// Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Felix Rusu, LowPowerLab.com // SPI Flash memory library for arduino/moteino. // This works with 256byte/page SPI flash memory // For instance a 4MBit (512Kbyte) flash chip will have 2048 pages: 256*2048 = 524288 bytes (512Kbytes) // Minimal modifications should allow chips that have different page size but modifications // DEPENDS ON: Arduino SPI library // > Updated Jan. 5, 2015, TomWS1, modified writeBytes to allow blocks > 256 bytes and handle page misalignment. // > Updated Feb. 26, 2015 TomWS1, added support for SPI Transactions (Arduino 1.5.8 and above) // > Selective merge by Felix after testing in IDE 1.0.6, 1.6.4 // > Updated May 19, 2016 D-H-R, added support for SST25/Microchip Flash which does not support Page programming with OPCode 0x02, // > use define MY_SPIFLASH_SST25TYPE for SST25 Type Flash Memory // > Updated Sep 07, 2018 tekka, sync with https://github.com/LowPowerLab/SPIFlash // ********************************************************************************** // License // ********************************************************************************** // This program is free software; you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General // Public License as published by the Free Software // Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will // be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public // License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General // Public License along with this program. // If not, see . // // Licence can be viewed at // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt // // Please maintain this license information along with authorship // and copyright notices in any redistribution of this code #include "SPIFlash.h" uint8_t SPIFlash::UNIQUEID[8]; /// IMPORTANT: NAND FLASH memory requires erase before write, because /// it can only transition from 1s to 0s and only the erase command can reset all 0s to 1s /// See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_memory /// The smallest range that can be erased is a sector (4K, 32K, 64K); there is also a chip erase command /// Constructor. JedecID is optional but recommended, since this will ensure that the device is present and has a valid response /// get this from the datasheet of your flash chip /// Example for Atmel-Adesto 4Mbit AT25DF041A: 0x1F44 (page 27: http://www.adestotech.com/sites/default/files/datasheets/doc3668.pdf) /// Example for Winbond 4Mbit W25X40CL: 0xEF30 (page 14: http://www.winbond.com/NR/rdonlyres/6E25084C-0BFE-4B25-903D-AE10221A0929/0/W25X40CL.pdf) // Suppress uninitialized member variable in constructor because some memory can be saved with // on-demand initialization of these members // cppcheck-suppress uninitMemberVar SPIFlash::SPIFlash(uint8_t slaveSelectPin, uint16_t jedecID) { _slaveSelectPin = slaveSelectPin; _jedecID = jedecID; } /// Select the flash chip void SPIFlash::select() { //save current SPI settings #ifndef SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION noInterrupts(); #endif #if defined(SPCR) && defined(SPSR) _SPCR = SPCR; _SPSR = SPSR; #endif #ifdef SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION SPI.beginTransaction(_settings); #else // set FLASH SPI settings SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); SPI.setClockDivider( SPI_CLOCK_DIV4); //decided to slow down from DIV2 after SPI stalling in some instances, especially visible on mega1284p when RFM69 and FLASH chip both present #endif hwDigitalWrite(_slaveSelectPin, LOW); } /// UNselect the flash chip void SPIFlash::unselect() { hwDigitalWrite(_slaveSelectPin, HIGH); //restore SPI settings to what they were before talking to the FLASH chip #ifdef SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION SPI.endTransaction(); #else interrupts(); #endif #if