msg}"\n{traceback}', klass=self.__class__.__name__, msg=msg, traceback=txaio.failure_format_traceback(fail), ) def _swallow_error(self, fail, msg): ''' This is an internal generic error-handler for errors encountered when calling down to on*() handlers that can reasonably be expected to be overridden in user code. Note that it *cancels* the error, so use with care! Specifically, this should *never* be added to the errback chain for a Deferred/coroutine that will make it out to user code. ''' try: self.onUserError(fail, msg) except Exception: self.log.error( "Internal error: {tb}", tb=txaio.failure_format_traceback(txaio.create_failure()), ) return None def onMessage(self, msg): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ITransportHandler.onMessage` """ if self._session_id is None: # the first message must be WELCOME, ABORT or CHALLENGE .. if isinstance(msg, message.Welcome): # before we let user code see the session -- that is, # before we fire "join" -- we give authentication # instances a chance to abort the session. Usually # this would be for "mutual authentication" # scenarios. For example, WAMP-SCRAM uses this to # confirm the server-signature d = txaio.as_future(self.onWelcome, msg) def success(res): if res is not None: self.log.info("Session denied by onWelcome") reply = message.Abort( u"wamp.error.cannot_authenticate", u"{0}".format(res) ) self._transport.send(reply) return if msg.realm: self._realm = msg.realm self._session_id = msg.session self._authid = msg.authid self._authrole = msg.authrole self._authmethod = msg.authmethod self._authprovider = msg.authprovider self._router_roles = msg.roles details = SessionDetails( realm=self._realm, session=self._session_id, authid=self._authid, authrole=self._authrole, authmethod=self._authmethod, authprovider=self._authprovider, authextra=msg.authextra, serializer=self._transport._serializer.SERIALIZER_ID, resumed=msg.resumed, resumable=msg.resumable, resume_token=msg.resume_token, ) # firing 'join' *before* running onJoin, so that # the idiom where you "do stuff" in onJoin -- # possibly including self.leave() -- works # properly. Besides, there's "ready" that fires # after 'join' and onJoin have all completed... d = self.fire('join', self, details) # add a logging errback first, which will ignore any # errors from fire() txaio.add_callbacks( d, None, lambda e: self._swallow_error(e, "While notifying 'join'") ) # this should run regardless txaio.add_callbacks( d, lambda _: txaio.as_future(self.onJoin, details), None ) # ignore any errors from onJoin (XXX or, should that be fatal?) txaio.add_callbacks( d, None, lambda e: self._swallow_error(e, "While firing onJoin") ) # this instance is now "ready"... txaio.add_callbacks( d, lambda _: self.fire('ready', self), None ) # ignore any errors from 'ready' txaio.add_callbacks( d, None, lambda e: self._swallow_error(e, "While notifying 'ready'") ) def error(e): reply = message.Abort( u"wamp.error.cannot_authenticate", u"Error calling onWelcome handler" ) self._transport.send(reply) return self._swallow_error(e, "While firing onWelcome") txaio.add_callbacks(d, success, error) elif isinstance(msg, message.Abort): # fire callback and close the transport details = types.CloseDetails(msg.reason, msg.message) d = txaio.as_future(self.onLeave, details) def success(arg): # XXX also: handle async d = self.fire('leave', self, details) def return_arg(_): return arg def _error(e): return self._swallow_error(e, "While firing 'leave' event") txaio.add_callbacks(d, return_arg, _error) return d def _error(e): return self._swallow_error(e, "While firing onLeave") txaio.add_callbacks(d, success, _error) elif isinstance(msg, message.Challenge): challenge = types.Challenge(msg.method, msg.extra) d = txaio.as_future(self.onChallenge, challenge) def success(signature): if signature is None: raise Exception('onChallenge user callback did not return a signature') if type(signature) == six.binary_type: signature = signature.decode('utf8') if type(signature) != six.text_type: raise Exception('signature must be unicode (was {})'.format(type(signature))) reply = message.Authenticate(signature) self._transport.send(reply) def error(err): self.onUserError(err, "Authentication failed") reply = message.Abort(u"wamp.error.cannot_authenticate", u"{0}".format(err.value)) self._transport.send(reply) # fire callback and close the transport details = types.CloseDetails(reply.reason, reply.message) d = txaio.as_future(self.onLeave, details) def success(arg): # XXX also: handle async self.fire('leave', self, details) return arg def _error(e): return self._swallow_error(e, "While firing onLeave") txaio.add_callbacks(d, success, _error) # switching to the callback chain, effectively # cancelling error (which we've now handled) return d txaio.add_callbacks(d, success, error) else: raise ProtocolError("Received {0} message, and session is not yet established".format(msg.