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  1. import operator
  2. import os
  3. import shutil
  4. import sys
  5. import textwrap
  6. import tempfile
  7. from unittest import skipIf, TestCase
  8. import six
  9. def isTwistedInstalled():
  10. try:
  11. __import__('twisted')
  12. except ImportError:
  13. return False
  14. else:
  15. return True
  16. class _WritesPythonModules(TestCase):
  17. """
  18. A helper that enables generating Python module test fixtures.
  19. """
  20. def setUp(self):
  21. super(_WritesPythonModules, self).setUp()
  22. from twisted.python.modules import getModule, PythonPath
  23. from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
  24. self.getModule = getModule
  25. self.PythonPath = PythonPath
  26. self.FilePath = FilePath
  27. self.originalSysModules = set(sys.modules.keys())
  28. self.savedSysPath = sys.path[:]
  29. self.pathDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
  30. self.makeImportable(self.pathDir)
  31. def tearDown(self):
  32. super(_WritesPythonModules, self).tearDown()
  33. sys.path[:] = self.savedSysPath
  34. modulesToDelete = six.viewkeys(sys.modules) - self.originalSysModules
  35. for module in modulesToDelete:
  36. del sys.modules[module]
  37. shutil.rmtree(self.pathDir)
  38. def makeImportable(self, path):
  39. sys.path.append(path)
  40. def writeSourceInto(self, source, path, moduleName):
  41. directory = self.FilePath(path)
  42. module = directory.child(moduleName)
  43. # FilePath always opens a file in binary mode - but that will
  44. # break on Python 3
  45. with open(module.path, 'w') as f:
  46. f.write(textwrap.dedent(source))
  47. return self.PythonPath([directory.path])
  48. def makeModule(self, source, path, moduleName):
  49. pythonModuleName, _ = os.path.splitext(moduleName)
  50. return self.writeSourceInto(source, path, moduleName)[pythonModuleName]
  51. def attributesAsDict(self, hasIterAttributes):
  52. return { attr for attr in hasIterAttributes.iterAttributes()}
  53. def loadModuleAsDict(self, module):
  54. module.load()
  55. return self.attributesAsDict(module)
  56. def makeModuleAsDict(self, source, path, name):
  57. return self.loadModuleAsDict(self.makeModule(source, path, name))
  58. @skipIf(not isTwistedInstalled(), "Twisted is not installed.")
  59. class OriginalLocationTests(_WritesPythonModules):
  60. """
  61. Tests that L{isOriginalLocation} detects when a
  62. L{PythonAttribute}'s FQPN refers to an object inside the module
  63. where it was defined.
  64. For example: A L{twisted.python.modules.PythonAttribute} with a
  65. name of '' that refers to a 'bar' object defined in module
  66. 'baz' does *not* refer to bar's original location, while a
  67. L{PythonAttribute} with a name of '' does.
  68. """
  69. def setUp(self):
  70. super(OriginalLocationTests, self).setUp()
  71. from .._discover import isOriginalLocation
  72. self.isOriginalLocation = isOriginalLocation
  73. def test_failsWithNoModule(self):
  74. """
  75. L{isOriginalLocation} returns False when the attribute refers to an
  76. object whose source module cannot be determined.
  77. """
  78. source = """\
  79. class Fake(object):
  80. pass
  81. hasEmptyModule = Fake()
  82. hasEmptyModule.__module__ = None
  83. """
  84. moduleDict = self.makeModuleAsDict(source,
  85. self.pathDir,
  86. '')
  87. self.assertFalse(self.isOriginalLocation(
  88. moduleDict['empty_module_attr.hasEmptyModule']))
  89. def test_failsWithDifferentModule(self):
  90. """
  91. L{isOriginalLocation} returns False when the attribute refers to
  92. an object outside of the module where that object was defined.