defined(SPCR) && defined(SPSR) SPCR = _SPCR; SPSR = _SPSR; #endif } /// setup SPI, read device ID etc... bool SPIFlash::initialize() { #if defined(SPCR) && defined(SPSR) _SPCR = SPCR; _SPSR = SPSR; #endif hwPinMode(_slaveSelectPin, OUTPUT); SPI.begin(); // see https://github.com/LowPowerLab/SPIFlash/issues/20 #ifdef SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION _settings = SPISettings(4000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0); #endif unselect(); wakeup(); if (_jedecID == 0 || readDeviceId() == _jedecID) { command(SPIFLASH_STATUSWRITE, true); // Write Status Register SPI.transfer(0); // Global Unprotect unselect(); return true; } return false; } /// Get the manufacturer and device ID bytes (as a short word) uint16_t SPIFlash::readDeviceId() { #if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) // Arduino Leonardo, MoteinoLeo command(SPIFLASH_IDREAD); // Read JEDEC ID #else select(); SPI.transfer(SPIFLASH_IDREAD); #endif uint16_t jedecid = SPI.transfer(0) << 8; jedecid |= SPI.transfer(0); unselect(); return jedecid; } /// Get the 64 bit unique identifier, stores it in UNIQUEID[8]. Only needs to be called once, ie after initialize /// Returns the byte pointer to the UNIQUEID byte array /// Read UNIQUEID like this: /// flash.readUniqueId(); for (uint8_t i=0;i<8;i++) { Serial.print(flash.UNIQUEID[i], HEX); Serial.print(' '); } /// or like this: /// flash.readUniqueId(); uint8_t* MAC = flash.readUniqueId(); for (uint8_t i=0;i<8;i++) { Serial.print(MAC[i], HEX); Serial.print(' '); } uint8_t* SPIFlash::readUniqueId() { command(SPIFLASH_MACREAD); SPI.transfer(0); SPI.transfer(0); SPI.transfer(0); SPI.transfer(0); for (uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) { UNIQUEID[i] = SPI.transfer(0); } unselect(); return UNIQUEID; } /// read 1 byte from flash memory uint8_t SPIFlash::readByte(uint32_t addr) { command(SPIFLASH_ARRAYREADLOWFREQ); SPI.transfer(addr >> 16); SPI.transfer(addr >> 8); SPI.transfer(addr); uint8_t result = SPI.transfer(0); unselect(); return result; } /// read unlimited # of bytes void SPIFlash::readBytes(uint32_t addr, void* buf, uint16_t len) { command(SPIFLASH_ARRAYREAD); SPI.transfer(addr >> 16); SPI.transfer(addr >> 8); SPI.transfer(addr); SPI.transfer(0); //"dont care" for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ((uint8_t*) buf)[i] = SPI.transfer(0); } unselect(); } /// Send a command to the flash chip, pass TRUE for isWrite when its a write command void SPIFlash::command(uint8_t cmd, bool isWrite) { #if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) // Arduino Leonardo, MoteinoLeo DDRB |= B00000001; // Make sure the SS pin (PB0 - used by RFM12B on MoteinoLeo R1) is set as output HIGH! PORTB |= B00000001; #endif if (isWrite) { command(SPIFLASH_WRITEENABLE); // Write Enable unselect(); } //wait for any write/erase to complete // a time limit cannot really be added here without it being a very large safe limit // that is because some chips can take several seconds to carry out a chip erase or other similar multi block or entire-chip operations // a recommended alternative to such situations where chip can be or not be present is to add a 10k or similar weak pulldown on the // open drain MISO input which can read noise/static and hence return a non 0 status byte, causing the while() to hang when a flash chip is not present while(busy()); select(); SPI.transfer(cmd); } /// check if the chip is busy erasing/writing bool SPIFlash::busy() { /* select(); SPI.transfer(SPIFLASH_STATUSREAD); uint8_t status = SPI.transfer(0); unselect(); return status & 1; */ return readStatus() & 1; } /// return the STATUS register uint8_t SPIFlash::readStatus() { select(); SPI.transfer(SPIFLASH_STATUSREAD); uint8_t status = SPI.transfer(0); unselect(); return status; } /// Write 1 byte to flash memory /// WARNING: you can only write to previously erased memory