__class__)) else: # self._session_id != None (aka "session established") if isinstance(msg, message.Goodbye): if not self._goodbye_sent: # the peer wants to close: send GOODBYE reply reply = message.Goodbye() self._transport.send(reply) self._session_id = None # fire callback and close the transport details = types.CloseDetails(msg.reason, msg.message) d = txaio.as_future(self.onLeave, details) def success(arg): # XXX also: handle async self.fire('leave', self, details) return arg def _error(e): errmsg = 'While firing onLeave for reason "{0}" and message "{1}"'.format(msg.reason, msg.message) return self._swallow_error(e, errmsg) txaio.add_callbacks(d, success, _error) elif isinstance(msg, message.Event): if msg.subscription in self._subscriptions: # fire all event handlers on subscription .. for subscription in self._subscriptions[msg.subscription]: handler = subscription.handler topic = msg.topic or subscription.topic if msg.enc_algo: # FIXME: behavior in error cases (no keyring, decrypt issues, URI mismatch, ..) if not self._payload_codec: self.log.warn("received encoded payload with enc_algo={enc_algo}, but no payload codec active - ignoring encoded payload!", enc_algo=msg.enc_algo) return else: try: encoded_payload = EncodedPayload(msg.payload, msg.enc_algo, msg.enc_serializer, msg.enc_key) decoded_topic, msg.args, msg.kwargs = self._payload_codec.decode(False, topic, encoded_payload) except Exception as e: self.log.warn("failed to decode application payload encoded with enc_algo={enc_algo}: {error}", error=e, enc_algo=msg.enc_algo) return else: if topic != decoded_topic: self.log.warn("envelope topic URI does not match encoded one") return invoke_args = (handler.obj,) if handler.obj else tuple() if msg.args: invoke_args = invoke_args + tuple(msg.args) invoke_kwargs = msg.kwargs if msg.kwargs else dict() if handler.details_arg: invoke_kwargs[handler.details_arg] = types.EventDetails(subscription, msg.publication, publisher=msg.publisher, publisher_authid=msg.publisher_authid, publisher_authrole=msg.publisher_authrole, topic=topic, retained=msg.retained, enc_algo=msg.enc_algo, forward_for=msg.forward_for) # FIXME: https://github.com/crossbario/autobahn-python/issues/764 def _success(_): # Acknowledged Events -- only if we got the details header and # the broker advertised it if msg.x_acknowledged_delivery and self._router_roles["broker"].x_acknowledged_event_delivery: if self._transport: response = message.EventReceived(msg.publication) self._transport.send(response) else: self.log.warn("successfully processed event with acknowledged delivery, but could not send ACK, since the transport was lost in the meantime") def _error(e): errmsg = 'While firing {0} subscribed under {1}.'.format( handler.fn, msg.subscription) return self._swallow_error(e, errmsg) future = txaio.as_future(handler.fn, *invoke_args, **invoke_kwargs) txaio.add_callbacks(future, _success, _error) else: raise ProtocolError("EVENT received for non-subscribed subscription ID {0}".format(msg.subscription)) elif isinstance(msg, message.Published): if msg.request in self._publish_reqs: # get and pop outstanding publish request publish_request = self._publish_reqs.pop(msg.request) # create a new publication object publication = Publication(msg.publication, was_encrypted=publish_request.was_encrypted) # resolve deferred/future for publishing successfully txaio.resolve(publish_request.on_reply, publication) else: raise ProtocolError("PUBLISHED received for non-pending request ID {0}".format(msg.request)) elif isinstance(msg, message.Subscribed): if msg.request in self._subscribe_reqs: # get and pop outstanding subscribe request request = self._subscribe_reqs.pop(msg.request) # create new handler subscription list for subscription ID if not yet tracked if msg.subscription not in self._subscriptions: self._subscriptions[msg.subscription] = [] subscription = Subscription(msg.subscription, request.topic, self, request.handler) # add handler to existing subscription self._subscriptions[msg.subscription].append(subscription) # resolve deferred/future for subscribing successfully txaio.resolve(request.on_reply, subscription) else: raise ProtocolError("SUBSCRIBED received for non-pending request ID {0}".format(msg.request)) elif isinstance(msg, message.Unsubscribed): if msg.request in self._unsubscribe_reqs: # get and pop outstanding subscribe request request = self._unsubscribe_reqs.pop(msg.request) # if the subscription still exists, mark as inactive and remove .. if request.subscription_id in self._subscriptions: for subscription in self._subscriptions[request.subscription_id]: subscription.active = False del self._subscriptions[request.subscription_id] # resolve deferred/future for unsubscribing successfully txaio.resolve(request.on_reply, 0) else: raise ProtocolError("UNSUBSCRIBED received for non-pending request ID {0}".format(msg.request)) elif isinstance(msg, message.Result): if msg.request in self._call_reqs: call_request = self._call_reqs[msg.request] proc = call_request.procedure enc_err = None if msg.enc_algo: if not self._payload_codec: log_msg = u"received encoded payload, but no payload codec active" self.log.warn(log_msg) enc_err = ApplicationError(ApplicationError.ENC_NO_PAYLOAD_CODEC, log_msg) else: try: encoded_payload = EncodedPayload(msg.payload, msg.enc_algo, msg.enc_serializer, msg.enc_key) decrypted_proc, msg.args, msg.kwargs = self._payload_codec.decode(True, proc, encoded_payload) except Exception as e: self.log.warn( "failed to decrypt application payload 1: {err}", err=e, ) enc_err = ApplicationError( ApplicationError.ENC_DECRYPT_ERROR, u"failed to decrypt application payload 1: {}".format(e), ) else: if proc != decrypted_proc: self.log.warn( "URI within encrypted payload ('{decrypted_proc}') does not match the envelope ('{proc}')", decrypted_proc=decrypted_proc, proc=proc, ) enc_err = ApplicationError( ApplicationError.ENC_TRUSTED_URI_MISMATCH, u"URI within encrypted payload ('{}') does