You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

trainer_config.yaml 456B

  1. default:
  2. trainer: ppo
  3. batch_size: 1024
  4. beta: 5.0e-3
  5. buffer_size: 10240
  6. epsilon: 0.2
  7. gamma: 0.99
  8. hidden_units: 128
  9. lambd: 0.95
  10. learning_rate: 3.0e-4
  11. max_steps: 5.0e4
  12. memory_size: 256
  13. normalize: false
  14. num_epoch: 3
  15. num_layers: 2
  16. time_horizon: 64
  17. sequence_length: 64
  18. summary_freq: 1000
  19. use_recurrent: false
  20. use_curiosity: false
  21. curiosity_strength: 0.01
  22. curiosity_enc_size: 128