locations (see datasheet) /// use the block erase commands to first clear memory (write 0xFFs) void SPIFlash::writeByte(uint32_t addr, uint8_t byt) { command(SPIFLASH_BYTEPAGEPROGRAM, true); // Byte/Page Program SPI.transfer(addr >> 16); SPI.transfer(addr >> 8); SPI.transfer(addr); SPI.transfer(byt); unselect(); } /// write multiple bytes to flash memory (up to 64K) /// WARNING: you can only write to previously erased memory locations (see datasheet) /// use the block erase commands to first clear memory (write 0xFFs) /// This version handles both page alignment and data blocks larger than 256 bytes. /// See documentation of #MY_SPIFLASH_SST25TYPE define for more information void SPIFlash::writeBytes(uint32_t addr, const void* buf, uint16_t len) { #ifdef MY_SPIFLASH_SST25TYPE //SST25 Type of Flash does not support Page Programming but AAI Word Programming uint16_t i=0; uint8_t oddAdr=0; command(SPIFLASH_AAIWORDPROGRAM, true); // Byte/Page Program SPI.transfer(addr >> 16); SPI.transfer(addr >> 8); SPI.transfer(addr); if (addr%2) { //start address is not even, i.e. first byte of word must be 0xff SPI.transfer(0xff); SPI.transfer(((uint8_t*) buf)[0]); unselect(); oddAdr=1; //following addresses must all be shifted one off len--; if (len > 0) { command(SPIFLASH_AAIWORDPROGRAM); //If for loop will run issue Wordprogram command } } for (i=0; i<(len/2); i++) { //AAI command must be set before every new word if (i>0) { command(SPIFLASH_AAIWORDPROGRAM); //Wordprogram command for first write has been issued before } SPI.transfer(((uint8_t*) buf)[i*2+oddAdr]); SPI.transfer(((uint8_t*) buf)[i*2+1+oddAdr]); unselect(); } if (len-i*2 == 1) { //There is one byte (i.e. half word) left. This happens if len was odd or (len was even and addr odd) if (i>0) { command(SPIFLASH_AAIWORDPROGRAM); //if for loop had not run wordprogram command from before is still valid } SPI.transfer(((uint8_t*) buf)[i*2+oddAdr]); SPI.transfer(0xff); unselect(); } command(SPIFLASH_WRITEDISABLE); //end AAI programming unselect(); #else uint16_t maxBytes = 256-(addr%256); // force the first set of bytes to stay within the first page uint16_t offset = 0; while (len>0) { uint16_t n = (len<=maxBytes) ? len : maxBytes; command(SPIFLASH_BYTEPAGEPROGRAM, true); // Byte/Page Program SPI.transfer(addr >> 16); SPI.transfer(addr >> 8); SPI.transfer(addr); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { SPI.transfer(((uint8_t*) buf)[offset + i]); } unselect(); addr+=n; // adjust the addresses and remaining bytes by what we've just transferred. offset +=n; len -= n; maxBytes = 256; // now we can do up to 256 bytes per loop } #endif } /// erase entire flash memory array /// may take several seconds depending on size, but is non blocking /// so you may wait for this to complete using busy() or continue doing /// other things and later check if the chip is done with busy() /// note that any command will first wait for chip to become available using busy() /// so no need to do that twice void SPIFlash::chipErase() { command(SPIFLASH_CHIPERASE, true); unselect(); } /// erase a 4Kbyte block void SPIFlash::blockErase4K(uint32_t addr) { command(SPIFLASH_BLOCKERASE_4K, true); // Block Erase SPI.transfer(addr >> 16); SPI.transfer(addr >> 8); SPI.transfer(addr); unselect(); } /// erase a 32Kbyte block void SPIFlash::blockErase32K(uint32_t addr) { command(SPIFLASH_BLOCKERASE_32K, true); // Block Erase SPI.transfer(addr >> 16); SPI.transfer(addr >> 8); SPI.transfer(addr); unselect(); } /// erase a 64Kbyte block void SPIFlash::blockErase64K(uint32_t addr) { command(SPIFLASH_BLOCKERASE_64K, true); // Block Erase SPI.transfer(addr >> 16); SPI.transfer(addr >> 8); SPI.transfer(addr); unselect(); } void SPIFlash::sleep() { command(SPIFLASH_SLEEP); unselect(); } void SPIFlash::wakeup() { command(SPIFLASH_WAKE); unselect(); } /// cleanup void SPIFlash::end() { SPI.end(); }