  93. """
  94. originalSource = """\
  95. class ImportThisClass(object):
  96. pass
  97. importThisObject = ImportThisClass()
  98. importThisNestingObject = ImportThisClass()
  99. importThisNestingObject.nestedObject = ImportThisClass()
  100. """
  101. importingSource = """\
  102. from original import (ImportThisClass,
  103. importThisObject,
  104. importThisNestingObject)
  105. """
  106. self.makeModule(originalSource, self.pathDir, '')
  107. importingDict = self.makeModuleAsDict(importingSource,
  108. self.pathDir,
  109. '')
  110. self.assertFalse(
  111. self.isOriginalLocation(
  112. importingDict['importing.ImportThisClass']))
  113. self.assertFalse(
  114. self.isOriginalLocation(
  115. importingDict['importing.importThisObject']))
  116. nestingObject = importingDict['importing.importThisNestingObject']
  117. nestingObjectDict = self.attributesAsDict(nestingObject)
  118. nestedObject = nestingObjectDict[
  119. 'importing.importThisNestingObject.nestedObject']
  120. self.assertFalse(self.isOriginalLocation(nestedObject))
  121. def test_succeedsWithSameModule(self):
  122. """
  123. L{isOriginalLocation} returns True when the attribute refers to an
  124. object inside the module where that object was defined.
  125. """
  126. mSource = textwrap.dedent("""
  127. class ThisClassWasDefinedHere(object):
  128. pass
  129. anObject = ThisClassWasDefinedHere()
  130. aNestingObject = ThisClassWasDefinedHere()
  131. aNestingObject.nestedObject = ThisClassWasDefinedHere()
  132. """)
  133. mDict = self.makeModuleAsDict(mSource, self.pathDir, '')
  134. self.assertTrue(self.isOriginalLocation(
  135. mDict['m.ThisClassWasDefinedHere']))
  136. self.assertTrue(self.isOriginalLocation(mDict['m.aNestingObject']))
  137. nestingObject = mDict['m.aNestingObject']
  138. nestingObjectDict = self.attributesAsDict(nestingObject)
  139. nestedObject = nestingObjectDict['m.aNestingObject.nestedObject']
  140. self.assertTrue(self.isOriginalLocation(nestedObject))
  141. @skipIf(not isTwistedInstalled(), "Twisted is not installed.")
  142. class FindMachinesViaWrapperTests(_WritesPythonModules):
  143. """
  144. L{findMachinesViaWrapper} recursively yields FQPN,
  145. L{MethodicalMachine} pairs in and under a given
  146. L{twisted.python.modules.PythonModule} or
  147. L{twisted.python.modules.PythonAttribute}.
  148. """
  150. from automat import MethodicalMachine
  151. class PythonClass(object):
  152. _classMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  153. class NestedClass(object):
  154. _nestedClassMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  155. ignoredAttribute = "I am ignored."
  156. def ignoredMethod(self):
  157. "I am also ignored."
  158. rootLevelMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  159. ignoredPythonObject = PythonClass()
  160. anotherIgnoredPythonObject = "I am ignored."
  161. """
  162. def setUp(self):
  163. super(FindMachinesViaWrapperTests, self).setUp()
  164. from .._discover import findMachinesViaWrapper
  165. self.findMachinesViaWrapper = findMachinesViaWrapper
  166. def test_yieldsMachine(self):
  167. """
  168. When given a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonAttribute} that refers
  169. directly to a L{MethodicalMachine}, L{findMachinesViaWrapper}
  170. yields that machine and its FQPN.
  171. """
  172. source = """\
  173. from automat import MethodicalMachine
  174. rootMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  175. """
  176. moduleDict = self.makeModuleAsDict(source, self.pathDir, '')
  177. rootMachine = moduleDict['root.rootMachine']
  178. self.assertIn(('root.rootMachine', rootMachine.load()),
  179. list(self.findMachinesViaWrapper(rootMachine)))
  180. def test_yieldsMachineInClass(self):
  181. """
  182. When given a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonAttribute} that refers
  183. to a class that contains a L{MethodicalMachine} as a class
  184. variable, L{findMachinesViaWrapper} yields that machine and
  185. its FQPN.
  186. """
  187. source = """\
  188. from automat import MethodicalMachine
  189. class PythonClass(object):
  190. _classMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  191. """
  192. moduleDict = self.makeModuleAsDict(source, self.pathDir, '')
  193. PythonClass = moduleDict['clsmod.PythonClass']
  194. self.assertIn(('clsmod.PythonClass._classMachine',
  195. PythonClass.load()._classMachine),
  196. list(self.findMachinesViaWrapper(PythonClass)))
  197. def test_yieldsMachineInNestedClass(self):
  198. """
  199. When given a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonAttribute} that refers
  200. to a nested class that contains a L{MethodicalMachine} as a
  201. class variable, L{findMachinesViaWrapper} yields that machine
  202. and its FQPN.
