class AlreadyCached(Exception):
This exception is raised when a path has already been cached.
class CacheScanner:
def __init__(self, path, registry):
self.path = path
self.registry = registry
self.doCache = 0
def cache(self):
c = self.registry.getCachedPath(self.path)
if c is not None:
raise AlreadyCached(c)
def recache(self):
self.doCache = 1
noRsrc = resource.ErrorPage(500, "Whoops! Internal Error", rpyNoResource)
def ResourceScript(path, registry):
I am a normal py file which must define a 'resource' global, which should
be an instance of (a subclass of) web.resource.Resource; it will be
cs = CacheScanner(path, registry)
glob = {'__file__': _coerceToFilesystemEncoding("", path),
'resource': noRsrc,
'registry': registry,
'cache': cs.cache,
'recache': cs.recache}
execfile(path, glob, glob)
except AlreadyCached as ac:
return ac.args[0]
rsrc = glob['resource']
if cs.doCache and rsrc is not noRsrc:
registry.cachePath(path, rsrc)
return rsrc
def ResourceTemplate(path, registry):
from quixote import ptl_compile
glob = {'__file__': _coerceToFilesystemEncoding("", path),
'resource': resource.ErrorPage(500, "Whoops! Internal Error",
'registry': registry}
with open(path) as f: # Not closed by quixote as of 2.9.1
e = ptl_compile.compile_template(f, path)
code = compile(e, "