not match the envelope ('{}')".format(decrypted_proc, proc), ) if msg.progress: # process progressive call result if call_request.options.on_progress: if enc_err: self.onUserError(enc_err, "could not deliver progressive call result, because payload decryption failed") else: kw = msg.kwargs or dict() args = msg.args or tuple() def _error(fail): self.onUserError(fail, "While firing on_progress") if call_request.options and call_request.options.details: prog_d = txaio.as_future(call_request.options.on_progress, types.CallResult(*msg.args, callee=msg.callee, callee_authid=msg.callee_authid, callee_authrole=msg.callee_authrole, forward_for=msg.forward_for, **msg.kwargs)) else: prog_d = txaio.as_future(call_request.options.on_progress, *args, **kw) txaio.add_callbacks(prog_d, None, _error) else: # process final call result # drop original request del self._call_reqs[msg.request] # user callback that gets fired on_reply = call_request.on_reply # above might already have rejected, so we guard .. if enc_err: txaio.reject(on_reply, enc_err) else: if msg.kwargs or (call_request.options and call_request.options.details): kwargs = msg.kwargs or {} if msg.args: res = types.CallResult(*msg.args, callee=msg.callee, callee_authid=msg.callee_authid, callee_authrole=msg.callee_authrole, forward_for=msg.forward_for, **kwargs) else: res = types.CallResult(callee=msg.callee, callee_authid=msg.callee_authid, callee_authrole=msg.callee_authrole, forward_for=msg.forward_for, **kwargs) txaio.resolve(on_reply, res) else: if msg.args: if len(msg.args) > 1: res = types.CallResult(*msg.args) txaio.resolve(on_reply, res) else: txaio.resolve(on_reply, msg.args[0]) else: txaio.resolve(on_reply, None) else: raise ProtocolError("RESULT received for non-pending request ID {0}".format(msg.request)) elif isinstance(msg, message.Invocation): if msg.request in self._invocations: raise ProtocolError("INVOCATION received for request ID {0} already invoked".format(msg.request)) else: if msg.registration not in self._registrations: raise ProtocolError("INVOCATION received for non-registered registration ID {0}".format(msg.registration)) else: registration = self._registrations[msg.registration] endpoint = registration.endpoint proc = msg.procedure or registration.procedure enc_err = None if msg.enc_algo: if not self._payload_codec: log_msg = u"received encrypted INVOCATION payload, but no keyring active" self.log.warn(log_msg) enc_err = ApplicationError(ApplicationError.ENC_NO_PAYLOAD_CODEC, log_msg) else: try: encoded_payload = EncodedPayload(msg.payload, msg.enc_algo, msg.enc_serializer, msg.enc_key) decrypted_proc, msg.args, msg.kwargs = self._payload_codec.decode(False, proc, encoded_payload) except Exception as e: self.log.warn( "failed to decrypt INVOCATION payload: {err}", err=e, ) enc_err = ApplicationError( ApplicationError.ENC_DECRYPT_ERROR, "failed to decrypt INVOCATION payload: {}".format(e), ) else: if proc != decrypted_proc: self.log.warn( "URI within encrypted INVOCATION payload ('{decrypted_proc}') " "does not match the envelope ('{proc}')", decrypted_proc=decrypted_proc, proc=proc, ) enc_err = ApplicationError( ApplicationError.ENC_TRUSTED_URI_MISMATCH, u"URI within encrypted INVOCATION payload ('{}') does not match the envelope ('{}')".format(decrypted_proc, proc), ) if enc_err: # when there was a problem decrypting the INVOCATION payload, we obviously can't invoke # the endpoint, but return and reply = self._message_from_exception(message.Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE, msg.request, enc_err) self._transport.send(reply) else: if endpoint.obj is not None: invoke_args = (endpoint.obj,) else: invoke_args = tuple() if msg.args: invoke_args = invoke_args + tuple(msg.args) invoke_kwargs = msg.kwargs if msg.kwargs else dict() if endpoint.details_arg: if msg.receive_progress: def progress(*args, **kwargs): assert(args is None or type(args) in (list, tuple)) assert(kwargs is None or type(kwargs) == dict) if kwargs and six.PY2: kwargs = { k.decode('utf8'): v for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() } encoded_payload = None if msg.enc_algo: if not self._payload_codec: raise Exception(u"trying to send encrypted payload, but no keyring active") encoded_payload = self._payload_codec.encode(False, proc, args, kwargs) if encoded_payload: progress_msg = message.Yield(msg.request, payload=encoded_payload.payload, progress=True, enc_algo=encoded_payload.enc_algo, enc_key=encoded_payload.enc_key, enc_serializer=encoded_payload.enc_serializer) else: progress_msg = message.Yield(msg.request, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, progress=True) self._transport.send(progress_msg) else: progress = None invoke_kwargs[endpoint.details_arg] = types.CallDetails(registration, progress=progress, caller=msg.caller, caller_authid=msg.caller_authid, caller_authrole=msg.caller_authrole, procedure=proc, enc_algo=msg.enc_algo) on_reply = txaio.as_future(endpoint.fn, *invoke_args, **invoke_kwargs) def success(res): del self._invocations[msg.request] encoded_payload = None if msg.enc_algo: if not self._payload_codec: log_msg = u"trying to send encrypted payload, but no keyring active" self.log.warn(log_msg) else: try: if isinstance(res, types.CallResult): encoded_payload = self._payload_codec.encode(False, proc, res.results, res.kwresults) else: encoded_payload = self._payload_codec.encode(False, proc, [res]) except Exception as e: self.log.warn( "failed