306 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
// Styles
import '../../../src/stylus/components/_autocompletes.styl';
// Extensions
import VSelect, { defaultMenuProps as VSelectMenuProps } from '../VSelect/VSelect';
import VTextField from '../VTextField/VTextField';
// Utils
import { keyCodes } from '../../util/helpers';
var defaultMenuProps = _extends({}, VSelectMenuProps, {
offsetY: true,
offsetOverflow: true,
transition: false
/* @vue/component */
export default VSelect.extend({
name: 'v-autocomplete',
props: {
allowOverflow: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
browserAutocomplete: {
type: String,
default: 'off'
filter: {
type: Function,
default: function _default(item, queryText, itemText) {
return itemText.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(queryText.toLocaleLowerCase()) > -1;
hideNoData: Boolean,
noFilter: Boolean,
searchInput: {
default: undefined
menuProps: {
type: VSelect.options.props.menuProps.type,
default: function _default() {
return defaultMenuProps;
autoSelectFirst: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data: function data(vm) {
return {
attrsInput: null,
lazySearch: vm.searchInput
computed: {
classes: function classes() {
return Object.assign({}, VSelect.options.computed.classes.call(this), {
'v-autocomplete': true,
'v-autocomplete--is-selecting-index': this.selectedIndex > -1
computedItems: function computedItems() {
return this.filteredItems;
selectedValues: function selectedValues() {
var _this = this;
return this.selectedItems.map(function (item) {
return _this.getValue(item);
hasDisplayedItems: function hasDisplayedItems() {
var _this2 = this;
return this.hideSelected ? this.filteredItems.some(function (item) {
return !_this2.hasItem(item);
}) : this.filteredItems.length > 0;
* The range of the current input text
* @return {Number}
currentRange: function currentRange() {
if (this.selectedItem == null) return 0;
return this.getText(this.selectedItem).toString().length;
filteredItems: function filteredItems() {
var _this3 = this;
if (!this.isSearching || this.noFilter || this.internalSearch == null) return this.allItems;
return this.allItems.filter(function (item) {
return _this3.filter(item, _this3.internalSearch.toString(), _this3.getText(item).toString());
internalSearch: {
get: function get() {
return this.lazySearch;
set: function set(val) {
this.lazySearch = val;
this.$emit('update:searchInput', val);
isAnyValueAllowed: function isAnyValueAllowed() {
return false;
isDirty: function isDirty() {
return this.searchIsDirty || this.selectedItems.length > 0;
isSearching: function isSearching() {
if (this.multiple) return this.searchIsDirty;
return this.searchIsDirty && this.internalSearch !== this.getText(this.selectedItem);
menuCanShow: function menuCanShow() {
if (!this.isFocused) return false;
return this.hasDisplayedItems || !this.hideNoData;
$_menuProps: function $_menuProps() {
var props = VSelect.options.computed.$_menuProps.call(this);
props.contentClass = ('v-autocomplete__content ' + (props.contentClass || '')).trim();
return _extends({}, defaultMenuProps, props);
searchIsDirty: function searchIsDirty() {
return this.internalSearch != null && this.internalSearch !== '';
selectedItem: function selectedItem() {
var _this4 = this;
if (this.multiple) return null;
return this.selectedItems.find(function (i) {
return _this4.valueComparator(_this4.getValue(i), _this4.getValue(_this4.internalValue));
listData: function listData() {
var data = VSelect.options.computed.listData.call(this);
Object.assign(data.props, {
items: this.virtualizedItems,
noFilter: this.noFilter || !this.isSearching || !this.filteredItems.length,
searchInput: this.internalSearch
return data;
watch: {
filteredItems: function filteredItems(val) {
internalValue: function internalValue() {
isFocused: function isFocused(val) {
if (val) {
this.$refs.input && this.$refs.input.select();
} else {
isMenuActive: function isMenuActive(val) {
if (val || !this.hasSlot) return;
this.lazySearch = null;
items: function items(val, oldVal) {
// If we are focused, the menu
// is not active, hide no data is enabled,
