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  1. # Acorn-JSX
  2. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/RReverser/acorn-jsx.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/RReverser/acorn-jsx)
  3. [![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/acorn-jsx.svg)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/acorn-jsx)
  4. This is plugin for [Acorn](http://marijnhaverbeke.nl/acorn/) - a tiny, fast JavaScript parser, written completely in JavaScript.
  5. It was created as an experimental alternative, faster [React.js JSX](http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/jsx-in-depth.html) parser.
  6. According to [benchmarks](https://github.com/RReverser/acorn-jsx/blob/master/test/bench.html), Acorn-JSX is 2x faster than official [Esprima-based parser](https://github.com/facebook/esprima) when location tracking is turned on in both (call it "source maps enabled mode"). At the same time, it consumes all the ES6+JSX syntax that can be consumed by Esprima-FB (this is proved by [official tests](https://github.com/RReverser/acorn-jsx/blob/master/test/tests-jsx.js)).
  7. **UPDATE [14-Apr-2015]**: Facebook implementation started [deprecation process](https://github.com/facebook/esprima/issues/111) in favor of Acorn + Acorn-JSX + Babel for parsing and transpiling JSX syntax.
  8. ## Transpiler
  9. Please note that this tool only parses source code to JSX AST, which is useful for various language tools and services. If you want to transpile your code to regular ES5-compliant JavaScript with source map, check out the [babel transpiler](https://babeljs.io/) which uses `acorn-jsx` under the hood.
  10. ## Usage
  11. Requiring this module provides you with an Acorn plugin that you can use like this:
  12. ```javascript
  13. var acorn = require("acorn");
  14. var jsx = require("acorn-jsx");
  15. acorn.Parser.extend(jsx()).parse("my(<jsx/>, 'code');");
  16. ```
  17. Note that official spec doesn't support mix of XML namespaces and object-style access in tag names (#27) like in `<namespace:Object.Property />`, so it was deprecated in `acorn-jsx@3.0`. If you still want to opt-in to support of such constructions, you can pass the following option:
  18. ```javascript
  19. acorn.Parser.extend(jsx({ allowNamespacedObjects: true }))
  20. ```
  21. Also, since most apps use pure React transformer, a new option was introduced that allows to prohibit namespaces completely:
  22. ```javascript
  23. acorn.Parser.extend(jsx({ allowNamespaces: false }))
  24. ```
  25. Note that by default `allowNamespaces` is enabled for spec compliancy.
  26. ## License
  27. This plugin is issued under the [MIT license](./LICENSE).