to encrypt application payload: {err}", err=e, ) if encoded_payload: if isinstance(res, types.CallResult): reply = message.Yield(msg.request, payload=encoded_payload.payload, enc_algo=encoded_payload.enc_algo, enc_key=encoded_payload.enc_key, enc_serializer=encoded_payload.enc_serializer, callee=res.callee, callee_authid=res.callee_authid, callee_authrole=res.callee_authrole, forward_for=res.forward_for) else: reply = message.Yield(msg.request, payload=encoded_payload.payload, enc_algo=encoded_payload.enc_algo, enc_key=encoded_payload.enc_key, enc_serializer=encoded_payload.enc_serializer) else: if isinstance(res, types.CallResult): reply = message.Yield(msg.request, args=res.results, kwargs=res.kwresults, callee=res.callee, callee_authid=res.callee_authid, callee_authrole=res.callee_authrole, forward_for=res.forward_for) else: reply = message.Yield(msg.request, args=[res]) if self._transport is None: self.log.debug('Skipping result of "{}", request {} because transport disconnected.'.format(registration.procedure, msg.request)) return try: self._transport.send(reply) except SerializationError as e: # the application-level payload returned from the invoked procedure can't be serialized reply = message.Error(message.Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE, msg.request, ApplicationError.INVALID_PAYLOAD, args=[u'success return value from invoked procedure "{0}" could not be serialized: {1}'.format(registration.procedure, e)]) self._transport.send(reply) except PayloadExceededError as e: # the application-level payload returned from the invoked procedure, when serialized and framed # for the transport, exceeds the transport message/frame size limit reply = message.Error(message.Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE, msg.request, ApplicationError.PAYLOAD_SIZE_EXCEEDED, args=[u'success return value from invoked procedure "{0}" exceeds transport size limit: {1}'.format(registration.procedure, e)]) self._transport.send(reply) def error(err): del self._invocations[msg.request] errmsg = txaio.failure_message(err) try: self.onUserError(err, errmsg) except: pass formatted_tb = None if self.traceback_app: formatted_tb = txaio.failure_format_traceback(err) reply = self._message_from_exception( message.Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE, msg.request, err.value, formatted_tb, msg.enc_algo ) try: self._transport.send(reply) except SerializationError as e: # the application-level payload returned from the invoked procedure can't be serialized reply = message.Error(message.Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE, msg.request, ApplicationError.INVALID_PAYLOAD, args=[u'error return value from invoked procedure "{0}" could not be serialized: {1}'.format(registration.procedure, e)]) self._transport.send(reply) except PayloadExceededError as e: # the application-level payload returned from the invoked procedure, when serialized and framed # for the transport, exceeds the transport message/frame size limit reply = message.Error(message.Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE, msg.request, ApplicationError.PAYLOAD_SIZE_EXCEEDED, args=[u'success return value from invoked procedure "{0}" exceeds transport size limit: {1}'.format(registration.procedure, e)]) self._transport.send(reply) # we have handled the error, so we eat it return None self._invocations[msg.request] = InvocationRequest(msg.request, on_reply) txaio.add_callbacks(on_reply, success, error) elif isinstance(msg, message.Interrupt): if msg.request not in self._invocations: # raise ProtocolError("INTERRUPT received for non-pending invocation {0}".format(msg.request)) self.log.debug('INTERRUPT received for non-pending invocation {request}', request=msg.request) else: invoked = self._invocations[msg.request] # this will result in a CancelledError which will # be captured by the error handler around line 979 # to delete the invocation.. txaio.cancel(invoked.on_reply) elif isinstance(msg, message.Registered): if msg.request in self._register_reqs: # get and pop outstanding register request request = self._register_reqs.pop(msg.request) # create new registration if not yet tracked if msg.registration not in self._registrations: registration = Registration(self, msg.registration, request.procedure, request.endpoint) self._registrations[msg.registration] = registration else: raise ProtocolError("REGISTERED received for already existing registration ID {0}".format(msg.registration)) txaio.resolve(request.on_reply, registration) else: raise ProtocolError("REGISTERED received for non-pending request ID {0}".format(msg.request)) elif isinstance(msg, message.Unregistered): if msg.request == 0: # this is a forced un-register either from a call # to the wamp.