@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ |
import openpyxl |
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill |
import pandas as pd |
def fill_cell(ws, cell, color): |
fill = PatternFill(start_color=color, end_color=color, fill_type='solid') |
cell.fill = fill |
def calculate_and_fill_deviation(ws, row, absolute_deviations): |
if absolute_deviations: |
average_deviation = sum(absolute_deviations) / len(absolute_deviations) |
deviation_cell = ws.cell(row=row[0].row, column=4) # Angenommen, die 'Abweichung'-Spalte ist Spalte D |
deviation_cell.value = average_deviation |
# Färbe die Zelle basierend auf der durchschnittlichen Abweichung |
if average_deviation < 5: |
fill_color = 'FF00FF00' # Grün |
elif 5 <= average_deviation < 10: |
fill_color = 'FFFFFF00' # Gelb |
else: |
fill_color = 'FFFF0000' # Rot |
fill_cell(ws, deviation_cell, fill_color) |
def color_cells_based_on_deviation(testruns_excel_file_path, testcases_excel_file_path): |
wb_testruns = openpyxl.load_workbook(testruns_excel_file_path) |
ws_testruns = wb_testruns.active |
df_testcases = pd.read_excel(testcases_excel_file_path) |
for row in ws_testruns.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_row=ws_testruns.max_row): |
deviations = [] |
absolute_deviations = [] |
for cell in row[4:]: |
header_cell_value = ws_testruns.cell(row=1, column=cell.column).value |
if header_cell_value and "Testcase" in header_cell_value: |
testcase_num = int(header_cell_value.split('_')[1]) |
expected_pulse_row = df_testcases[df_testcases['Testcase'] == testcase_num] |
if not expected_pulse_row.empty: |
expected_pulse = expected_pulse_row.iloc[0]['Puls'] |
actual_pulse = cell.value |
if actual_pulse is not None and expected_pulse is not None: |
relative_deviation = (actual_pulse - expected_pulse) / expected_pulse * 100 |
absolute_deviation = abs(relative_deviation) |
deviations.append(relative_deviation) |
absolute_deviations.append(absolute_deviation) |
if absolute_deviation < 5: |
fill_color = 'FF00FF00' # Grün |
elif 5 <= absolute_deviation < 10: |
fill_color = 'FFFFA500' if relative_deviation < 0 else 'FFFFFF00' # Orange für niedriger, Gelb für höher |
else: |
fill_color = 'FFC0CB' if relative_deviation < 0 else 'FFFF0000' # Rosa für niedriger, Rot für höher |
fill_cell(ws_testruns, cell, fill_color) |
calculate_and_fill_deviation(ws_testruns, row, absolute_deviations) |
wb_testruns.save(testruns_excel_file_path) |