using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public enum MovementState { Stop, Forward, Right, Left } [RequireComponent(typeof(CozmoMovement))] public class CozmoMovementController : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Current MovementState of the Robot. Change this to make the robot move.")] public MovementState currentMovementState = MovementState.Stop; private CozmoMovement movement; // Movement script of the robot // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { movement = GetComponent(); } private void FixedUpdate() { switch (currentMovementState) { case MovementState.Stop: movement.Move(0); break; case MovementState.Forward: movement.Move(1); break; case MovementState.Right: movement.Turn(1); break; case MovementState.Left: movement.Turn(-1); break; default: movement.Move(0); throw new ArgumentException("No real Movementstate was given. Default 'Stop' was chosen."); } } }