* meta-api or the force_reregister # option try: reg = self._registrations[msg.registration] except KeyError: raise ProtocolError( "UNREGISTERED received for non-existant registration" " ID {0}".format(msg.registration) ) self.log.info( u"Router unregistered procedure '{proc}' with ID {id}", proc=reg.procedure, id=msg.registration, ) elif msg.request in self._unregister_reqs: # get and pop outstanding subscribe request request = self._unregister_reqs.pop(msg.request) # if the registration still exists, mark as inactive and remove .. if request.registration_id in self._registrations: self._registrations[request.registration_id].active = False del self._registrations[request.registration_id] # resolve deferred/future for unregistering successfully txaio.resolve(request.on_reply) else: raise ProtocolError("UNREGISTERED received for non-pending request ID {0}".format(msg.request)) elif isinstance(msg, message.Error): # remove outstanding request and get the reply deferred/future on_reply = None # ERROR reply to CALL if msg.request_type == message.Call.MESSAGE_TYPE and msg.request in self._call_reqs: on_reply = self._call_reqs.pop(msg.request).on_reply # ERROR reply to PUBLISH elif msg.request_type == message.Publish.MESSAGE_TYPE and msg.request in self._publish_reqs: on_reply = self._publish_reqs.pop(msg.request).on_reply # ERROR reply to SUBSCRIBE elif msg.request_type == message.Subscribe.MESSAGE_TYPE and msg.request in self._subscribe_reqs: on_reply = self._subscribe_reqs.pop(msg.request).on_reply # ERROR reply to UNSUBSCRIBE elif msg.request_type == message.Unsubscribe.MESSAGE_TYPE and msg.request in self._unsubscribe_reqs: on_reply = self._unsubscribe_reqs.pop(msg.request).on_reply # ERROR reply to REGISTER elif msg.request_type == message.Register.MESSAGE_TYPE and msg.request in self._register_reqs: on_reply = self._register_reqs.pop(msg.request).on_reply # ERROR reply to UNREGISTER elif msg.request_type == message.Unregister.MESSAGE_TYPE and msg.request in self._unregister_reqs: on_reply = self._unregister_reqs.pop(msg.request).on_reply if on_reply: if not txaio.is_called(on_reply): txaio.reject(on_reply, self._exception_from_message(msg)) else: raise ProtocolError("WampAppSession.onMessage(): ERROR received for non-pending request_type {0} and request ID {1}".format(msg.request_type, msg.request)) else: raise ProtocolError("Unexpected message {0}".format(msg.__class__)) @public def onClose(self, wasClean): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ITransportHandler.onClose` """ self._transport = None if self._session_id: # fire callback and close the transport details = types.CloseDetails( reason=types.CloseDetails.REASON_TRANSPORT_LOST, message=u'WAMP transport was lost without closing the session {} before'.format(self._session_id), ) d = txaio.as_future(self.onLeave, details) def success(arg): # XXX also: handle async self.fire('leave', self, details) return arg def _error(e): return self._swallow_error(e, "While firing onLeave") txaio.add_callbacks(d, success, _error) self._session_id = None d = txaio.as_future(self.onDisconnect) def success(arg): # XXX do we care about returning 'arg' properly? return self.fire('disconnect', self, was_clean=wasClean) def _error(e): return self._swallow_error(e, "While firing onDisconnect") txaio.add_callbacks(d, success, _error) @public def onChallenge(self, challenge): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.onChallenge` """ raise Exception("received authentication challenge, but onChallenge not implemented") @public def onJoin(self, details): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.onJoin` """ @public def onWelcome(self, msg): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.onWelcome` """ def _errback_outstanding_requests(self, exc): """ Errback any still outstanding requests with exc. """ d = txaio.create_future_success(None) all_requests = [ self._publish_reqs, self._subscribe_reqs, self._unsubscribe_reqs, self._call_reqs, self._register_reqs, self._unregister_reqs ] outstanding = [] for requests in all_requests: outstanding.extend(requests.values()) requests.clear() if outstanding: self.log.info( 'Cancelling {count} outstanding requests', count=len(outstanding), ) for request in outstanding: self.log.debug( 'cleaning up outstanding {request_type} request {request_id}, ' 'firing errback on user handler {request_on_reply}', request_on_reply=request.on_reply, request_id=request.request_id, request_type=request.__class__.__name__, ) if not txaio.is_called(request.on_reply): txaio.reject(request.on_reply, exc) # wait for any async-ness in the error handlers for on_reply txaio.add_callbacks(d, lambda _: request.on_reply, lambda _: request.on_reply) return d @public def onLeave(self, details): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.onLeave` """ if details.reason != CloseDetails.REASON_DEFAULT: self.log.warn('session closed with reason {reason} [{message}]', reason=details.reason, message=details.message) # fire ApplicationError on any currently outstanding requests exc = ApplicationError(details.reason, details.message) d = self._errback_outstanding_requests(exc) def disconnect(_): if self._transport: self.disconnect() txaio.add_callbacks(d, disconnect, disconnect) return d @public def leave(self, reason=None, message=None): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.leave` """ if not self._session_id: raise SessionNotReady(u"session hasn't joined a realm") if not self._goodbye_sent: if not reason: reason = u"wamp.close.normal" msg = wamp.message.Goodbye(reason=reason, message=message) self._transport.send(msg) self._goodbye_sent = True else: self.log.warn('session was already requested to leave - not sending GOODBYE again') is_closed = self._transport is None or self._transport.is_closed return is_closed @public def onDisconnect(self): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISession.onDisconnect` """ # fire TransportLost on any _still_ outstanding requests # (these should have been already cleaned up in onLeave() - when # this actually has fired) exc = exception.TransportLost() self._errback_outstanding_requests(exc) @public def publish(self, topic, *args, **kwargs): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IPublisher.publish` """ assert(type(topic) == six.text_type) assert(args is None or type(args) in (list, tuple)) assert(kwargs is None or type(kwargs) == dict) message.check_or_raise_uri(topic, message='{}.publish()'.format(self.