  203. """
  204. source = """\
  205. from automat import MethodicalMachine
  206. class PythonClass(object):
  207. class NestedClass(object):
  208. _classMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  209. """
  210. moduleDict = self.makeModuleAsDict(source,
  211. self.pathDir,
  212. '')
  213. PythonClass = moduleDict['nestedcls.PythonClass']
  214. self.assertIn(('nestedcls.PythonClass.NestedClass._classMachine',
  215. PythonClass.load().NestedClass._classMachine),
  216. list(self.findMachinesViaWrapper(PythonClass)))
  217. def test_yieldsMachineInModule(self):
  218. """
  219. When given a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonModule} that refers to
  220. a module that contains a L{MethodicalMachine},
  221. L{findMachinesViaWrapper} yields that machine and its FQPN.
  222. """
  223. source = """\
  224. from automat import MethodicalMachine
  225. rootMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  226. """
  227. module = self.makeModule(source, self.pathDir, '')
  228. rootMachine = self.loadModuleAsDict(module)['root.rootMachine'].load()
  229. self.assertIn(('root.rootMachine', rootMachine),
  230. list(self.findMachinesViaWrapper(module)))
  231. def test_yieldsMachineInClassInModule(self):
  232. """
  233. When given a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonModule} that refers to
  234. the original module of a class containing a
  235. L{MethodicalMachine}, L{findMachinesViaWrapper} yields that
  236. machine and its FQPN.
  237. """
  238. source = """\
  239. from automat import MethodicalMachine
  240. class PythonClass(object):
  241. _classMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  242. """
  243. module = self.makeModule(source, self.pathDir, '')
  244. PythonClass = self.loadModuleAsDict(
  245. module)['clsmod.PythonClass'].load()
  246. self.assertIn(('clsmod.PythonClass._classMachine',
  247. PythonClass._classMachine),
  248. list(self.findMachinesViaWrapper(module)))
  249. def test_yieldsMachineInNestedClassInModule(self):
  250. """
  251. When given a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonModule} that refers to
  252. the original module of a nested class containing a
  253. L{MethodicalMachine}, L{findMachinesViaWrapper} yields that
  254. machine and its FQPN.
  255. """
  256. source = """\
  257. from automat import MethodicalMachine
  258. class PythonClass(object):
  259. class NestedClass(object):
  260. _classMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  261. """
  262. module = self.makeModule(source, self.pathDir, '')
  263. PythonClass = self.loadModuleAsDict(
  264. module)['nestedcls.PythonClass'].load()
  265. self.assertIn(('nestedcls.PythonClass.NestedClass._classMachine',
  266. PythonClass.NestedClass._classMachine),
  267. list(self.findMachinesViaWrapper(module)))
  268. def test_ignoresImportedClass(self):
  269. """
  270. When given a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonAttribute} that refers
  271. to a class imported from another module, any
  272. L{MethodicalMachine}s on that class are ignored.
  273. This behavior ensures that a machine is only discovered on a
  274. class when visiting the module where that class was defined.
  275. """
  276. originalSource = """
  277. from automat import MethodicalMachine
  278. class PythonClass(object):
  279. _classMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  280. """
  281. importingSource = """
  282. from original import PythonClass
  283. """
  284. self.makeModule(originalSource, self.pathDir, '')
  285. importingModule = self.makeModule(importingSource,
  286. self.pathDir,
  287. '')
  288. self.assertFalse(list(self.findMachinesViaWrapper(importingModule)))
  289. def test_descendsIntoPackages(self):
  290. """
  291. L{findMachinesViaWrapper} descends into packages to discover
  292. machines.
  293. """
  294. pythonPath = self.PythonPath([self.pathDir])
  295. package = self.FilePath(self.pathDir).child("test_package")
  296. package.makedirs()
  297. package.child('').touch()
  298. source = """
  299. from automat import MethodicalMachine
  300. class PythonClass(object):
  301. _classMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  302. rootMachine = MethodicalMachine()
  303. """
  304. self.makeModule(source, package.path, '')
  305. test_package = pythonPath['test_package']
  306. machines = sorted(self.findMachinesViaWrapper(test_package),
  307. key=operator.itemgetter(0))
  308. moduleDict = self.loadModuleAsDict(test_package['module'])
  309. rootMachine = moduleDict['test_package.module.rootMachine'].load()
  310. PythonClass = moduleDict['test_package.module.PythonClass'].load()
  311. expectedMachines = sorted(
  312. [('test_package.module.rootMachine',
  313. rootMachine),
  314. ('test_package.module.PythonClass._classMachine',
  315. PythonClass._classMachine)], key=operator.itemgetter(0))
  316. self.assertEqual(expectedMachines, machines)
  317. def test_infiniteLoop(self):
  318. """
