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.gitignore 971B

5 years ago
  1. ###########################
  2. # ignore generated binaries
  3. # but not the data folder
  4. ###########################
  5. /bin/*
  6. !/bin/data/
  7. #########
  8. # general
  9. #########
  10. [Bb]uild/
  11. [Oo]bj/
  12. *.o
  13. [Dd]ebug*/
  14. [Rr]elease*/
  15. *.mode*
  16. *.app/
  17. *.pyc
  18. .svn/
  19. *.log
  20. ########################
  21. # IDE files which should
  22. # be ignored
  23. ########################
  24. # XCode
  25. *.pbxuser
  26. *.plist
  27. *.DS_Store
  28. *.Makefile
  29. Project.xcconfig
  30. *.make
  31. /makefile
  32. *.xcodeproj
  33. *.perspective
  34. *.perspectivev3
  35. *.mode1v3
  36. *.mode2v3
  37. # XCode 4
  38. xcuserdata
  39. *.xcworkspace
  40. # Code::Blocks
  41. *.depend
  42. *.layout
  43. # Visual Studio
  44. *.sdf
  45. *.opensdf
  46. *.suo
  47. *.pdb
  48. *.ilk
  49. *.aps
  50. *.make
  51. *.sln
  52. *.vcxproj
  53. *.filters
  54. *.rc
  55. ipch/
  56. # Eclipse
  57. .metadata
  59. .externalToolBuilders
  60. ##################
  61. # operating system
  62. ##################
  63. # Linux
  64. *~
  65. # KDE
  66. .directory
  67. .AppleDouble
  68. # OSX
  69. .DS_Store
  70. *.swp
  71. *~.nib
  72. # Thumbnails
  73. ._*
  74. # Windows
  75. # Image file caches
  76. Thumbs.db
  77. # Folder config file
  78. Desktop.ini
  79. # Android
  80. .csettings
  81. /.vs/Projekt_FORUM/v15