#!/bin/bash ## Invoke from project root, e.g Documentation/doxygen.sh # Generate doxygen file for Raspberry Pi configure command echo -e "/**\n * @defgroup RaspberryPiGateway Raspberry Pi Gateway\n * @ingroup MyConfigGrp\n * @brief Configuration options for the Raspberry Pi Gateway\n@{\n@verbatim" > configure.h ./configure --help >> configure.h echo -e "@endverbatim\n@}*/\n" >> configure.h # Generate version information export PROJECTNUMBER=$(git fetch --tags; git describe --tags;) # Generate any UML diagrams in the code tree that has the proper tags export PLANTUML_JAR_PATH=Documentation/plantuml.jar java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar $PLANTUML_JAR_PATH -failfast2 -nbthread auto -o "$PWD/Documentation/img" "./**.(c|cpp|dox|h|hpp|ino)" # Launch Doxygen (assumed to be in the PATH) doxygen # Show any warnings created cat doxygen.log # Clean up autogenerated (temporary) artifacts rm configure.h