  319. L{findMachinesViaWrapper} ignores infinite loops.
  320. Note this test can't fail - it can only run forever!
  321. """
  322. source = """
  323. class InfiniteLoop(object):
  324. pass
  325. InfiniteLoop.loop = InfiniteLoop
  326. """
  327. module = self.makeModule(source, self.pathDir, '')
  328. self.assertFalse(list(self.findMachinesViaWrapper(module)))
  329. @skipIf(not isTwistedInstalled(), "Twisted is not installed.")
  330. class WrapFQPNTests(TestCase):
  331. """
  332. Tests that ensure L{wrapFQPN} loads the
  333. L{twisted.python.modules.PythonModule} or
  334. L{twisted.python.modules.PythonAttribute} for a given FQPN.
  335. """
  336. def setUp(self):
  337. from twisted.python.modules import PythonModule, PythonAttribute
  338. from .._discover import wrapFQPN, InvalidFQPN, NoModule, NoObject
  339. self.PythonModule = PythonModule
  340. self.PythonAttribute = PythonAttribute
  341. self.wrapFQPN = wrapFQPN
  342. self.InvalidFQPN = InvalidFQPN
  343. self.NoModule = NoModule
  344. self.NoObject = NoObject
  345. def assertModuleWrapperRefersTo(self, moduleWrapper, module):
  346. """
  347. Assert that a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonModule} refers to a
  348. particular Python module.
  349. """
  350. self.assertIsInstance(moduleWrapper, self.PythonModule)
  351. self.assertEqual(, module.__name__)
  352. self.assertIs(moduleWrapper.load(), module)
  353. def assertAttributeWrapperRefersTo(self, attributeWrapper, fqpn, obj):
  354. """
  355. Assert that a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonAttribute} refers to a
  356. particular Python object.
  357. """
  358. self.assertIsInstance(attributeWrapper, self.PythonAttribute)
  359. self.assertEqual(, fqpn)
  360. self.assertIs(attributeWrapper.load(), obj)
  361. def test_failsWithEmptyFQPN(self):
  362. """
  363. L{wrapFQPN} raises L{InvalidFQPN} when given an empty string.
  364. """
  365. with self.assertRaises(self.InvalidFQPN):
  366. self.wrapFQPN('')
  367. def test_failsWithBadDotting(self):
  368. """"
  369. L{wrapFQPN} raises L{InvalidFQPN} when given a badly-dotted
  370. FQPN. (e.g., x..y).
  371. """
  372. for bad in ('.fails', 'fails.', 'this..fails'):
  373. with self.assertRaises(self.InvalidFQPN):
  374. self.wrapFQPN(bad)
  375. def test_singleModule(self):
  376. """
  377. L{wrapFQPN} returns a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonModule}
  378. referring to the single module a dotless FQPN describes.
  379. """
  380. import os
  381. moduleWrapper = self.wrapFQPN('os')
  382. self.assertIsInstance(moduleWrapper, self.PythonModule)
  383. self.assertIs(moduleWrapper.load(), os)
  384. def test_failsWithMissingSingleModuleOrPackage(self):
  385. """
  386. L{wrapFQPN} raises L{NoModule} when given a dotless FQPN that does
  387. not refer to a module or package.
  388. """
  389. with self.assertRaises(self.NoModule):
  390. self.wrapFQPN("this is not an acceptable name!")
  391. def test_singlePackage(self):
  392. """
  393. L{wrapFQPN} returns a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonModule}
  394. referring to the single package a dotless FQPN describes.
  395. """
  396. import xml
  397. self.assertModuleWrapperRefersTo(self.wrapFQPN('xml'), xml)
  398. def test_multiplePackages(self):
  399. """
  400. L{wrapFQPN} returns a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonModule}
  401. referring to the deepest package described by dotted FQPN.