// and items change
// User is probably async loading
// items, try to activate the menu
if (!(oldVal && oldVal.length) && this.hideNoData && this.isFocused && !this.isMenuActive && val.length) this.activateMenu();
searchInput: function searchInput(val) {
this.lazySearch = val;
internalSearch: function internalSearch(val) {
itemText: function itemText() {
created: function created() {
methods: {
onFilteredItemsChanged: function onFilteredItemsChanged(val) {
var _this5 = this;
this.$nextTick(function () {
_this5.setMenuIndex(val.length > 0 && (val.length === 1 || _this5.autoSelectFirst) ? 0 : -1);
onInternalSearchChanged: function onInternalSearchChanged(val) {
updateMenuDimensions: function updateMenuDimensions() {
if (this.isMenuActive && this.$refs.menu) {
changeSelectedIndex: function changeSelectedIndex(keyCode) {
// Do not allow changing of selectedIndex
// when search is dirty
if (this.searchIsDirty) return;
if (![keyCodes.backspace, keyCodes.left, keyCodes.right, keyCodes.delete].includes(keyCode)) return;
var indexes = this.selectedItems.length - 1;
if (keyCode === keyCodes.left) {
this.selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex === -1 ? indexes : this.selectedIndex - 1;
} else if (keyCode === keyCodes.right) {
this.selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex >= indexes ? -1 : this.selectedIndex + 1;
} else if (this.selectedIndex === -1) {
this.selectedIndex = indexes;
var currentItem = this.selectedItems[this.selectedIndex];
if ([keyCodes.backspace, keyCodes.delete].includes(keyCode) && !this.getDisabled(currentItem)) {
var newIndex = this.selectedIndex === indexes ? this.selectedIndex - 1 : this.selectedItems[this.selectedIndex + 1] ? this.selectedIndex : -1;
if (newIndex === -1) {
this.setValue(this.multiple ? [] : undefined);
} else {
this.selectedIndex = newIndex;
clearableCallback: function clearableCallback() {
this.internalSearch = undefined;
genInput: function genInput() {
var input = VTextField.options.methods.genInput.call(this);
input.data.attrs.role = 'combobox';
input.data.domProps.value = this.internalSearch;
return input;
genSelections: function genSelections() {
return this.hasSlot || this.multiple ? VSelect.options.methods.genSelections.call(this) : [];
onClick: function onClick() {
if (this.isDisabled) return;
this.selectedIndex > -1 ? this.selectedIndex = -1 : this.onFocus();
onEnterDown: function onEnterDown() {
// Avoid invoking this method
// will cause updateSelf to
// be called emptying search
onInput: function onInput(e) {
if (this.selectedIndex > -1) return;
// If typing and menu is not currently active
if (e.target.value) {
if (!this.isAnyValueAllowed) this.setMenuIndex(0);
this.mask && this.resetSelections(e.target);
this.internalSearch = e.target.value;
this.badInput = e.target.validity && e.target.validity.badInput;
onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) {
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
VSelect.options.methods.onKeyDown.call(this, e);
// The ordering is important here
// allows new value to be updated
// and then moves the index to the
// proper location
onTabDown: function onTabDown(e) {
VSelect.options.methods.onTabDown.call(this, e);
setSelectedItems: function setSelectedItems() {
// #4273 Don't replace if searching
// #4403 Don't replace if focused
if (!this.isFocused) this.setSearch();
setSearch: function setSearch() {
var _this6 = this;
// Wait for nextTick so selectedItem
// has had time to update
this.$nextTick(function () {
_this6.internalSearch = _this6.multiple && _this6.internalSearch && _this6.isMenuActive ? _this6.internalSearch : !_this6.selectedItems.length || _this6.multiple || _this6.hasSlot ? null : _this6.getText(_this6.selectedItem);
updateSelf: function updateSelf() {
updateAutocomplete: function updateAutocomplete() {
if (!this.searchIsDirty && !this.internalValue) return;
if (!this.valueComparator(this.internalSearch, this.getValue(this.internalValue))) {
hasItem: function hasItem(item) {
return this.selectedValues.indexOf(this.getValue(item)) > -1;
//# sourceMappingURL=VAutocomplete.js.map