Smart-Home am Beispiel der Präsenzerkennung im Raum Projektarbeit Lennart Heimbs, Johannes Krug, Sebastian Dohle und Kevin Holzschuh bei Prof. Oliver Hofmann SS2019
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final_structure.tex 2.6KB

  1. % Tikz File final_structure.tex
  2. \documentclass{standalone}
  3. \usepackage{tikz, graphicx}
  4. \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing, calc, positioning}
  5. \begin{document}
  6. \begin{tikzpicture}
  7. %\draw[gray,very thin] (-3,-3) grid (12,12);
  8. % Frame
  9. \coordinate (frame) at (3,1);
  10. \filldraw[color=gray!10, fill=gray!10] (frame) rectangle +(4,8.0);
  11. \node (text_rpi) at (5,8.5) {\huge Raspberry Pi};
  12. %node-red-dashboard
  13. \coordinate (nrd) at (3.25,7.1);
  14. \filldraw[color=red, fill=red] (nrd) rectangle +(3.5,0.8);
  15. \node (text-nrd) at (5,7.5) {Node-Red-dashboard};
  16. %node-red
  17. \coordinate (nr) at (3.25,6.1);
  18. \filldraw[color=red, fill=red] (nr) rectangle +(3.5,0.8);
  19. \node (text-nr) at (5,6.5) {Node-Red};
  20. %mosquitto
  21. \coordinate (mq) at (3.25,4.6);
  22. \filldraw[color=yellow, fill=yellow] (mq) rectangle +(3.5,0.8);
  23. \node (text-mq) at (5,5) {Mosquitto};
  24. %homegear
  25. \coordinate (hg) at (3.25,2.1);
  26. \filldraw[color=cyan!50, fill=cyan!50] (hg) rectangle +(3.5/2-0.25,1.8);
  27. \node (text-hg) at (4,3) {Homegear};
  28. %pivccu
  29. \coordinate (pi) at (5.25,2.1);
  30. \filldraw[color=cyan!50, fill=cyan!50] (pi) rectangle +(3.5/2-0.25,1.8);
  31. \node (text-pi) at (6,3) {piVCCU};
  32. %ss-dashboard
  33. \coordinate (ss-nrd) at (9.8,8-0.5);
  34. \node[inner sep=0pt] (img-ss-nrd) at (ss-nrd)
  35. {\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{images/ss_dashboard.jpg}};
  36. %ss-nodered
  37. \coordinate (ss-nr) at (0.5,7);
  38. \node[inner sep=0pt] (img-ss-nr) at (ss-nr)
  39. {\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{images/ss_nodered.jpg}};
  40. %ss-homematic
  41. \coordinate (ss-hm) at (9.8,3);
  42. \node[inner sep=0pt] (img-ss-hm) at (ss-hm)
  43. {\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{images/ss_homematic.jpg}};
  44. %esp
  45. \coordinate (esp-c) at (0.5,3);
  46. \node[inner sep=0pt] (esp) at (esp-c)
  47. {\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{images/esp8266.png}};
  48. % arrows
  49. \draw[black,thick,<->] (text-nrd) -- (text-nr);
  50. \draw[black,thick,<->] (text-nr) -- (text-mq);
  51. \draw[black,thick,<->] (text-mq) -- (text-hg);
  52. \draw[black,thick,<->] (text-mq) -- (text-pi);
  53. \draw[black,thick,->] (esp.12) -- (text-mq.west) node[thick,midway,rotate=36,yshift=2mm,xshift=-1mm]{smarthome-Wifi};
  54. \draw[black,thick,->] (img-ss-hm) -- (text-pi.east) node[thick,midway,yshift=2mm,xshift=1mm]{Eduroam};
  55. \draw[black,thick,->] (img-ss-nr.-22) -- (text-nr.west) node[thick,midway,yshift=2mm,xshift=-5mm]{Eduroam};
  56. \draw[black,thick,->] (img-ss-nrd) -- (text-nrd.east) node[thick,midway,yshift=2mm,xshift=1mm]{Eduroam};
  57. \end{tikzpicture}
  58. \end{document}