  402. """
  403. import xml.etree
  404. self.assertModuleWrapperRefersTo(self.wrapFQPN('xml.etree'), xml.etree)
  405. def test_multiplePackagesFinalModule(self):
  406. """
  407. L{wrapFQPN} returns a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonModule}
  408. referring to the deepest module described by dotted FQPN.
  409. """
  410. import xml.etree.ElementTree
  411. self.assertModuleWrapperRefersTo(
  412. self.wrapFQPN('xml.etree.ElementTree'), xml.etree.ElementTree)
  413. def test_singleModuleObject(self):
  414. """
  415. L{wrapFQPN} returns a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonAttribute}
  416. referring to the deepest object an FQPN names, traversing one module.
  417. """
  418. import os
  419. self.assertAttributeWrapperRefersTo(
  420. self.wrapFQPN('os.path'), 'os.path', os.path)
  421. def test_multiplePackagesObject(self):
  422. """
  423. L{wrapFQPN} returns a L{twisted.python.modules.PythonAttribute}
  424. referring to the deepest object described by an FQPN,
  425. descending through several packages.
  426. """
  427. import xml.etree.ElementTree
  428. import automat
  429. for fqpn, obj in [('xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring',
  430. xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring),
  431. ('automat.MethodicalMachine.__doc__',
  432. automat.MethodicalMachine.__doc__)]:
  433. self.assertAttributeWrapperRefersTo(
  434. self.wrapFQPN(fqpn), fqpn, obj)
  435. def test_failsWithMultiplePackagesMissingModuleOrPackage(self):
  436. """
  437. L{wrapFQPN} raises L{NoObject} when given an FQPN that contains a
  438. missing attribute, module, or package.
  439. """
  440. for bad in ('xml.etree.nope!',
  441. 'xml.etree.nope!'):
  442. with self.assertRaises(self.NoObject):
  443. self.wrapFQPN(bad)
  444. @skipIf(not isTwistedInstalled(), "Twisted is not installed.")
  445. class FindMachinesIntegrationTests(_WritesPythonModules):
  446. """
  447. Integration tests to check that L{findMachines} yields all
  448. machines discoverable at or below an FQPN.
  449. """
  450. SOURCE = """
  451. from automat import MethodicalMachine
  452. class PythonClass(object):
  453. _machine = MethodicalMachine()
  454. ignored = "i am ignored"
  455. rootLevel = MethodicalMachine()
  456. ignored = "i am ignored"
  457. """
  458. def setUp(self):
  459. super(FindMachinesIntegrationTests, self).setUp()
  460. from .._discover import findMachines
  461. self.findMachines = findMachines
  462. packageDir = self.FilePath(self.pathDir).child("test_package")
  463. packageDir.makedirs()
  464. self.pythonPath = self.PythonPath([self.pathDir])
  465. self.writeSourceInto(self.SOURCE, packageDir.path, '')
  466. subPackageDir = packageDir.child('subpackage')
  467. subPackageDir.makedirs()
  468. subPackageDir.child('').touch()
  469. self.makeModule(self.SOURCE, subPackageDir.path, '')
  470. self.packageDict = self.loadModuleAsDict(
  471. self.pythonPath['test_package'])
  472. self.moduleDict = self.loadModuleAsDict(
  473. self.pythonPath['test_package']['subpackage']['module'])
  474. def test_discoverAll(self):
  475. """
  476. Given a top-level package FQPN, L{findMachines} discovers all
  477. L{MethodicalMachine} instances in and below it.
  478. """
  479. machines = sorted(self.findMachines('test_package'),
  480. key=operator.itemgetter(0))
  481. tpRootLevel = self.packageDict['test_package.rootLevel'].load()
  482. tpPythonClass = self.packageDict['test_package.PythonClass'].load()
  483. mRLAttr = self.moduleDict['test_package.subpackage.module.rootLevel']
  484. mRootLevel = mRLAttr.load()
  485. mPCAttr = self.moduleDict['test_package.subpackage.module.PythonClass']
  486. mPythonClass = mPCAttr.load()
  487. expectedMachines = sorted(
  488. [('test_package.rootLevel', tpRootLevel),
  489. ('test_package.PythonClass._machine', tpPythonClass._machine),
  490. ('test_package.subpackage.module.rootLevel', mRootLevel),
  491. ('test_package.subpackage.module.PythonClass._machine',
  492. mPythonClass._machine)],
  493. key=operator.itemgetter(0))
  494. self.assertEqual(expectedMachines, machines)