__class__.__name__), strict=False, allow_empty_components=False, allow_none=False) options = kwargs.pop('options', None) if options and not isinstance(options, types.PublishOptions): raise Exception("options must be of type a.w.t.PublishOptions") if kwargs and six.PY2: kwargs = { k.decode('utf8'): v for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() } if not self._transport: raise exception.TransportLost() request_id = self._request_id_gen.next() encoded_payload = None if self._payload_codec: encoded_payload = self._payload_codec.encode(True, topic, args, kwargs) if encoded_payload: if options: msg = message.Publish(request_id, topic, payload=encoded_payload.payload, enc_algo=encoded_payload.enc_algo, enc_key=encoded_payload.enc_key, enc_serializer=encoded_payload.enc_serializer, **options.message_attr()) else: msg = message.Publish(request_id, topic, payload=encoded_payload.payload, enc_algo=encoded_payload.enc_algo, enc_key=encoded_payload.enc_key, enc_serializer=encoded_payload.enc_serializer) else: if options: msg = message.Publish(request_id, topic, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, **options.message_attr()) else: msg = message.Publish(request_id, topic, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) if options: if options.correlation_id is not None: msg.correlation_id = options.correlation_id if options.correlation_uri is not None: msg.correlation_uri = options.correlation_uri if options.correlation_is_anchor is not None: msg.correlation_is_anchor = options.correlation_is_anchor if options.correlation_is_last is not None: msg.correlation_is_last = options.correlation_is_last if options and options.acknowledge: # only acknowledged publications expect a reply .. on_reply = txaio.create_future() self._publish_reqs[request_id] = PublishRequest(request_id, on_reply, was_encrypted=(encoded_payload is not None)) else: on_reply = None try: # Notes: # # * this might raise autobahn.wamp.exception.SerializationError # when the user payload cannot be serialized # * we have to setup a PublishRequest() in _publish_reqs _before_ # calling transpor.send(), because a mock- or side-by-side transport # will immediately lead on an incoming WAMP message in onMessage() # self._transport.send(msg) except Exception as e: if request_id in self._publish_reqs: del self._publish_reqs[request_id] raise e return on_reply @public def subscribe(self, handler, topic=None, options=None): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISubscriber.subscribe` """ assert((callable(handler) and topic is not None) or hasattr(handler, '__class__')) assert(topic is None or type(topic) == six.text_type) assert(options is None or isinstance(options, types.SubscribeOptions)) if not self._transport: raise exception.TransportLost() def _subscribe(obj, fn, topic, options): message.check_or_raise_uri(topic, message='{}.subscribe()'.format(self.__class__.__name__), strict=False, allow_empty_components=True, allow_none=False) request_id = self._request_id_gen.next() on_reply = txaio.create_future() handler_obj = Handler(fn, obj, options.details_arg if options else None) self._subscribe_reqs[request_id] = SubscribeRequest(request_id, topic, on_reply, handler_obj) if options: msg = message.Subscribe(request_id, topic, **options.message_attr()) else: msg = message.Subscribe(request_id, topic) if options: if options.correlation_id is not None: msg.correlation_id = options.correlation_id if options.correlation_uri is not None: msg.correlation_uri = options.correlation_uri if options.correlation_is_anchor is not None: msg.correlation_is_anchor = options.correlation_is_anchor if options.correlation_is_last is not None: msg.correlation_is_last = options.correlation_is_last self._transport.send(msg) return on_reply if callable(handler): # subscribe a single handler return _subscribe(None, handler, topic, options) else: # subscribe all methods on an object decorated with "wamp.subscribe" on_replies = [] for k in inspect.getmembers(handler.__class__, is_method_or_function): proc = k[1] if "_wampuris" in proc.__dict__: for pat in proc.__dict__["_wampuris"]: if pat.is_handler(): _uri = pat.uri() subopts = pat.options or options if subopts is None: if pat.uri_type == uri.Pattern.URI_TYPE_WILDCARD: subopts = types.SubscribeOptions(match=u"wildcard") else: subopts = types.SubscribeOptions(match=u"exact") on_replies.append(_subscribe(handler, proc, _uri, subopts)) # XXX needs coverage return txaio.gather(on_replies, consume_exceptions=True) def _unsubscribe(self, subscription): """ Called from :meth:`autobahn.wamp.protocol.Subscription.unsubscribe` """ assert(isinstance(subscription, Subscription)) assert subscription.active assert(subscription.id in self._subscriptions) assert(subscription in self._subscriptions[subscription.id]) if not self._transport: raise exception.TransportLost() # remove handler subscription and mark as inactive self._subscriptions[subscription.id].remove(subscription) subscription.active = False # number of handler subscriptions left .. scount = len(self._subscriptions[subscription.id]) if scount == 0: # if the last handler was removed, unsubscribe from broker .. request_id = self._request_id_gen.next() on_reply = txaio.create_future() self._unsubscribe_reqs[request_id] = UnsubscribeRequest(request_id, on_reply, subscription.id) msg = message.Unsubscribe(request_id, subscription.id) self._transport.send(msg) return on_reply else: # there are still handlers active on the subscription! return txaio.create_future_success(scount) @public def call(self, procedure, *args, **kwargs): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ICaller.call` """ assert(type(procedure) == six.text_type) assert(args is None or type(args) in (list, tuple)) assert(kwargs is None or type(kwargs) == dict) message.check_or_raise_uri(procedure, message='{}.call()'.format(self.