/* * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice. * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes. * * Created by Henrik Ekblad * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Sensnology AB * Full contributor list: https://github.com/mysensors/MySensors/graphs/contributors * * Documentation: http://www.mysensors.org * Support Forum: http://forum.mysensors.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ /** * @file Version.h * * @defgroup Versiongrp Version * @ingroup internals * @{ * * This file defines the MySensors library version number * Please adjust for new releases. * These helper macros generate a numerical and alphanumerical (see http://www.semver.org) representation of the library version number, i.e * * | SemVer | Numerical | Comments * |-------------|-------------|------------------ * | 2.1.0 | 0x020100FF | final * | 2.1.1-beta | 0x02010100 | first pre-release * | 2.1.1 | 0x020101FF | final * | 2.2.0-beta | 0x02020000 | first pre-release * | 2.2.0-rc.1 | 0x02020001 | * | 2.2.0-rc.2 | 0x02020002 | * | 2.2.0 | 0x020200FF | final */ #ifndef Version_h #define Version_h #define STR_HELPER(x) #x //!< Helper macro, STR_HELPER() #define STR(x) STR_HELPER(x) //!< Helper macro, STR() #define MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR 2 //!< Major release version #define MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR 3 //!< Minor release version #define MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH 1 //!< Patch version #define MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PRERELEASE "beta" //!< Pre-release suffix, i.e. alpha, beta, rc.1, etc #define MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PRERELEASE_NUMBER 0xFF //!< incremental counter, starting at 0x00. 0xFF for final release #if (MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PRERELEASE_NUMBER != 0xFF) #define MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION STR(MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR) "." STR(MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR) "." STR(MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH) "-" MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PRERELEASE //!< pre-release versioning #else #define MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION STR(MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR) "." STR(MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR) "." STR(MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH) //!< final release versioning #endif #define MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_INT ( ((uint32_t)MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR) << 24 | ((uint32_t)MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR) << 16 | ((uint32_t)MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH) << 8 | ((uint32_t)MYSENSORS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PRERELEASE_NUMBER) ) //!< numerical versioning #endif // Version_h /** @}*/