178 lines
4.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

//using UnityEngine;
//using OpenCvSharp;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
//public class CannyTest : MonoBehaviour
// // Video parameters
// public MeshRenderer CameraRenderer;
// public MeshRenderer ProcessedImageRenderer;
// public Camera textureCamera;
// // Video size
// private const int imWidth = 1280; //TODO: Set width and height based on agent observation size
// private const int imHeight = 720;
// private int imFrameRate;
// // OpenCVSharp parameters
// private Mat videoSourceImage;
// private Mat cannyImage;
// private Texture2D processedTexture;
// private Vec3b[] videoSourceImageData;
// private byte[] cannyImageData;
// // Frame rate parameter
// private int updateFrameCount = 0;
// private int textureCount = 0;
// private int displayCount = 0;
// void Start()
// {
// // assign the camera texture to the meshrenderer
// CameraRenderer.material.mainTexture = textureCamera.targetTexture;
// // initialize video / image with given size
// videoSourceImage = new Mat(imHeight, imWidth, MatType.CV_8UC3);
// videoSourceImageData = new Vec3b[imHeight * imWidth];
// cannyImage = new Mat(imHeight, imWidth, MatType.CV_8UC1);
// cannyImageData = new byte[imHeight * imWidth];
// // create processed video texture as Texture2D object
// processedTexture = new Texture2D(imWidth, imHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true, true);
// // assign the processedTexture to the meshrenderer for display
// ProcessedImageRenderer.material.mainTexture = processedTexture;
// }
// void Update()
// {
// updateFrameCount++;
// if (textureCamera.targetTexture.didUpdateThisFrame)
// {
// textureCount++;
// // convert texture of original video to OpenCVSharp Mat object
// TextureToMat();
// // update the opencv window of source video
// UpdateWindow(videoSourceImage);
// // create the canny edge image out of source image
// ProcessImage(videoSourceImage);
// // convert the OpenCVSharp Mat of canny image to Texture2D
// // the texture will be displayed automatically
// MatToTexture();
// }
// }
// else
// {
// Debug.Log("Can't find camera!");
// }
// // output frame rate information
// if (updateFrameCount % 30 == 0)
// {
// Debug.Log("Frame count: " + updateFrameCount + ", Texture count: " + textureCount + ", Display count: " + displayCount);
// }
// }
// // Convert Unity Texture2D object to OpenCVSharp Mat object
// void TextureToMat()
// // Color32 array : r, g, b, a
// Color32[] c = _webcamTexture.GetPixels32();
// // Parallel for loop
// // convert Color32 object to Vec3b object
// // Vec3b is the representation of pixel for Mat
// Parallel.For(0, imHeight, i =>
// {
// for (var j = 0; j < imWidth; j++)
// {
// var col = c[j + i * imWidth];
// var vec3 = new Vec3b
// {
// Item0 = col.b,
// Item1 = col.g,
// Item2 = col.r
// };
// // set pixel to an array
// videoSourceImageData[j + i * imWidth] = vec3;
// }
// });
// // assign the Vec3b array to Mat
// videoSourceImage.SetArray(0, 0, videoSourceImageData);
//// Convert OpenCVSharp Mat object to Unity Texture2D object
//void MatToTexture()
// // cannyImageData is byte array, because canny image is grayscale
// cannyImage.GetArray(0, 0, cannyImageData);
// // create Color32 array that can be assigned to Texture2D directly
// Color32[] c = new Color32[imHeight * imWidth];
// // parallel for loop
// Parallel.For(0, imHeight, i =>
// {
// for (var j = 0; j < imWidth; j++)
// {
// byte vec = cannyImageData[j + i * imWidth];
// var color32 = new Color32
// {
// r = vec,
// g = vec,
// b = vec,
// a = 0
// };
// c[j + i * imWidth] = color32;
// }
// });
// processedTexture.SetPixels32(c);
// // to update the texture, OpenGL manner
// processedTexture.Apply();
//// Simple example of canny edge detect
//void ProcessImage(Mat _image)
// Cv2.Flip(_image, _image, FlipMode.X);
// Cv2.Canny(_image, cannyImage, 100, 100);
//// Display the original video in a opencv window
//void UpdateWindow(Mat _image)
// Cv2.Flip(_image, _image, FlipMode.X);
// Cv2.ImShow("Copy video", _image);
// displayCount++;
//// close the opencv window
//public void OnDestroy()
// Cv2.DestroyAllWindows();