__class__.__name__), strict=False, allow_empty_components=False, allow_none=False) options = kwargs.pop('options', None) if options and not isinstance(options, types.CallOptions): raise Exception("options must be of type a.w.t.CallOptions") if kwargs and six.PY2: kwargs = { k.decode('utf8'): v for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() } if not self._transport: raise exception.TransportLost() request_id = self._request_id_gen.next() encoded_payload = None if self._payload_codec: try: encoded_payload = self._payload_codec.encode(True, procedure, args, kwargs) except: self.log.failure() raise if encoded_payload: if options: msg = message.Call(request_id, procedure, payload=encoded_payload.payload, enc_algo=encoded_payload.enc_algo, enc_key=encoded_payload.enc_key, enc_serializer=encoded_payload.enc_serializer, **options.message_attr()) else: msg = message.Call(request_id, procedure, payload=encoded_payload.payload, enc_algo=encoded_payload.enc_algo, enc_key=encoded_payload.enc_key, enc_serializer=encoded_payload.enc_serializer) else: if options: msg = message.Call(request_id, procedure, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, **options.message_attr()) else: msg = message.Call(request_id, procedure, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) if options: if options.correlation_id is not None: msg.correlation_id = options.correlation_id if options.correlation_uri is not None: msg.correlation_uri = options.correlation_uri if options.correlation_is_anchor is not None: msg.correlation_is_anchor = options.correlation_is_anchor if options.correlation_is_last is not None: msg.correlation_is_last = options.correlation_is_last def canceller(d): cancel_msg = message.Cancel(request_id) self._transport.send(cancel_msg) # since we announced support for cancelling, we should # definitely get an Error back for our Cancel which will # clean up this invocation on_reply = txaio.create_future(canceller=canceller) self._call_reqs[request_id] = CallRequest(request_id, procedure, on_reply, options) try: # Notes: # # * this might raise autobahn.wamp.exception.SerializationError # when the user payload cannot be serialized # * we have to setup a CallRequest() in _call_reqs _before_ # calling transpor.send(), because a mock- or side-by-side transport # will immediately lead on an incoming WAMP message in onMessage() # self._transport.send(msg) except: if request_id in self._call_reqs: del self._call_reqs[request_id] raise return on_reply @public def register(self, endpoint, procedure=None, options=None, prefix=None): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ICallee.register` """ assert((callable(endpoint) and procedure is not None) or hasattr(endpoint, '__class__')) assert(procedure is None or type(procedure) == six.text_type) assert(options is None or isinstance(options, types.RegisterOptions)) assert prefix is None or isinstance(prefix, six.text_type) if not self._transport: raise exception.TransportLost() def _register(obj, fn, procedure, options): message.check_or_raise_uri(procedure, message='{}.register()'.format(self.__class__.__name__), strict=False, allow_empty_components=True, allow_none=False) request_id = self._request_id_gen.next() on_reply = txaio.create_future() endpoint_obj = Endpoint(fn, obj, options.details_arg if options else None) if prefix is not None: procedure = u"{}{}".format(prefix, procedure) self._register_reqs[request_id] = RegisterRequest(request_id, on_reply, procedure, endpoint_obj) if options: msg = message.Register(request_id, procedure, **options.message_attr()) else: msg = message.Register(request_id, procedure) if options: if options.correlation_id is not None: msg.correlation_id = options.correlation_id if options.correlation_uri is not None: msg.correlation_uri = options.correlation_uri if options.correlation_is_anchor is not None: msg.correlation_is_anchor = options.correlation_is_anchor if options.correlation_is_last is not None: msg.correlation_is_last = options.correlation_is_last self._transport.send(msg) return on_reply if callable(endpoint): # register a single callable return _register(None, endpoint, procedure, options) else: # register all methods on an object decorated with "wamp.register" on_replies = [] for k in inspect.getmembers(endpoint.__class__, is_method_or_function): proc = k[1] if "_wampuris" in proc.__dict__: for pat in proc.