// Visual Micro is in vMicro>General>Tutorial Mode // /* Name: Teensy4.1_Datalogger new.ino Created: 03.05.2022 12:04:32 Author: GAMINGMASHEEN\Julian Graf */ #include #include #include #define SD_FAT_TYPE 3 #ifndef SDCARD_SS_PIN const uint8_t SD_CS_PIN = SS; #else // SDCARD_SS_PIN // Assume built-in SD is used. const uint8_t SD_CS_PIN = SDCARD_SS_PIN; #endif // SDCARD_SS_PIN #if HAS_SDIO_CLASS #define SD_CONFIG SdioConfig(FIFO_SDIO) #elif ENABLE_DEDICATED_SPI #define SD_CONFIG SdSpiConfig(SD_CS_PIN, DEDICATED_SPI) #else // HAS_SDIO_CLASS #define SD_CONFIG SdSpiConfig(SD_CS_PIN, SHARED_SPI) #endif // HAS_SDIO_CLASS #if SD_FAT_TYPE == 0 SdFat sd; File file; #elif SD_FAT_TYPE == 1 SdFat32 sd; File32 file; #elif SD_FAT_TYPE == 2 SdExFat sd; ExFile file; #elif SD_FAT_TYPE == 3 SdFs sd; FsFile file; #else // SD_FAT_TYPE #error Invalid SD_FAT_TYPE #endif // SD_FAT_TYPE // Define User Types below here or use a .h file // const char software_name[] = "Software: Teensy_datalog V.2"; const int min_voltage_batterie = 13; const int fixed_resistor_temperatur = 500; const int power_Temp_sensor = 34, power_Windfahne = 36, LED_Fail = 24, LED_Write = 5, LED_Normal = 6, LED_Batterie = 7, taster_manuell_speichern = 28, Windfahne = 20, T_sensor_input = 17, Batterie_input = 38; int last_second, last_minute, last_hour; struct calculations { private: float summ; float square_summ; float cubic_summ; public: void calculate(float speed_per_second[60], int amount_saved) { summ = 0; square_summ = 0; cubic_summ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < amount_saved; i++) { summ = summ + speed_per_second[i]; square_summ = square_summ + pow(speed_per_second[i], 2); cubic_summ = cubic_summ + pow(speed_per_second[i], 3); } arithmetic_mean = summ / float(amount_saved); square_mean = pow((square_summ / float(amount_saved)), (1 / 2.0)); cubic_mean = pow((cubic_mean / float(amount_saved)), (1 / 3.0)); summ = 0; square_summ = 0; cubic_summ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < amount_saved; i++) { summ = summ + pow((speed_per_second[i] - arithmetic_mean), 2); square_summ = square_summ + pow((speed_per_second[i] - square_mean), 2); cubic_summ = cubic_summ + pow((speed_per_second[i] - cubic_mean), 2); } arithmetic_deviation = pow((summ / float(amount_saved - 1)), (1 / 2.0)); square_deviation = pow((square_summ / float(amount_saved - 1)), (1 / 2.0)); cubic_deviation = pow((cubic_summ / float(amount_saved - 1)), (1 / 2.0)); } float arithmetic_mean; float arithmetic_deviation; float square_mean; float square_deviation; float cubic_mean; float cubic_deviation; }; struct anemomenter_maessurement { public: int pin = 0; int seconds_saved = 0; int minutes_saved = 0; void meassure() { if (reed_contact.update() && reed_contact.fallingEdge()) { count_per_second++; } } void save_wind_speed() { wind_speed_per_second[seconds_saved] = 0.4 * count_per_second; seconds_saved++; } void calculate() { values[minutes_saved].calculate(wind_speed_per_second, seconds_saved); seconds_saved = 0; minutes_saved++; } void print() { } private: int count_per_second = 0; int saved_seconds = 0; int saved_minutes = 0; float wind_speed_per_second[60]; calculations values[60]; Bounce reed_contact = Bounce(pin, 10); }anemometer_1, anemometer_2, anemometer_3; // Define Function Prototypes that use User Types below here or use a .h file // // Define Functions below here or use other .ino or cpp files // void dateTime(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time, uint8_t* ms10) { // Return date using FS_DATE macro to format fields. *date = FS_DATE(year(), month(), day()); // Return time using FS_TIME macro to format fields. *time = FS_TIME(hour(), minute(), second()); // Return low time bits in units of 10 ms. *ms10 = second() & 1 ? 100 : 0; } void write_sd() { char file_name[50]; FsDateTime::setCallback(dateTime); sprintf(file_name, "Windmessmast-%d.%d.%d_%d:%d.txt", year(), month(), day(), hour(), minute()); sd.begin(SD_CONFIG); if (file.open(file_name, FILE_WRITE)) { Serial.println("Start SD schreiben"); file.println("Messdaten von Windmessmasst"); file.println(); file.println("Data logger : Teensy 4.2"); file.println(software_name); file.println(); file.println(""); } } void every_second() { anemometer_1.save_wind_speed(); anemometer_2.save_wind_speed(); anemometer_3.save_wind_speed(); last_second = second(); } void every_minute() { anemometer_1.calculate(); anemometer_2.calculate(); anemometer_3.calculate(); last_minute = minute(); } void every_hour() { last_hour = hour(); } // The setup() function runs once each time the micro-controller starts void setup() { //set input and output pinMode(Windfahne, INPUT); pinMode(Batterie_input, INPUT); pinMode(T_sensor_input, INPUT); pinMode(taster_manuell_speichern, INPUT); pinMode(LED_Write, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_Fail, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_Normal, OUTPUT); pinMode(LED_Batterie, OUTPUT); pinMode(power_Temp_sensor, OUTPUT); pinMode(power_Windfahne, OUTPUT); setSyncProvider((getExternalTime)Teensy3Clock.get()); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Teensy 4.1-Datalogger gestartet"); if (timeStatus() != timeSet) { Serial.println("Fehler bei Synchronisieren der Uhrzeit mit der RTC"); digitalWrite(LED_Fail, HIGH); return; } Serial.println("Uhrzeit erfolgreich mit der RTC synchronisiert"); if (!sd.begin(SD_CONFIG)) { digitalWrite(LED_Fail, HIGH); sd.initErrorHalt(&Serial); } anemometer_1.pin = 2; anemometer_2.pin = 9; anemometer_3.pin = 22; Serial.println("Messung startet"); last_second = second(); while (last_second == second()) {}; last_second = second(); last_minute = minute(); last_hour = hour(); } // Add the main program code into the continuous loop() function void loop() { anemometer_1.meassure(); anemometer_2.meassure(); anemometer_3.meassure(); if (second() != last_second) { if (minute() != last_minute) { if (hour() != last_hour) { every_hour(); } every_minute(); } every_second(); } }