__dict__["_wampuris"]: if pat.is_endpoint(): _uri = pat.uri() regopts = pat.options or options on_replies.append(_register(endpoint, proc, _uri, regopts)) # XXX needs coverage return txaio.gather(on_replies, consume_exceptions=True) def _unregister(self, registration): """ Called from :meth:`autobahn.wamp.protocol.Registration.unregister` """ assert(isinstance(registration, Registration)) assert registration.active assert(registration.id in self._registrations) if not self._transport: raise exception.TransportLost() request_id = self._request_id_gen.next() on_reply = txaio.create_future() self._unregister_reqs[request_id] = UnregisterRequest(request_id, on_reply, registration.id) msg = message.Unregister(request_id, registration.id) self._transport.send(msg) return on_reply class _SessionShim(ApplicationSession): """ shim that lets us present pep8 API for user-classes to override, but also backwards-compatible for existing code using ApplicationSession "directly". **NOTE:** this is not public or intended for use; you should import either :class:`autobahn.asyncio.wamp.Session` or :class:`autobahn.twisted.wamp.Session` depending on which async framework you're using. """ #: name -> IAuthenticator _authenticators = None def onJoin(self, details): return self.on_join(details) def onConnect(self): if self._authenticators: # authid, authrole *must* match across all authenticators # (checked in add_authenticator) so these lists are either # [None] or [None, 'some_authid'] authid = [x._args.get('authid', None) for x in self._authenticators.values()][-1] authrole = [x._args.get('authrole', None) for x in self._authenticators.values()][-1] # we need a "merged" authextra here because we can send a # list of acceptable authmethods, but only a single # authextra dict authextra = self._merged_authextra() self.join( self.config.realm, authmethods=list(self._authenticators.keys()), authid=authid or u'public', authrole=authrole or u'default', authextra=authextra, ) else: self.on_connect() def onChallenge(self, challenge): try: authenticator = self._authenticators[challenge.method] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( "Received challenge for unknown authmethod '{}'".format( challenge.method ) ) return authenticator.on_challenge(self, challenge) def onWelcome(self, msg): if msg.authmethod is None or self._authenticators is None: # no authentication return try: authenticator = self._authenticators[msg.authmethod] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( "Received onWelcome for unknown authmethod '{}'".format( msg.authmethod ) ) return authenticator.on_welcome(self, msg.authextra) def onLeave(self, details): return self.on_leave(details) def onDisconnect(self): return self.on_disconnect() # experimental authentication API def add_authenticator(self, authenticator): assert isinstance(authenticator, IAuthenticator) if self._authenticators is None: self._authenticators = {} # before adding this authenticator we need to validate that # it's consistent with any other authenticators we may have -- # for example, they must all agree on "authid" etc because # .join() only takes one value for all of those. def at_most_one(name): uni = set([ a._args[name] for a in list(self._authenticators.values()) + [authenticator] if name in a._args ]) if len(uni) > 1: raise ValueError( "Inconsistent {}s: {}".format( name, ' '.join(uni), ) ) # all authids must match at_most_one('authid') # all authroles must match at_most_one('authrole') # can we do anything else other than merge all authextra keys? # here we check that any duplicate keys have the same values authextra = authenticator.authextra merged = self._merged_authextra() for k, v in merged.items(): if k in authextra and authextra[k] != v: raise ValueError( "Inconsistent authextra values for '{}': '{}' vs '{}'".format( k, v, authextra[k], ) ) # validation complete, add it self._authenticators[authenticator.name] = authenticator def _merged_authextra(self): """ internal helper :returns: a single 'authextra' dict, consisting of all keys from any authenticator's authextra. Note that when the authenticator was added, we already checked that any keys it does contain has the same value as any existing authextra. """ authextras = [a.authextra for a in self._authenticators.values()] def extract_keys(x, y): return x | set(y.keys()) unique_keys = reduce(extract_keys, authextras, set()) def first_value_for(k): """ for anything already in self._authenticators, we checked that it has the same value for any keys in its authextra -- so here we just extract the first one """ for authextra in authextras: if k in authextra: return authextra[k] # "can't" happen raise ValueError( "No values for '{}'".format(k) ) return { k: first_value_for(k) for k in unique_keys } # these are the actual "new API" methods (i.e. snake_case) # def on_join(self, details): pass def on_leave(self, details): self.disconnect() def on_connect(self): self.join(self.config.realm) def on_disconnect(self): pass # ISession.register collides with the abc.ABCMeta.register method # ISession.register(ApplicationSession) class ApplicationSessionFactory(object): """ WAMP endpoint session factory. """ session = ApplicationSession """ WAMP application session class to be used in this factory. """ def __init__(self, config=None): """ :param config: The default component configuration. :type config: instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.ComponentConfig` """ self.config = config or types.ComponentConfig(realm=u"realm1") def __call__(self): """ Creates a new WAMP application session. :returns: -- An instance of the WAMP application session class as given by `self.session`. """ session = self.session(self.config) session.factory = self return session